Thursday, November 7, 2013

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Mindfulness Meditations

We shouldn’t let our anxiety, anger, and other negativity drag us down. Frank Yan of Sacramento says that regular weekly meditation can help many of us recover more effectively and quickly from these emotions.
Our weekends are a great time to spend with friends and family that reflect on the many of joys in our lives.

Meditation can help us stay serene in the face of button-pushing co workers, in laws, friends, and all the other daily stresses we encounter. While we cannot control our emotions we have, we can always change how we let them affect us. Desire, anger, anxiety,and sadness are all ever so normal reactions of daily life, whether if we are up or down. We typically get into trouble if we continue to hold on to these emotions or sometimes we get upset at ourselves for having them.

Frank Yan uses mindful meditation at his home in Sacramento which helps him in these circumstance. Frank says it can help turn down the volume on negative emotions and thoughts by teaching us to really observe them with out any judgment and then just let them go. Regular meditation practice daily or weekly can also encourage a lot more positive feelings, like forgiveness and empathy to take place. Studies have found that mindfulness meditation can help clue us in to our inner thought patterns and can really teach us to be less emotional reactive and faster to rebound from any up setting events.

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