This early morning at the ALLDATA office located near Sacramento, Frank Yan had the great experience of sharing a sales success story. Frank loves the opportunity to share with his group because not only do they help him get be a better salesman, but Frank can hopefully help the other members get better at selling as well.
Frank’s topic today was sharing your goals for you success. This is some thing that Frank has often thought about, some times talked about with other sales people. Frank started out by quoting “I float like a butterfly and sting like a bee, Joe Frazier will go down in 3”, From the greatest heavyweight boxer of all time, Muhammed Ali. Frank asked why would the heavyweight, Ali would make this bold comment. One of Frank’s peers answered, to get inside Frazier’s head. Frank agreed that this was one reason, but also included that there was a more important reason. No one answered so Frank mentioned, “It forced Ali to perform at a level that was necessary to fulfill his goal by knocking Frazier out in 3 rounds”
Lets just say that what if Ali did not make his goal of knocking out Frazier in the 3rd round. And in the 2nd round the unexpected happens, Frazier throws a powerful right at Ali and stuns him. Now all of a sudden in Ali’s head his saying “Float like a butterfly and sting like a bee, Joe Frazier will go down in 3″ changes to, “Float like a butterfly sting like a bee, I really for sure hop Frazier goes down in 3” Now here is a huge difference between these 2 quotes. The 1st quote is a statement of a goal, the 2nd quote is a wish.
So Frank Yan asked his ALLDATA team if any of they had any goals, and majority of them said they did. Frank then asked if any if them had their goals recorded or written down, and again the majority of them said yes. Then Frank asked the team if they had there goals with them, NO ONE did. Frank then proceeded to ask if any of them have shared them, and again NO ONE did. This was a perfectly normal. Most business professionals will have there goals and the majority of them will have them written down. However, very little people will ever have their goals with them at all. This here is an extremely important step in helping to keep your goals.
Frank Yan says the having your goals with you will work as a reminder to you that first you have these goals and what these goals are. Another question is, how many people have shared their goals as the finishing touch to achieving there goals at ALLDATA.
A statement that Frank made during was, since ALLDATA is a software company that cloud computing is a very interesting technology, however cloud goal setting there could be a disadvantage. Goals that are sent in the clouds are not shared or written down. They are nothing but dreams. The problem with dreams is that we can always change them on a whim. The smallest obstacle, slightest setback, the most modest problem will always have us switching our goals and the goals, such as targets, that can be hard to hit when they keep changing.
Frank ended by telling his team what the ingredients of a attainable goals are:
1) Goals must be very specific.
2) Goals must and should be realistic as well as attainable.
3) Goals must and always should be written down.
4) Goals must have a time frame.
5) Goals must and should be shared with the people who will hold you accountable.
Of all the sales people in Sacramento that Frank knows, he has yet to find any successful salesmen without any goals that were set using the 5 steps above.
Frank is confident that you use the by 5 steps above and believe in your goals, this will help make you become more successful in your sales.
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