Saturday, August 17, 2013

Frank Yan of Sacramento on How to Prepare on a EMP Attack

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: Putting Your Keys Bedside

With an EMP attack considered imminent, here are a few pointers on how to protect all of your electronics and vehicles from an Electro-Magnetic Pulse.

With the looming threat of a possible EMP (Electro-Magnetic Pulse) Attack over American soil and its global interests, Preparing Yourselves for such a disaster may not be as difficult as you think, and here I shall address a few methods readily at your disposal to utilize quickly for such an attack.

How to prepare a fast DIY (do it yourself) EMP resistant container/Faraday Cage that is easily accessible using common items around the home is very possible, and made quickly.

Once set up, is to place any electronic items you value inside the 'cage' until the threat has passed, and safe to be removed for use. Best be safe than sorry, because when an EMP does occur, you can bet all your unprotected electrical appliances (with their tiny micro-circuitry, IC chips, wiring, etc) will be at riskYour home, neighborhood, town, city, county, or country may all be in the dark, for months or even years thereafter! Know that if it plugs into a wall socket or operates on batteries, it will be Fried from an EMP... Literally!

Quick DIY options you can do to protect your electronics from an EMP Now are as follows.

Valuable electronics to have ready to protect in your cage:
1) Ham Radio, CB Radio, World band/Shortwave Radio
2) Counter top Appliances (Water Distiller, Air Purifier, etc)
3) Emergency Receiver Scanning Equipment (Scanner)
4) Short/Long Range Walkie-Talkies
5) Geiger Counter/Radiation Monitor, other monitoring equipment
6) Self-Defense Electronic Devices
7) Wireless Phone, Mobile/Smart Phone, Computer, Laptop, Tablet PC, External Drives, Storage Devices, etc
8) Medical Equipment, etc
9) Digital Watches, Clocks, etc
10) GPS/SatNav…. The LEO (Low Earth Orbiting) Satellites which triangulate your location, may be down indefinitely should an attack take place, which will make these units back-up/saved map features functional for use only.

Quick DIY EMP Protection (outdoors):
Parked Vehicle (not to be driven during an event), with your items placed in the rear of the vehicle Trunk/Boot... Get heavy duty Jumper Cables and attach to one end to a metal stake (re bar, pipe, cable, etc) hammered securely into the earth nearby (preferably hidden under the vehicle where prying eyes will not notice anything out of the ordinary), the other end of the cable leads clamped to the steel frame.

Place items in a wooden or cardboard box (not touching any metal inside, including nails or staples), then place that into a large metal Trash Can (standard size able to fit lying down in the back of a car trunk) with lid securely attached (variant is to use a microwave oven, as it is a metal box, and lined with wood or cardboard packing material (non-conductive), and placed inside the trunk), then clamp additional jumper cables to the outside of the trash can handle (or microwave), with the other end of the cable leads then clamped to the metal frame of the vehicle inside the trunk.

That should do well in keeping your electronic valuables safe and easily accessible after the warning/attack passes.

NOTE: Most motor vehicles manufactured before the year 1991 contain much smaller Electronic Ignition Systems that do not control all functions of vehicle operation, and may/may not still operate during/after an EMP occurrence. Most of motor vehicles manufactured before the year 1984 operate without an EIS installed and most likely shall function and be operational during/after an EMP occurrence. There may be exceptions to these, but for the majority, is correct.

Quick DIY EMP Protection (indoors):
Same methods used as above, but without vehicle, instead use large/small hollow encased metal objects that are Grounded to absorb the shock, such as;
1) Microwave oven
2) Dishwasher (disconnected from water supply and no water inside)
3) Washing Machine/Dryer (disconnected from water supply and no water inside)
4) Refrigerator
5) Metal Safe (any type/size)
6) Metal K9 dog cage

Feel free to imagine your own, as there must be many others!

Be certain it is Grounded (even if the plug in the wall socket has Ground), such as heavy gauge wiring or simply auto Jumper Cables, attached to Radiator, Copper/metal water pipes, metal going into the ground should be secure enough for grounding.

This is by no means the only methods to proofing your electrical valuables from an EMP, but is relatively quick and easy to build (or take down) in a few short minutes, or perhaps when you may be out of time. Practice drills in securing your items quickly, and time yourself to see how fast you are able to secure them. Have all members of your household involved and explain the what/when/why or how, so they understand as well.

Please Note: The methods mentioned above are for Information Purposes Only and/or Suggestions to provide the individual with an alternate means of dealing with a possible situation, and are to be taken at YOUR OWN RISK. We shall not be held liable in anyway should this method fail to protect your property. Again, do so at your own risk... Keep in mind, if you do nothing to Prepare, you may find yourself living without any modern technological conveniences Full Stop.

The article above are suggestions of Sacramento resident Frank Yan. Frank hopes that our World is never in danger of this ever happening.

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