Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Benefits of Yogurt

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Benefits of Coconut Water

Consuming yogurt for a better mood? One day at one of the Sacramento libraries, Frank Yan saw article that showed probiotics are not just good for our bodies. They can also benefit our brains.

While Frank Yan continued reading, he read that their have been studies found that those women who ate yogurt regularly saw the beneficial bacteria also known as probiotics displayed lower activity in areas of the their brain that associated with pain and emotion. It has been known that stomach bacteria, the eco system of micro organisms that live in our digestive tract can really help the support of a healthy digestion and a immune system. It has also been found that the brain delivers signals to our stomach, in this is why stress can start quick run to the restroom. These studies suggest that these types of signals can travel the opposite way and that the probiotics we eat can alter how our brain reacts to our environment. While it is is too early to state that yogurt and other sources of probiotics can assist settling bad moods, studies have shown that it does point in that direction. And to add to eating yogurt, kombucha, kefir, and fermented foods, following a diet that has a high content in fiber from whole grains, fruits, legumes, and vegetables vegetables, can help improve our stomach flora.

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