Sunday, November 17, 2013

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Eating Your Greens

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article on Frank Yan on Kale Salad

Eating your greens? Sacramento resident Frank Yan says that to make sure we clean them good enough before eating them to avoid food borne sickness.

The other week Frank Yan visited his nutritionist in Sacramento and she told him that there was no such thing as consuming too many vegetables greens, however mentioned that he makes sure that they are cleaned properly. Contaminated green vegetables are the common culprit to getting many people sick, according to Frank's nutritionist she said that studies have found it in many contaminated poultry in more deaths in their results.

So, Frank Yan asks what is the absolute best way to protect our families from food-borne sickness? Handle our foods safely at home. When it comes to produce, this means we should clean all fruits and vegetables with cold water prior to eating. Also remove any outer leaves of lettuce. Also never prepare our foods that will be consumed raw on the same surfaces where we are also preparing any raw meats. keep all food preparation areas and the refrigerator sanitary by cleaning up spills with soapy hot water and rinsing it well. Do not use sponges to clean up poultry juices and raw meat unless you plan to throw them away right after. Instead use bleach wipes or paper towels to clean up.

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