Sacramento resident, Frank Yan knows about catching a nasty cold can give one an uncofortable time, that will force them deter to daily work or one may even find themselfves canceling their weekend plans. Even when one that does not have any important plans or dates, still having a cold can be intolerable especially if one is an extrovert.
Here are Frank’s tips for getting over a Cold and fast.
Your Mood: This is one very important factor affecting your immune system is your mood? Food and medication will help, however a good mood will most definitely have a better effect than both factors when combined.
Frank knows that your mood may not be 100% under your control, however while you have a cold you could avoid any tasks that may make you feel bad and turn to focus on the things that make you feel beyond happy.
And after all, we do not get tired because of hard work but rather because of the unpleasant emotions we may be experiencing while working.
Stress: Stress is real bad, but a researchers had pointed out that a little amount of stress could be good for boosting your immune system. Stress should always be controlled and kept at a very low level. The ideal thing you can do to get this type of stress listen to some pleasant music or to watch a good movie. This will raise stress levels a little bit, however at the same time it will not raise it beyond a dangerous level threshold
Exercising: If it is a mild cold and if you have the the energy to exercise, this is be better for your immune system but if the cold is severe then its better to stay well rested in bed.
What Frank has recently discovered when he was caught under the weather, he went to his local Sacramento 24hr Fitness and utilized the steam room to sweat the toxins out. He has found greater success doing this and has advised my of his friends in Sacramento his new secret.
Food: Oranges, lemons, honey, milk, green tea, spicy food, and high rich protein foods can be extremely good for getting over a cold. Even if you do not feel like eating or even if food has no taste still it is still a great benefit to your immune system and to boosts its levels.
Water: This is probably the most important thing to do. If you drink as much water as you can and you will recover faster. This allow your body to flush its system from toxins. If you do not want to drink large amounts of water you can drink pure orange and lemon juice that’s high in vitamin C. Soups can be great, especially chicken soups or spicy soups.
Sleeping and the immune system: If you stay up late frequently, this could affect your immune system and it not responding properly. Nothing can give a boost to your immune system better than a good sleep and large amounts of rest. If you really hate going to bed early, Frank says just do it. When you have a cold and this will help you get over the cold much faster.
Why did I catch a cold?
In the majority of cases we catch colds because of changes in our mood rather than changes in the weather. Frank Yan knows that weather changes and germs can bring colds but these things are always present everywhere, they just need a catalyst in order to harm you and this catalyst could be guilt, sadness, depression or any other bad emotion.