Monday, September 2, 2013

Frank Yan of Saramento on Your Situation

Frank Yan of Sacramento post a related article: Self Esteem

Sacramento resident Frank Yan states that your situation will never define you. The fact is, your situation does't at all limit you.

You can and will transcend any situation we cross with focused and a purposeful action. You can choose to change things, to improve, to create, to grow, to to prosper & to live with the fullest joy to the maximum.

Do not ever get caught up in with making past judgments about if it is hard or easy, uncomfortable or pleasant. Keep moving forward and do what you know is best for your life.

Remember you live in bundle of infinitely flexible of energy. Rather than allowing your circumstances bring you to a halt, allow your possibilities pick you up.

Get the best of your possibilities and inject your authentic passion into them. Make something wonderful, again and replicate it.

Rather than using your situation as an excuse, use it as the genesis point. Establish it with the immense value of who you are, and rise above any situation.

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