Monday, July 29, 2013

Frank Yan of Sacramento on How to Retrieve Your Stolen Vehicle

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: Putting Your Keys Bedside

Frank Yan of Sacramento came up with an idea for those individuals that cannot who afford full coverage car insurance or GPS tracking System.

It only takes around 3 minutes for a car jacket to drive with your vehicle, regardless if you auto alarming device fitted in on your vehicle.

The best source of safety for your vehicle is a spare active and live cell phone hidden in safe place in your vehicle.

1. Purchase any pre paid mobile phone with longer standby time with less functions.

2. Position a mobile connection which has best network in your area. Research the coverage area and research it's satillite connections.

3. Turn on the mobile device and put it on silent mode. Always check that it does not vibrate while its turned on in the silent mode position.

4. Be sure it responds by calling its number from another mobile device

5. Hide the mobile device in a safe place in your vehicle. Under the floor mat towards the pedals, under the spare tire in the trunk, or anywhere it cannot be seen easily.

If your vehicle is stolen, immediately contact law enforcement. Provide them with the phone number of the mobile device that is hidden in your vehicle. The Police can track its location by calling your mobile device number. Chances are that you may get back your vehicle faster than you think.

Lastly never forget to charge the mobile device every night and hide it back in your vehicle in active position.

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