Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Frank Yan – Prayer and Support for Hurricane Sandy Victims

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Related Article:  Frank Yan on Offering PrayerPope Benedict XVI has launched an appeal for prayer and concrete acts of solidarity for the people of the East Coast of the United States struggling in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. Following his weekly catechesis, in his greetings to English speaking pilgrims at the Wednesday General Audience, he [...]

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Frank Yan – Egregious Bank Fees

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Frank Yan Sacramento:  Posts an Article From:  CNBC Worst Fees Charged by Big BanksBy:  Paul O’Donnell Bankers say they don’t want to charge you fees when you bring your business to them. They’d certainly rather have a real relationship—giving you a checking account, for instance. Still, moneymakers also would like to manage your mortgage, credit-card [...]

Frank Yan – Disney to Buy Lucasfilm for $4 Billion

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Frank Yan of Sacramento posts an Article from CNNMoney – Disney to Buy Lucasfilm for $4 BillionBy Stacy Cowley NEW YORK (CNNMoney) — The Walt Disney Company agreed Tuesday to buy Lucasfilm in a stock-and-cash deal valued at $4 billion.The deal will make Lucasfilm owner George Lucas a significant shareholder in Disney, which will pay for [...]

Monday, October 29, 2012

Frank Yan on Your Productivity Can Improve by Proper Breathing

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Related Article:  Frank Yan on The Secret of Silence When Frank Yan is working at his Alldata office in his Sacramento area, he often get so absorbed in his projects that he forgets about his breathing. When this happens, particularly when he’s under stress, Frank can lapse into restricted breathing, inhaling in short gasps of [...]

Frank Yan – Market Update

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Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a Market Update from Prime LendingRelated Article: Frank Yan – Market Update INFO THAT HITS US WHERE WE LIVE… The rest of the economy may be barely moving forward, but there’s clearly some action in the housing market. New single-family home sales were up 5.7% for September and up 27.1% [...]

Frank Yan on Heal the Emotional Wound and Pain

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Related Article:  Frank Yan on Heal the Emotional Wound and Pain Sacramento resident, Frank Yan knows that everyone in Sacramento has tried to put some water on a fresh wound to assume it would help. This stunt by applying water certainly has increased the pain. Water, which cannot harm you if you were never injured, [...]

Frank Yan – His Prayer for Everyone

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Related Article:  Frank Yan – The Blessing Frank Yan of Sacramento had it on my heart today to pray for blessings and abundance for everyone in Sacramento and it’s surrounding area. The power of prayer is so amazing and Frank knows that through prayer we can get closer to our God and really receive His [...]

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Frank Yan on Unconventionism and it’s Unitity

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Frank Yan was at the Sacramento downtown library one day researching in and a thought came to his mind. What does the word unconventional mean? Is it something you think you shouldn’t be? It may be one of those words, like “unreasonable,” that sounds bad until you really examine what it really means. Frank used [...]

Frank Yan on A Weekend at Thunder Valley Casino Hotel and Resort

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Related Article:  Frank Yan on The Love of Room Service Sacramento local Frank Yan loves to enjoy his weekends. The weekends gives Frank the perfect chance to relax and to forget all about his daily problems. If you are looking for a local (not to far from Sacramento) getaway, Frank suggests that one of the [...]

Frank Yan on First Time Home Buyer Advice

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Related Articles:  Frank Yan on Renting Vs Owning Our Sacramento real estate market has made it possible for a lot people to take that first step into buying a home. But there are so many things a prospective home owner needs to know prior to taking those beginning steps. Before you start shopping for a [...]

Frank Yan on God Gives When Speak with Him

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Related Article:  Frank Yan on God Listens to What Your Heart Says  If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.  James 1:5 (NIV) This verse speaks volumes to Frank Yan who is a member of Capital Christian Church [...]

Friday, October 26, 2012

Frank Yan on The Flu Season

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Same Article: Frank Yan on The Flu Season The leaves are changing here in Sacramento as we are getting closer to the winter season. Frank Yan of Sacramento says, it’s a sign that flu season is around the corner and that we should get vaccinated now to avoid missing school or work. What comes right [...]

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Frank Yan on Planning is Good, Doing is Better

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Related Article:  Frank Yan on Most Important Task of the Day Sacramento resident, Frank Yan adopted a personal system on how he get things done in hopes of spurring others along to developing their own process.Good IntentionsFrank says, we all have them instilled. However, for many of us here in Sacramento, our intentions never become [...]

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Frank Yan – Market Update

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Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a Market Update from Prime LendingRelated Article: Frank Yan – Market Update MARKET UPDATE – FOMC Meeting today went as anticipated. The Fed echoed what seemed almost identical to their original statement back in September. They are continuing to commit 40 billion in MBS purchases per month with no end [...]

Frank Yan on The Best Time to Sell Your Property

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Related Article:  Frank Yan on Renting vs Owning For many years in Sacramento, Frank Yan has seen that There are a few periods during a year when it is the best time to sell a house and a few of periods when it is definitely not the best idea. Frank Yan will share what to [...]

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Frank Yan on Being Prepared for This Rainy Season

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During the last few days in Sacramento, the weather has been pretty dreary as the temperature has dropped along with the light rain fall. While local Sacramento business man Frank Yan was driving to his Alldata office, he realized that it was time to conduct a winter check up for his vehicle. Frank will be [...]

Frank Yan – Market Update

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Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a Market Update from Prime LendingRelated Article:   Frank Yan – Market Update MARKET UDATE – The economic news out in the past 24 hours has been downbeat for the most part, including weak earnings reports in the U.S., Asia, and Europe. Several key European companies reported disappointing earnings overnight which [...]

Frank Yan – Devotional

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Devontional: Related Articles:  Frank Yan – Sunday Devotional & Frank Yan Good Company What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ. Phil 3:8 Spiritual knowledge of Christ [...]

Frank Yan – Market Update

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Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a Market Update from Prime LendingRelated Article: Frank Yan – Market Update This will be an important week of economic data with key corporate earnings reports, an FOMC meeting, and the first read on Q3 GDP. The FOMC meeting and announcement (Wednesday) will likely be less of a news-maker than [...]

Frank Yan on Benefits of Coconut Water

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Related Article:  Frank Yan on Preserving Your Vision Sacramento local Frank Yan is huge on his health.  Not only Frank Yan works out at his local gym in Sacramento, Frank has consulted with a his health nutritionist in Sacramento to help Frank Yan obtain a healthy diet.  His nutritionist suggested that Frank should also incorporate [...]

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Frank Yan on Cancelled Flight on a Frequent Flyer Ticket

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Related Article:  Frank Yan on A First Class Fiasco Before Frank Yan drive to the Sacramento International Airport, he received an automated telephone notification from American Airlines that his flight from Sacramento to Dallas Fort Worth would be delayed an hour. When Frank finally arrived at Sacramento International at the gate the equipment wasn’t there [...]

Frank Yan on Thinking it all Falls Down

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Related Articles:  Frank Yan on God is Never Wrong and Frank Yan on When God Touches Everyone It seems that every time Frank Yan has something bad happen in his life Frank questions the God and His incredible love for him. Frank will ask. “Why would you do this to me?” And “How could this possibly [...]

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Frank Yan on Effective Time Management

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Related Article:  Frank Yan on Most Importnat Task of the Day Sacramento business man, Frank Yan says, 24 hours in a day isn’t just enough. And 8 hours for work just barely covers the follow up’s, emails, paperwork, client calls, voice mail messages, etc. Any of this sound familiar? Other salesmen constantly tell Frank at [...]

Frank Yan – Market Update

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Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a Market Update from Prime LendingRelated Article:  Frank Yan – Market Update MARKET UPDATE- Existing Home Sales fell 1.7%, spot on our market forecast. Bright spots within the report were an 11% increase in median prices ($183,900.), lowest inventory level since 2006, and what we believe to be the bottom [...]

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Frank Yan on Complacency or it will Never Work

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Related Article:  Frank Yan on What’s Holding You Back From Taking Action Frank Yan had an interesting conversation with a group of people here in his hometown of Sacramento about the opportunity for individuals to make a difference within his Sacramento community. Frank was quite surprised to hear from a few of them that they [...]

Frank Yan on Shyness to Strength

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Related Article:  Frank Yan on How to Cope with Criticism Just like the majority things, shyness can be very normal and even helpful in small doses. It can even be quite an endearing trait, but shyness can also be very debilitating. However with many things and little refocusing can defiantly turn things around. If shyness [...]

Frank Yan on Fear Not!

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Related Article:  Frank Yan on When God Touches Everyone Two words of encouragement that Frank Yan uses. Fear Not! These two words were given to Frank Yan in a sermon at his Capital Christian Church in Sacramento a few months ago and Frank just wanted to share them with everyone. Take hold of the statement [...]

FrankYan – Market Update

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Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a Market Update from Prime LendingRelated Article: Frank Yan – Market UpdateMARKET UPDATE-We received two strong housing reports this morning. Housing starts jumped 15% in September to an annualized rate of 872k, the best pace of growth since July 2008. Single family starts grew 11% while multi-family starts jumped 25%. [...]

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Frank Yan on Allowing People to Help You

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Related Article:  Frank Yan on What Advice Would You Give a Friend? Sacramento businessman, Frank Yan recalls the often time he has tried to change something, only to give it up a few weeks later. Frank knew his list of failed changes in the past and present were pretty long. Frank has had great intentions, [...]

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Frank Yan – Market Update

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Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a Market Update from Prime Lending Related Article:  Frank Yan – Market Update MARKET UPDATE – Retail Sales for the month of September rose 1.1%, which was better than the expected 0.8% gain. Some of these gains came from higher gasoline prices with gas station sales 2.5% higher on the [...]


Frank Yan on Can’t Buy an Inflight Meal

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Related Article:  Frank Yan on Being Treated Less Than Packaged Cargo  In early 2011, Frank Yan flew from Sacramento to Charlotte, NC on US Airways. Since the flight was over 5 hours, Frank decided it would make sense to purchase an inflight meal. Frank Yan was seated in the mid aft of the aircraft in [...]


Monday, October 15, 2012

Frank Yan on Monologue Versus Dialogue

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Related Article:  Frank Yan on The Lousest Voice Wins Frank Yan of Sacramento has had many of opportunities for some really serious dialogue today. It seems Frank went from one meaningful conversation to another and learned something from each encounter. How often can we really say that from the monologues we sometimes find ourselves really “engaged” [...]


Frank Yan on Listen to What Your Body Telling You

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Related Article:  Frank Yan on Exercising Every DayFew months back at his Sacramento home, Frank Yan started getting a stuffy and runny nose. Frank felt maybe a cold was coming and knew he may have to take it easy for the next few days if he didn’t want to get sick.The next day, Frank came [...]


Saturday, October 13, 2012

Frank Yan on A Lesson in Trading Stocks and Options

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Related Article:  Frank Yan on Earning Returns on Penny Stocks A little knowledge can be dangerous when it comes to understanding how the stock market operates and that’s unfortunately what the majority of people possess “little” knowledge. Frank Yan of Sacramento has seen that we are bombarded and flooded by the daily news of the markets, [...]


Frank Yan on Living in the Future or the Past to Being Present

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Related Article:  Frank Yan on Focusing on What’s Truly Important When you take an honest look at your thoughts about the past and the future, Sacramento businessman, Frank Yan says, you will see that most of them are based on various of fear or lack of happiness. We will doubt ourselves, worry, judge, analyze, and [...]


Frank Yan on From Looking Outward to Looking Inward

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Related Article:  Frank Yan on Creating Your Will Power For most of us here in Sacramento, the usual way to solve problems, is to try to repair something about the situation or other people. Frank Yan will typically call this the“if only” life: Example: If only my spouse would help more around the house, or [...]


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Sunday Devontional: Related Articles:  Frank Yan – The Blessing & Frank Yan on The Secret of Silence Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death.  2 Corinthians 7:10 (NIV) Genuine, spiritual mourning for sin is the work of the Spirit of God. Repentance is too choice [...]


Friday, October 12, 2012

Frank Yan – Market Update

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Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a Market Update from Prime LendingRelated Article: Frank Yan – Market UpdateMARKET UPDATE -Jobless claims initiated in the week ended October 6th were 339k, a whopping 31k miss below consensus and a 30k drop from the prior week’s revised count of 369k. It was the largest 1-week drop since a [...]


Frank Yan on Changing Your Focus and Start Becoming Happy Now

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Related Article:  Frank Yan on The Five Must Have Abilities to Find True HappinessSacramento local, Frank Yan asks, don’t we all want to be happy in our lives living here in Sacramento? So why aren’t we? Happiness is our true nature that we seek. It is what remains in those moments when our persistent self-defeating [...]


Thursday, October 11, 2012

Frank Yan on Creating Your Own Luck

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Related Article:  Frank Yan on Building Solid Self-Discipline Have you known people who seem to have been born lucky? Sacramento local, Frank Yan says, if you look close enough, you’ll see that most of them follow some simple guidelines that actually create the luck.If you have a“secret recipe” for luck then you can create a full fountain [...]


Frank Yan on When God Touches Everyone

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Related Article:  Frank Yan on Offering Prayer One day during brunch along the Sacramento River at the Rio City Cafe, located in Old Sacramento, Frank Yan accompanied with a friend came across another example of God working in our life and other peoples’ lives as well. At this particular outing Frank and his friend shared [...]


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Frank Yan – Market Update

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Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a Market Update from Prime LendingRelated Article: Frank Yan – Market Update MARKET UPDATE – This week should be less exciting than last week with fewer economic reports of significance. The most important reports of the week start with tomorrow’s Beige Book, Thursday’s Import Price Index and Initial Jobless Claims, [...]


Frank Yan on The Mental Game of Change

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Related Articles: Frank Yan on Debt, The New Salvery and How to be Truely Free and Frank Yan on Spending Less Than You Earn Sacramento local, Frank Yan asks, why do we all comprehend change with the same philosophy? We’re always constantly looking for outward signs of change. We all want to see all those [...]


Frank Yan on Karma Looking at You in the Face

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Something Frank Yan believes strongly in is taking ownership for our own actions and choices and accept that there will be consequences of those actions and choices. Taking Responsibility? Free Will? And Karma?We will always have choices no matter how limited they may seem and every choice we make has some sort of consequence. The [...]


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Frank Yan on The Loudest Voice Wins

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Related Article:  Frank Yan on Build ConfidenceFrank Yan once heard that this phrase in one of his classes he took at Sacramento State. He had thought of this great phrase to be reminded of himself every now and then. The loudest voice wins.It doesn’t necessarily mean the loudest voice in volume, but the voice that [...]


Frank Yan on Easy Ways to Solve a Problem

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Related Article: Frank Yan on What Advice Would You Give a Friend Everyday of our lives in Sacramento, we face many problems. Majority of times these problems we all encounter can actually be an opportunity in disguise. Frank Yan believes that solving problems can easily be broken down into simple steps that will make solving [...]


Sunday, October 7, 2012

Frank Yan on Failure Is A Part Of Success

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Related Article: Frank Yan on Success and Failure After a long day at work, Frank Yan decided to go his favorite Starbucks downtown Sacramento to settle down his thoughts after a rough and failed sales day at the office.  Frank didn’t realize at the time, is that failure is never the end for our hopes and desires. Failure [...]


Frank Yan – Sunday Devotional

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Sunday Devotional:Related Articles:  The Blessing and God Listens To What Your Heart SaysWhoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life. John 4:14 (NIV)He who is a believer in Jesus finds enough in his Lord to [...]


Saturday, October 6, 2012

Frank Yan on Success and Failure

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Related Article: Frank Yan on Creating Your Will Power Majority of the time, differences between what can make something or someone a success instead of a complete failure is extremely narrow. Sacramento local, Frank Yan says, you can walk a fine line between sheer success and complete failure. The longer that you walk that line, [...]


Frank Yan on Earning Returns on Penny Stocks

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Related Article: Frank Yan on Penny Stocks In the early 2000′s, Frank Yan met with his long life friend who works in the financial industry in Sacramento. He taught Frank about penny stocks. Penny stocks are common stocks of smaller public companies that trade for less than a dollar per share. Like all other stocks [...]
