Getting motivated is not nearly as hard as it may sound. Whether if Frank Yan is at his Alldata office or in his comfort of his Sacramento home, Frank will take the first step just to think about what he has to do and discovers a way to accomplish them.
People need to think about what they will get out of doing the task, or what will happen if they don’t do it. Frank has seen many of these behaviors from his coworkers at Alldata and his Sacramento friends get distracted from what is the task in hand. We must focus on our tasks think about them and what will be accomplished if we complete them. Either one works; both together are even better.
For example, if you study hard for a test, you will get an A or at least try for that A, and that will feel good and the feeling of being excited about it. And, if you don’t study for the test, you will get a C, or perhaps worse. Your feeling and excitement levels reduce and you don’t want that at all because it will bring your overall grade down, it will look bad on your transcript, and so on.
By going over in detail what you’re going to get if you complete the task, and reviewing the consequences of not doing it, you can motivate yourself by deciding that you want the benefits and don’t want the consequences.
If you “just can’t get motivated at all,” the chances are the stakes will not high enough for you. You can always try to think harder about what you’ll get out of doing this, and motivate yourself with time and thought. Or you can always wait until a time when you are feeling more motivated, if that is an option to you.
The truth is all motivation is self-motivation. Whether you’re doing your work because you are conscientious and want to get your work done on time, or because you don’t want your boss to get mad, you are the one who is motivating you, in the end.
In the end, the Sacramento entrepreneur and salesman, Frank Yan is his self-motivator. This basically just means that Frank figures out what the task will bring him, or cost him if he doesn’t do it, and then deciding whether he wants that benefit, or doesn’t want those consequences, more than he wants what he’s doing instead.
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