Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Facing Times of Stress

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: The Curse of an Overachiever: Depression

Educating yourself to face in times of stress calmly does not benefit in the moment. It can shelter you from depression or anxiety down the road. For instance a demanding boss, traffic on our Sacramento freeways, stressful events that have currently happening on our everyday lives or arguments with a friend. There is not a thing we can do about the majority of it. However we can control how we an react to them. During situations, we typically spiral into negativity and acknowledge the moment and focus what is ahead of us without berating ourselves as well as others around us. Learning to adapt and manage these types of situations can really help us keep our sanities intact in that moment. How we react and respond in these crucial moment is a strong predictor of our emotional health. We cannot change some one else’s behavior, however can change our reactions towards them. To do this, Frank Yan recommends to begin practicing mindfulness meditation. This practice will in time, allow us to witness the moment with out any harsh judgments. As soon as we are able to let go of the meaning we are assigned to about that stressful event, we will be less to get caught up in our emotions, and the events will feel less stressful.

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