Sunday, September 22, 2013

Frank Yan of Sacramento - His Prayer for Everyone

Frank Yan of Sacramento had it on my heart today to pray for blessings and abundance for everyone in Sacramento and it’s surrounding area. The power of prayer is so amazing and Frank knows that through prayer we can get closer to our God and really receive His blessings.

“Dear Heavenly Father, I want to thank you for all that you are doing in my life and all the opportunities that you have created for me and eveyone in this world. Again, you continue to show us your love, compassion and blessings and for this I am so thankful. I also thank you for the all the trials and the hardship that we have experienced. For I know without this, we would not be able to appreciate your blessings you provide us. I pray for abundance, wisdom, guidance, and your continued blessings over all of our brothers and sisters and their families. I also pray abundance and blessing over this avenue and may it reach many people and create another means to give thanks and prayer. This is all for you God. Please be with all of us as we go through our days, let us know that you are there and that you are the rock that all ways will be there. Bless us, God, with health and healing. Thank you for your grace and your mercy.

In Jesus name we pray.


-Frank Yan also has been an active member and student at the following: Brent Cross in Neasden, London, and Calvary Christian Church in Oroville, Ca, Oroville Christian School, Oroville, Ca, Gateway Fellowship, Sacramento, Ca, and Capital Christian Church, Sacramento, Ca.

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