Saturday, November 9, 2013

Frank Yanof Sacramento on Reducing Diabetes Levels

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: Walking for Weight Loss

While at his local library in Sacramento, Frank Yan read that lowering your diabetes at risk is that you should consider taking a short walks after you eat lunch and dinner. Moving, instead of resting, can distort blood sugar elevations after eating.

Some of you after eating are tempted to either quick quite nap or just relax on the couch. Frank Yan says that to reduce diabetes risk and boost up your energy levels is to go on a brisk walk instead. It has been said that have 10-20 minute walk after every meal can improve our blood sugar levels better than a single daily 30 minute to and hour walk.

Whether if you run errands or take the dog for a walk along the Sacramento River being active after consuming our meal can help prevent post meal blood sugars arising. According to doctors, elevated blood sugars after meals are a key risk factor in heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Also Researchers have shown that walking after eating had lowered triglyceride levels. So Frank Yan says let's put on or running shoes before lunch or dinner, and then head out for a brisk walk under Sacramento skies after you have eaten.

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