Saturday, July 13, 2013

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Ginger Benefits

Ginger. An odd type root or vegetable, as Sacramento resident Frank Yan calls it. What do we comes to mind we think of ginger? Perhaps memories of childhood when we had an upset stomach and by drinking ginger ale it soothes it? Christmas treats like the ginger bread cookies and ginger bread men? Like many of Frank Yan 's friends in Sacramento they enjoy the spice for the ginger's distinct taste and its health benefits.

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Ginger Benefits

Embarrassingly enough, I had never actually worked with fresh ginger, and it was quite the adventure! I read all about how to pick it out in the produce section, and the right way to work with it. This blog even had helpful tips about how to peel it with a spoon! I did my research, made a few recipes and hope you can take away something useful from this post. I’d love to hear from you about other ways you use it!

Ginger root is a rhizome that is found around this world. It is used traditionally in other countries. Such as ginger wine that can be found and produced in The UK, China’s common use of pairing sliced ginger with delicious cuisines such as crab and lobster, and Jamaica’s Jamaican ginger cake.

There are multiple wonderful recipes and uses for ginger, and it comes in couple recognizable forms. Fresh cut ginger root, which comes in all fun shaped and sizes are used for ginger syrup, ginger tea and candied ginger. Ground ginger is commonly used in recipes such as cakes and cookies.

Ginger's prominent nutrients include essential fatty acids, amino acids, iron, calcium, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, selenium, Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6 and C. Ground ginger has a high content of Vitamin A.

Frank Yan says that there are multiple ways to take advantage of ginger especially if you have an acquired taste to the spice. But, if you those that dislikes the taste of fresh ginger, there are ginger supplements that are available so you never miss out on all of the healthy benefits and it's advantages.

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