Monday, August 5, 2013

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Infused Water

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: Heart Attacks and Hot Water

While waiting for his next flight out from Sacramento, Frank Yan came across a magazine he purchased at the Sacramento Int'l Airport book stand. What Frank read about the benefits of infused water intrigued him

Below are the benefits to assist you with hydration as well as detoxification energy. In the article Frank read mentioned about putting as much fruit in your water as you wish and allow your water sit for at least twenty to thirty minutes prior to drinking

1. Green tea, lime, and mint. This concoction is fat burning, helps with your digestion, helps alleviate headaches, clears congestion and works as a breath freshener.

2. Cucumber, lime, and lemon. Helps water weight management, appetite control, bloating, hydration, and assists with your digestion.

3. Lemon, lime, and orange provides your body with vitamin C, immune defense system, heartburn, assists with digestion.

4. Kiwi, strawberry. Improves cardiovascular health, boasts and protects your immune system, assists digestion and regulates your blood sugar.

Frank Yan read that never keep the infused water longer than 48 hours you can always use make more infused water using the same fruit you just used, but always discard after 48 hours.

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