Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Growing During the Down Times

Frank Yan of Sacramento wonders, how the heck can a person grow during the low points in his/her life? How can we really take our fall backs and be able to turn them into some thing good? What are the solutions that we can we learn from our perceived failures? If there is anything that Frank has learned in all his years, it is how to use his lowest points as well as his darkest hours in life to learn a lessons and create a successes.

So, how can we change our thinking and learn how to grow during our downtimes?

Frank Yan has put together three things we must remember.

1. Failure Is Just An Illusion

Failure should not be a word that we want to hear. Frank really dislikes to hear and use that specific word at all. The connotation is very negative and repulsive. Frank will say that failure is nothing but a lesson thy we all face. Donald Trump, and many other high achievers in this world, will tell you they are most successful because they failed more than anyone else.

We must recognize that our failures are our best teachers. We must realize that our failed plans were never truly a failure in the sense of the word because we keep pushing for something better. And that we always keep getting up. Our minds revolved around explicit goals and our passion for success will be greater than the reminiscence of an unfulfilled dream.

This is why exactly why the word failure is just an illusion. If we choose to examine our setbacks as lessons, as outright positive criticism on how to excel and improve ourselves, we’ll never get to experience true failure. It is impossible. We will in turn grow because our eyes are set on what is in front of us such as goals, desires, and passions. As opposed to the setbacks we leave behind.

During these downtimes, we may feel like a complete failure or maybe we are experiencing what we perceive to be the failure itself. But lets remember, it is all an illusion. It is only masking a valuable lesson to be learned. Frank Yan say that we should embrace our experiences and grow from them.

In order to practice our perceived failures as life lessons learned, we should ask ourselves these 2 questions. What can I learn from this? How can I make it better? Frank Yan believes the answers are always going to be there. Nevertheless, we may have to ponder some questions longer than others.

2. Obstacles Are Going To Be Present For A Valid Reason

We have all wondered at one point and asked ourselves, why everyone isn’t rich and famous? Or ever think about why there are only a select few of professional athletes? Or ever wonder why some people get so more accomplished while others seem to mire in mediocrity?

The reason is: Obstacles.

Everyone that Frank knows in his Sacramento home town has experienced obstacles in some form or manner. It is simply a part of life. It is another reason why only a handful of people ever seem accomplish anything worthwhile. To those that are professional athletes requires a lot of, practice, dedication, and the right guidance of a good coach. Granted, we need some sort of talents, but talent an be very overrated. Practice makes perfect and the persistence goes much further than talent ever will.

The majority of times, there are certain obstacles can be thought of as the lowest of the lows. One of Frank’s closest friends graduated from Sacramento with his Masters and he has been submitted multiple resumes out to
companies while pounding the pavement searching for work. After interning for many hours and working small odd jobs for months, he has not landed anything solid.

To this very day, this is one of the biggest obstacles he has ever faced. However, Frank’s friend kept on kept pursuing, kept on pushing, and doing what he thought was best. Just when he imagined it was finally time to resign his internship, he talked with the manger and then landed the position. Right as he started to entertain the thought of possibly leaving, his diligence sure paid off.

Just remember, the obstacles you face in life are there for a reason. They are there to make you appreciate your accomplishments you have finished and they eliminate the competition. It would be very dull life if every thing worth having was easily to obtain. You have to look at obstacles as blessings in disguise.

3. You Are So Far More Than Enough

Thats right,you. You are so far more than enough. You do not need that much, if any thing at all. All that you need is you and believe in yourself. You should learn to use your down falls and set backs as the opportunities to reach new heights and to grow forward. Remember failures are only real when you allow it to defeat you. It only exists when you allow yourself to give up.

Broken barriers in your way are what make the journey so exciting. Challenging yourself through obstacles and watching yourself progress is what makes life worth living. You are capable of turning your lowest points of lows into memorable experiences of your life.

Frank Yan had experienced many downfalls in his life in his Sacramento town. He has learned from many of them and used each one of those failures into lessons for future success.

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