There are many things that people do everyday in Sacramento that keep them from achieving their dreams. Frank Yan has seen all these small distractions in people that add up over the course of a day or even a lifetime. Much of the time the things in our lives that are limiting us are things that we are doing to ourselves and there are ways to stop this behavior.
First off, elimate all the negative self talk, and including the profanity that we may expel. And if you are constantly putting yourself down, you really need to eliminate this behavior. You should be your own best friend. Replace that negative talk with positive mantras. Tell yourself each and every morning how strong and capable you really are. Anytime you start to feel your resolve weaken, repeat your mantra to yourself over and over until you believe it. Frank has caught himself with this behavior when he is have a bad sales period. It’s human nature that you catch yourself doing this, however you can control this.
You should make the time for the things that are important to you. Only you can schedule the activities that will get you to your goals into your day. Make them just as high of a priority as any other appointment. We should put them in our weekly schedule and hold ourselves more accountable for working on our goals during those times.
If you do not have a weekly schedule, it may be time to start keeping one. Thats important to keep you organized. Scheduling your time a day at a time may be too short sided and scheduling a month in advance can be way too inflexible. This will make weekly scheduling ideal. If necessary use different color highlighters for different types of activities. Use on color for work, another for goal time, one color for family time, etc…
On a daily basis, Frank Yan will look at his schedule at his Sacramento Alldata office and almost memorize his entire last and following week. This enables Frank to focus what appointments are next and what sales he needs to produce from the last week.
Lastly, decide what is really important to you. There may be times when you have to say no. When people ask you to commit to things that you do not want to do, it is time to find a way to politely say no. This can free you to pursue your goals.
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