Monday, September 16, 2013

Frank Yan of Sacramento on How To Be Charismatic

Frank Yan a local resident of Sacramento says, you may want to stand out in a crowd or just have an simplier time building rapport with new people around Sacramento. What you should want is charisma that radiates from within you that will draw people in. This is simply being about a better you and censoring yourself less when it comes to the strong points of your personality. To really shine you have to look inside yourself. You will also have to challenge yourself, because the big changes will not come when you continue to stay in your comfort zone.

•Put a smile on your face. Smiles are extremely contagious as well as welcoming. This easy simple act will really change the way the world will respond to you. Your inner positivitely and enthusiasm will make other people feel good and comfortable. Smile even when you do not feel like it that will make you at least feel a little happy.

•Be as most confident as possible. Believe in yourself and your own abilities. Stand straight and your head up high. Being wrong, or even failing, will not even kill you. It may even make your confidence even stronger.

•Be open and interested in other people. The way to make quality friends is to be a genuine friend. Refrain from trying to make people interested in you and really listen to and appreciate them. When you are open to people and never judge them. This behavior will enable them to be more willing to communicate with you. Be curious, willing to learn new things, and most important have a positve attitude.

•Be present and in the moment. Be centered and be focused and you will make people feel special. Keep good eye contact without staring and occasionally breaking it. This will display your attentiveness and interest towards that person speaking. Really listen and pay attention to the person rather of planning what you are going to say next. Pay attention to the way they feel if you need to get centered and bring yourself back into the moment of the conversation.

Frank Yan has been to multiple of mixers in Sacramento and across State. He has always has to realize his position when entering these gatherings and practice them as he has to prepare of the next element.

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