Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Steps To A Healthier You

Frank Yan is a huge fitness fanatic. Frank says that we don’t always have to register for boot camp to stay in shape. We can improve our fitness (and health) by alternativly walking 6K (about 3 miles) to 10K steps per day. The goal is to boost our vitality and overall health, put one foot in front of the other at least 6K times per day. By walking about 6K steps (about 3 miles) daily will decrease the risk of heart disease and diabetes. People who walk 6K steps per day are less likely to be obese. To keep ourselves motivated, we need to invest in a pedometer to count the number of steps we take daily. Tracking our steps will help us set goals and makes us stay accountable. If 6K steps feels way too daunting, try with just 2K per day and then work your way up to 6K or more steps each and every day.

Frank Yan has been an active member of Cal Fit in the Sacramento area, Prime Time Boxing in Sacramento and Roseville, 24hr Fitness in the Sacramento area, and it’s various locations across nation, or may be in the gym at the hotels he will stay during his travels.

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