Sunday, November 24, 2013

Frank Yan of Sacramento on What If....

Frank Yan of Sacramento post a related article: Never Give Up

The question asked is. What if... One day Frank Yan was sitting in his Sacramento ALLDATA office pondering about these two words These two words spoken one at a time seem to appear totally harmless, however when put together it asks the question that it had made more revenue, brought in more sales, and perhaps broken more sales reps than any other two words in the world.

If said separately, WHAT and IF. There's not any harm done, now we use these 2 words hundred times a day in regular conversation. What is that, what did he say, what did you do, what does that mean; all these are questions asked everyday. If you did this then, if she had said, if that had happened, if he had done; are also statements that are used in regular conversation.

Frank Yan asks, to say the 2 words together, “WHAT IF”? When put together they both make a question, “what ifthis happened, “what if" she did, “what ifhe said, “what ifI do, “what ifI mentioned, “what if”....
The “What ifquestion has assisted in making the best inventions in this world today. These two words can question status quo and force people to look into an issue further and try new never before tried ideas. “What if can drive us into directions we never thought of. “What Ifcan stir our imagination and helps us think.

There are other times we use “WHAT IF”, and it is not a pleasant thing in this context. “WHAT IFI HAD ONLY? When “what ifis used to second guess a life long decision. Then these 2 words will become a tool of self destruction. The both could destroy a company, destroy a career, and the worst of all, it can destroy a family.

So how can we avoid the “what ifquestion? Avoid it by following the words made famous by the Nike brand, “JUST DO IT”! Begin to do more and question our selves less we will not be using “what ifin the future. Some of us may say that we are too young to have a “what ifmoment. Not correct. Regardless of age anyone could have a “what ifmoment. At any time we can recall back to a time that we made a major decision of
having a “what if moment.

Take the leap, cut the cards and roll the dice. “JUST DO IT!!”. The worst thing that can happen is that we can make a mistake. A mistake today can always be corrected. A “what ifmoment now, years from our present time will never be able to be corrected. It will be with us for the rest of our lives.

The decision is yours and in your hands. And Frank Yan of Sacramento asks...... What would it be, “WHAT IFor “JUST DO IT”?

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