Sunday, August 25, 2013

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Being "SAVED" and not following Jesus, Do You Still Go to Heaven?

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: John 3:16

If you are saved, which is a rational decision made in the thoughts, feelings, and will of an individual, which means you meant it at the time you made the decision, and God accepts that. So if you are saved, then it was a heavy decision you made and it is a sealed deal. It is a contract that God will never break with us, but that doesn't mean we can't break it on our end.

Frank Yan says there are two answers to this question: Some will enter heaven and find they have no "rewards" to an earthly relation with God. Meaning, right now, if we are relating with God our salvation will only expand our understanding of God, like an planned marriage verse an arranged marriage. When a couple is planning for marriage they take time to get to know each other, that way when they have the wedding they are not two strangers getting into a life long relationship, there are advantages to this type of relationship. If we get in an arranged marriage then when the day of the wedding arrives they are strangers, unknown to each other and their relationship will be new. So, all that to say, either way people will get into heaven, but one will have a deeper relationship and more fulfilled heavenly experience because of the life they lived with God before entering heaven, whereas the one who is saved and only lives for themselves will get to heaven and see that they are walking into heaven empty handed, but at least they get to be in heaven - see 1 Corinthians 3:11-15.

The other answer to this question is - can people lose their salvation? Yes. See Hebrews 6:1-8. Basically it says, "if someone knows Christ, and then denies him, they are breaking that contract of belief, which means, they don't care to know God anymore." However, all they have to do is repent and come back to God to reenter that relationship -much like Peter did after he denied Christ three times.

Frank Yan has been a active member at Brent Cross in London, England, Calvary Christian Church in Oroville, Ca, and a student a Oroville Christian School, Oroville, Ca, Gateway Fellowship, located in Sacramento, Ca, and currently attends Capital Christian Church, Sacramento, Ca.

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