Thursday, August 22, 2013

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Making It Simple & Easy

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: A Perfect Choice

In the City of Sacramento, Frank Yan knows we as people live in a simple world where words seem no more than important than the next. Whether they are thrown around to cover up our situations or to shadow our feelings, words, impacting words, loses all credibility and meaning. Because feelings, are just that, and situations sometimes turn for the worse but we are no less misfortunate than our next door neighbor. But we sure make it worse than it really is, don’t we? We feel that OUR problems are the worse, no will understand and becoming the victim is much easier than just accepting it, learning from it. What is it about our nature where we yield to the toughest challenges in our lives?

Character growth is the greatest gift, and because character is an invisible gift. It’s difficult to measure what’s good character and character that seems to have some moral uncertainty. But how can we determine between the two when “easy” becomes the word we say in our head the most. Frank never had a chance to reflect or grow when things come easy, but honestly whenever Frank got a choice to choose, and if “easy” is a choice he’ll take it. But there are times where choices are hard to make, or times where he had no other choices to make, those are the times where growth seems to happen the most. The initial journey shouldn’t be the easy road or answer, but that should be our goal. Ask anyone with a successful career or passion. The road to victory is hard road but a rewarding one, both physically and spiritually. Why are all the things of this world that are “bad” the easiest to get but the “good” things are the hardest to achieve?

Today Mr. Yan would like ask those to think. “Rarely do we find men and women who willingly engage in hard, solid thinking. There is an almost universal quest for easy answers and half-baked solutions. Nothing pains some people more than having to think.” Martin Luther King. Frank knows some of us are already deep thinkers, good. Because on your quest the toughest character to achieve is maturity but when we do, clarity and simplicity will come with your deep thoughts.

Last night in Frank’s home in Sacramento, Frank had a dream, a dream of thanksgiving. He knew it sounds weird but in his dream Frank Yan couldn’t speak, all he had was his actions. Then it led to him to realize that he didn’t want people to mistake my thankfulness as a form of payment, he truly does care and love the people around him. But deep down inside he felt like it’s a payment for all the rubbish inside him that he was dealing with, that as long as he is grateful and showing that he is, it will be enough. But enough for who? Does GOD judge you on your actions or your intentions? Frank was left to answer these things, and he is truly okay with that. For Frank that’s the difference between existing and living. Easy is not a choice for him, and he taught this every day of his life.

“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.” Mother Teresa. So with that, Happy Thanksgiving! And Frank’s cliché’ “what am I thankful for” answer is: For everyone who is his life actively, teaching, growing, learning, non-judging, ever-loving me. It’s not “easy” but Frank is grateful YOU are there.

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