Sunday, February 23, 2014

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Things To Do On a 3 Day Weekend

A 3 day weekend is always the most perfect time to enjoy the activities that you most like. If you are like Frank, he typically plans his 3 day weekends 2 weeks prior. Frank Yan will first like to take advantage of leaving his Sacramento home and travel somewhere far. Whether if it’s the Bay Area, Lake Tahoe, a 2 hour driving distance from Sacramento or a 2 hour flight to his favorite destinations Los Angeles, Las Vegas, or San Diego. Frank is up for anything.

If you and your friends have ahead of you a long weekend and still do not know what to do, Frank has a few suggestions and solutions that hopefully will help you take a decision. First of all, you could use the long weekend to sleep. As many of us would say that sleep is something we don’t get enough of. After many hours of work, or study, sleeping without interruption is great. Take it from Frank Yan, he loves his napping. You should do it. You can continue with relaxing activities like reading, getting a massage, go to a show, or even cooking. If you have a pile of books laying round waiting for you to make time to read them, a long weekend is the perfect time to get started. Reading will help you relax once you get lost in words and you discover new worlds, as well as live within what you are reading. If you are sports passionate, you can use your long weekends in an active, yet relaxing manner.

Because sports fill you with energy and excitement, you should take advantage of your free time and energize your batteries. Go to the gym, go jogging, go biking, or simply take long walks in order to make some effort and to relax afterwards. If you enjoy the fun in cooking, a long weekend you will have enough time to try new recipes, cuisines, and to test out new ingredients. You surely will have something new that you would want to try. If you have enough time, you should do it in order to take advantage of many free hours available.

If you consider that your long weekend is not for relaxation, but rather for intense and active activities, you could do to great things, party or travel away. Either one you chose it will be great for you. If you like to travel, like Frank, you can either check some new places in a nearby area, where you can go by tour bus, train, or car or you can opt for a city break away from Sacramento, if you find some low cost airline tickets. Partying will cost you less, but it involves a great need of rest afterwards. If you still prefer it, you can prepare intensively for hard partying and enjoy your long weekend dancing and drinking in or out in town.

Frank Yan of Sacramento on People Come Into Your Life For a Reason, Season, and Lifetime

Sacramento resident Frank Yan says, people come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When you figure out which one it is, you will know what to do for each person.

When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally, or spiritually.

They may seem like a godsend, and they are! They are there for the reason you need them to be.

Then, without any wrongdoing on your part, or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end.

Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand.

What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered.

And now it is time to move on.

Then people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has come to share, grow, or learn.

They bring you an experience of peace, or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done.

They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy.

Believe it! It is real! But, only for a season.

LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons: things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation.

Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person, and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life.

Frank Yan has made many LIFETIME friends in Sacramento that he keeps very close to with REASON. And all his friends are true LIFETIME friends for any SEASON.


Posted in Blog

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related artice: Being Prepared For This Rainy Season This winter in Sacramento has been exceptionally dry. Sacramento resident Frank Yan says to take the opportunity to do some extra maintenance outside and prepare for Spring. * Check for water and efficiency leaks* Insulate door frames and windows* Conduct a [...]


Frank Yan of Sacramento on Around the House Tips to Prepare For the Spring

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related artice: Being Prepared For This Rainy Season

This winter in Sacramento has been exceptionally dry. Sacramento resident Frank Yan says to take the opportunity to do some extra maintenance outside and prepare for Spring.

* Check for water and efficiency leaks
* Insulate door frames and windows
* Conduct a home energy audit
* Clean storage areas
* Clean gutters
* Mulch the flower beds
* Change the bathroom shower curtain
* Replace outdated fire extinguishers

Sunday, February 16, 2014


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Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related artticle Reducing Your Diabetes Levels Frank Yan of Sacramento says if you want feel full while keeping your weight down, we should eat your biggest meal of the day during breakfast. Eating more calories in the early part of our day morning can increase weight loss. If your [...]


Frank Yan of Sacramento on Who, What, When, Where and Why

Who I loved was a girl from college. I wasn’t exactly that close with her. But with some superficial facts and a few interactions over a semester, (you know like most guys fantasizing over a girl that they barley know); I filled in the blanks like a fairytale author. And who she became in my head was probably more than the reality. She was the third year sorority girl. And yes, I was the infatuated freshman. Sure but, the several times we got to spend together outside of class, it really allowed me to see she also had a good heart and a bright spirit. The only problem was so just did every other guy. And while she turned me down nicely. I swear there were times when it seemed like the clique sorority girl may have felt something for the typically awkward freshman.

What I loved was an old friend. But she was much more than just a friend.We met early in college and kept in touch within the years after. We watched each other grow and change. And through multiple relationships. I saw her different boyfriends come and go. She also was there for every girlfriend and every break up of mine. Personality, humor, taste, it was all there. Her and I were almost perfect. The only thing that wasn’t perfect was her timing. We were never ever single at the same time. What we loved about each other was never enough to leave who we were with. This was something we eventually had to face and accept. And we had to leave behind… What we had.

When I loved was my first girlfriend in high school. It is a bit unfair because, she embodies the combination of both “Love and Youth”. The feeling of young love is unique and impossible to replace or replicate. Because we can only be at that age once. High school was a time of innocence, discovery, and adventure. We shared these 3 elements together in things like, our first kiss, late nights sneaking out, and matinee movies in all of which now become a nostalgic love preserved in a time where neither of us can touch, but knows its there. Even though we were just kids, there’s not a doubt in my mind when we were there, we were in love.

Where I loved was the girl I met in Sacramento. I never intended to stay here that long. It was just a 6 month internship after graduating, but it all changed when I met her. Soon a year had past then somehow another year after that, I couldn’t leave the city. I just couldn’t leave her. Maybe it was my desire to be on my own or prove something to everyone back at home. But she helped me accomplish it over here with a relationship so reflective of the city we were in. A new energy, new experience that really pushed me more mature, more than anyone, or anywhere else. When people ask, what city I love the most, I say Sacramento. The city where I loved the most.

Why I loved was a close friend who past away. She told me after she was diagnosed that death was not what saddened her the most but the fact that she never really felt like she fallen in love. She wouldn’t get to have those emotions. Good and bad of being hurt and of being held. After she past those words stuck with me the most. Teaching me to see that one of the greatest gifts we have of being alive is the ability to give, receive, and even lose love. There’s so many like her that who’s lives end before having any of those experiences. What a waste if we don’t strive to love in our lives. She made me understand why. Why waste this life not loving.

You were the 6th. Your none of them because you are all of them. You are Who I loved. The girl on the pedestal, the fantasy, the make belief things that are actually true. Your what I loved. The depth, the inside jokes, the best friend. You are when I love. A new history has been started with you. We are the young lovers our older selves will some day reminisce about. You are where I love, because I would go anywhere just to be with you. You are why I love because before you I truly didn’t understand what I was looking for. And now that we have found each other, you’ve given my past the future of meaning. You are the 6th. And you are the last.

Frank Yan of Sacramento on The Best Time To Sell Your Property

For many years in Sacramento, Frank Yan has seen that There are a few periods during a year when it is the best time to sell a house and a few of periods when it is definitely not the best idea. Frank Yan will share what to look at both these periods and find why it is a good or bad time to sell.

If you ask an estate agent that question of course, they will tell you any time is a good time sell. This is because they are after your business and want to list your property

Best Times To Sell Your Property
The best time to sell and list your property for sale is when the market is flooded with buyers and investors. These potential buyers and investors will try to outbid each other for the properties on offer and this will tend to push prices up right up. Take full advantage of this by marketing your home at this point.

However, within the past few years, especially in Sacramento, properties have been selling unite rapidly as the market is beginning to rebound from the past foreclosures from failed and toxic loans. The seasons generally determine the best times to sell and achieve a quick, profitable sale.

The best season that Frank Yan has seen and experienced is to sell your property is during the Spring season. It is typically a time for fresh starts for most buyers, new beginnings and the time when most people get the urge to look for a bigger, and even a better home. When the weather is improving, lawns, flower beds, gardens are looking healthier and prettier, and your property will be looking its best in better weather.

From mid March through to early July the market will be much, busier than at any other time of the year and it is the ideal time to put your property on the market.

It may not always possible to for a homeowner to put their property up for sale in the Spring so another good time to sell is a couple of months in Autumn. This isn’t as good a time as the March-July window, but it is still decent.

Summer holidays and those people that have children can focus on the house hunting while school is out. The summer weather is still acceptable and some people want to move before fall weather arrives.

The best months according to Franks experience are September and October, though you may be ok in the first couple of weeks of November. After that, the market will die off very fast since people will begin to think about the holidays.

Bad Times To Sell Your Property

Winter of course is an obviously bad time to try to sell your home. The combination of the school holidays, weather, and money spent on holiday gifts means that potential buyers are not really inclined to search for homes.

November and December are probably the worst months for the housing market and it only really begins to pick up towards the end of January.

Surprisingly, sometimes Summer can also be bad time to try and sell, especially in August when fall hits. You might think with decent weather it would be the ideal time but because of school holidays it could get challenging.

Spring through early Autumn, is definitely the best time of year to sell your property. So find yourself a good and honest realtor and begin showing your home when the market is at its busiest and hopefully you’ll find a quick, profitable sale.

Frank Yn of Sacramento on Eating Larger Portions Earlier

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related artticle Reducing Your Diabetes Levels

Frank Yan of Sacramento says if you want feel full while keeping your weight down, we should eat your biggest meal of the day during breakfast. Eating more calories in the early part of our day morning can increase weight loss.

If your the one that nibbles at breakfast or run out the door without eating anything at all, then eat a hearty sized lunch, and then stuff yourself at dinner. Does this sound about right or familiar? You are at all alone. It is, after all, the way the majority of us were brought up to eat.

As kids we were taught to clean our plates after we ate a meal. However Frank Yan suggests that the way to feel full through out our days, and even lose the weight we want, is to consume your biggest meal in the morning, then progressively less through out the entire day.

Frank Yan read an article while sipping at his local Starbucks in Sacramento researchers test this theory and placed 2 groups of dieters on the same 1,500 calorie meal plan for 12 weeks. One group ate 800 calories at breakfast, 600 at lunch, and 300 at dinner. The second group’s calories were distributed in exactly the opposite way 300 calories at breakfast and 800 for dinner. Those in the big-breakfast group ended up shedding 18 pounds, while those in the big-dinner group lost only 8 pounds. The big breakfast group displayed significantly lower levels of glucose, insulin, and triglycerides through out the entire day, which means a lower risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension and elevated LDL cholesterol levels.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Posted in Blog

Frank Yan of Sacramento post a related article: Ancho Pomegranate Pulled Brisket Tacos As the cold winter months seem to drag on and the colder temps are dropping and Sacramento is finally seeing rain. Frank Yan of Sacramento suggests keeping your family warm with something very familiar as well as as wholesome healthy meal. Chicken [...]



Posted in Blog

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article:  Enpowering Through Your Thoughts Frank Yan of Sacramento writes about the things believing that we all should be doing, trying or experimenting with in order to maximize our success and happiness. However, it’s not always the things we do that make the biggest difference in our lives; [...]


Frank Yan of Sacramento on his Favorite Life Time Quotes

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article:  Enpowering Through Your Thoughts

Frank Yan of Sacramento writes about the things believing that we all should be doing, trying or experimenting with in order to maximize our success and happiness. However, it’s not always the things we do that make the biggest difference in our lives; it’s often the things we tend to avoid doing that have the biggest effect. As human beings, we have a strong aversion to notdoing; we feel that in order to produce results, there must be an initial action.

However, because we are almost always doing something, piling on more and more often has a negative effect, rather than a positive one. Among the mentally strong, there are several actions that are avoided in order to produce the greatest benefit in the shortest period of time.

These actions are those that the mentally strong avoid, and that we should consider adapting as our own:

1. Dwelling On The Past
Mentally strong individuals focus on the present moment and on the near future. They understand that the past is out of our control and the far future is about as predictable as the weather this winter.

2. Remaining In Their Comfort Zone
The comfort zone is a dangerous place, a dark abyss where anyone who remains there for too long loses his or herself entirely. Staying within your comfort zone is giving up on life.

3. Not Listening To The Opinions Of Others
Only the foolish believe themselves to be sufficient in all regards. When it comes to brainstorming, ideas can’t so much be forced as they can be caught. A good idea is a good idea, regardless of whether or not you came up with it. Don’t let your ego get the better of you; if someone has great advice to give, take

4. Avoiding Change
What the mentally strong understand that the mentally weak do not is that change is unavoidable. Trying to avoid the inevitable is pointless. Therefore, trying to avoid change is pointless; it’s a mere waste of time and energy.

5. Keeping A Closed Mind
You don’t know everything. Even the things you believe yourself to know are likely to not be entirely true. If you keep a closed mind, you are preventing yourself from learning new material. If you stop learning, you stop living.

6. Letting Others Make Decisions For Them
Only you should be making your own decisions; you can’t allow others to make them for you. All this does is shift the responsibility from you to someone else, but the only person failing in the end is you. If you don’t have the courage to fail, then you don’t have the courage to

7. Getting Jealous Over The Successes Of Others
When others succeed, you should be happy. If they can do it, so can you. The success of others does not, in any way, lessen the chances of you succeeding. If anything, it should motivate you to keep pushing forward.

8. Thinking About The High Possibility Of Failure
Our thoughts control our perspective; our perspective controls our results. The mentally strong understand this and use this to their advantage. There’s always the chance you may fail, but as long as there is the chance you may succeed, it’s worth trying.

9. Feeling Sorry For Themselves
Sh*t happens. Life can be hard. People get hurt; others die. Life isn’t all roses and butterflies. You will fall off that horse again and again and again. The question is, are you strong enough to keep getting back on it?

10. Focusing On Their Weaknesses
Although working on our weaknesses does have its benefits, it’s more important to focus on banking on our strengths. The most well-rounded person is not the person that gets the furthest in life. Being average in all regards makes you average. However, mastering a certain skillset or trait will allow you to beat the competition with less effort.

11. Trying To Please People
A job well done is a job well done, no matter who is judging the final product. You can’t please everybody, but you can always manage to do your very best.

12. Blaming Themselves For Things Outside Their Control
The mentally strong know the things they can control, understand the things they cannot control, and avoid even thinking about that which is completely out of their hands.

13. Being Impatient
Patience isn’t just a virtue; it is the
virtue. Most people don’t fail because they aren’t good enough, or aren’t capable of winning or succeeding. Most people fail because they are impatient and give up before their time has come.

14. Being Misunderstood
Communication is key in any properly functioning system. When it comes to people, things get a bit more complicated. Simply stating information is never enough; if the receiving party misunderstands you, your message is not being properly relayed. The mentally strong do their best to be understood and have the patience to clear up misunderstandings.

15. Feeling Like You’re Owed
You aren’t owed anything in life. You were born; the rest is up to you. Life doesn’t owe you anything. Others don’t owe you anything. If you want something in life, you only owe it to yourself to go out and get it. In life, there are no handouts.

16. Repeating Mistakes
Make a mistake once, okay. Make a mistake twicenot so okay. Make the same mistake a third time, you may need to consider giving up alcohol and drugs. You’re either stupid or permanently high.

17. Giving Into Their Fears
The world can be a scary place. Some things frighten us with good cause, but most of our fears are illogical. If you know that you want to try something, try it. If you’re scared, then understand that being scared of failing must mean that succeeding means a whole lot to you.

18. Acting Without Calculating
The mentally strong know better than to act before completely understanding the situation at hand. If you have time to ponder over something and cover all your bases, then do so. Not doing so is pure laziness.

19. Refusing Help From Others
You’re not Superman; you can’t do it all. Even if you can, why should you? If
others are offering to help, let them help. Be social. Listen to their ideas and watch how they do things. You may learn something. If not, then you can teach them something and do what humans are meant to do: socialize.

20. Throwing In The Towel
The biggest weakness in all of humanity is giving up calling it quits, throwing in the towel. The mentally strong go about things in such a way. Only do things if they are important to you; forget the things that aren’t important to you. If they’re important to you, then pursue them until you succeed. No exceptions, ever.

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Classic Chicken Soup

Frank Yan of Sacramento post a related article: Ancho Pomegranate Pulled Brisket Tacos

As the cold winter months seem to drag on and the colder temps are dropping and Sacramento is finally seeing rain. Frank Yan of Sacramento suggests keeping your family warm with something very familiar as well as as wholesome healthy meal. Chicken Noodle Soup a childhood staple and Frank Yan's recipe is a simple and a delicious one. Beside, it is always good any time of the year. Classic Chicken Noodle Soup consists of hearty veggies like celery and carrots with the flavorful tastes of tender chicken and classic egg noodles. Frank Yan 's recipe says it wi;; fill you up without over indulging.

10 teaspoons Swansons All Natural Instant Vegetable Broth
10 cups water
2 medium carrots, sliced
1 medium celery stalk,sliced
1 / 2 cup onion, diced
3 teaspoons ground ginger
3 teaspoons garlic powder
4 ounces traditional egg pasta
4 cups cooked skinless chicken breast, shredded (4-5 chicken breasts)
1 tablespoon organic dill weed

Bring broth to a boil in a Dutch oven. Add onion, carrots, celery, ginger and garlic; cook, uncovered, over medium heat until vegetables are about tender, about 25 minutes. In a separate pot, boil the chicken until cooked through, about 10-15 minutes, until it is no longer pink in the middle; shred. Add the pasta noodles and chicken; simmer until the noodles are just tender, 10-12 minutes. Stir in dill. Cover and refrigerate for up to 2 days. Makes 10 servings. Serving size 1.0 cup. All ingredients can be found at your local Sacramento grocery store.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Posted in Blog

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: It’s Not YoursIf you have a significant amount of credit card or unsecured debt Sacramento resident Frank Yan says it’s often hard to get clear, accurate information about your options. Consumers will find that there isn’t a “perfect option”, but there will definitely be a “best option” [...]


Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Is There an Increase Chance of Death?

After Frank’s workout, Frank was listening to a program on a Sacramento radio station from his comfort of his home in Sacramento, Ca. The speaker mentioned that there was a highly increased chance of death if you are overweight, diabetic, or smoke. Wow!! Frank thought the chance of death was 100%. What is the chance of death with any of the above said? It can’t be MORE than 100%, can it?

Someone must not proofread their material. Frank Yan believes that what they meant was that the chance for an earlier than normal death was increased by any or all of the aforementioned factors. It’s a small distinction that Frank knows, BUT, in the world we live in today where people are supposed to be getting smarter and smarter…… Right?

It just shows you that you cannot rely on spell check every time to catch everything. Everybody seems to want to rely in this world of technology and applications for everything. What is next? We have cashiers that cannot make change and these high school graduates that can do calculus and physics, but can’t balance their own checkbook or credit card statements. We have people that can’t read a map, what happens when your GPS fails? Do you immediately go buy another or drive around Sacramento until you stumble across your destination?

We see major newspapers that contain more errors than Frank was ever allowed in a high school report. Nobody seems to fact check, but then this isn’t a real major newspaper. Frank has seen roads with directional signs that seem to be intended to confuse out of area travelers. Try being from out of the area and driving around in another country without getting in a wreck. People from out of the area need road signs placed well before a turn in one standard location (so they can be found), not on wires across the road, then on a pole on the right corner, then on a post on the left side of the street, etc.

Frank Yan wants to know who really thinks there is an increased chance of death. Frank also likes to know why these types of errors that are occurring. Is it that we are ALL way too busy to verify things? Perhaps there is just too much knowledge that we think we know? Why don’t we just concentrate on teaching students things in school that everybody will use in their normal everday lives? Not everybody, in reality only a small percentage, will EVER need calculus and physics, but everyone should be able to spot errors such as, spelling errors, road signs that make no sense, common, increased chance of death, etc. Everyone should be able to balance a checking or credit card account and
count money without a calculator.

Frank Yan of Sacramento on It's Not Yours

Frank Yan of Sacramento encountered many people in his Sacramento area that have found themselves in mountains of There are a lot of things to be unhappy about when you’re in debt. Although material things shouldn’t matter more than your happiness, when you’re in debt, they become a burden. Nothing that you have is actually yours. Everything belongs to someone else or the financial institutions. It’s like someone or something is hovering everything over your head. You know that at any moment, everything you have can be taken away from you.

This can be a scary thought, knowing that your house you lay your head in and the car you drive around isn’t yours is not something that people like to think about. Nevertheless, not thinking about it at all will only cause you to fall further into debt. The only thing that anyone can do is to take action. Not knowing exactly how to get yourself out of debt poses a problem.

Frank says that being in debt can create huge sense of uncomforted dread. The power of money has over people around the world is unreal. Some people would say that it is imagined, but once those very same people wake up and one day realize that they have no home to live in and no car to drive, reality begins to seep in. What really makes matters worse is when people continue to live life pretending like they don’t own tens of thousands of dollars. Before you can live the life the way you want, you must get out of debt completely. There are many things you can do to minimize debt refraining from excess spending, and paying all your bills on time. Consider limiting out any credit cards that you have that you don’t use.

Although money isn’t everything, it definitely has a lot of control over the world we live in. Frank Yan understands this and puts everything into prospective, as Frank once was heavily in debt when he began to work at Sacramento International while attending Sacramento State at the same time.

If you begin to get out of debt, it is important for you to must know how to spend your money more wisely. Having a good and effective system to follow helps a lot when you don’t know what you’re doing. Knowing the system you are following is one that will work gives you the confidence you need to carry out your plans. And knowing is half the battle. Think before spending and ask yourself if the things you want are the things you really need.

Frank Yan of Sacramento on His Cheat Sheet for Debt Relief Options

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: It's Not Yours

If you have a significant amount of credit card or unsecured debt Sacramento resident Frank Yan says it's often hard to get clear, accurate information about your options. Consumers will find that there isn't a "perfect option", but there will definitely be a "best option" for debt relief. It's important that you take the time to understand the benefits and risks of any debt relief plan before committing.

Here is a summary that Frank Yan put together of available debt relief programs based on $30,000 of credit card debt:

1.Minimum Payments.
The banks prefer you pay only minimum payments. Why? You make them incredibly rich by doing so. This may be the single most harmful financial mistake you can make.
Pros: None
Cons: You'll end up paying 400-1,000 cents on the dollar for your purchases over 20-30 years.
BE CAREFUL: Money spent towards servicing debt for 20-30 years is MUCH better spent building savings, paying down a mortgage, or funding investments and retirement - ask any financial planer.

Success Rate: 0% (even paying your credit cards off with minimum payments isn't a success)
Approx. Payoff: Monthly payment of $480: 24 years (288 months). $139,461.

2. Accelerate Payoff with extra principal.
You can pay extra money towards principal every month to pay down your creditors faster.
Pros: Will reduce your total payoff and the time it takes to get out of debt.
Cons: Not many people have extra money these days. You also can't control what the creditors do with your interest rates or if they apply the money correctly to principal.
BE CAREFUL: This will take the discipline of paying extra every month as long as it takes, which is hard to do. Think of it this way: we all know we're supposed to go to the gym and work out more, and may even start off good, but do we keep going every month? Knowing what's good for you and doing it are two different things.

Success Rate: 7%
Approx. Payoff: Monthly Payment of $680: 9 years (108 months). $63,094.

3. Payment Plan.
If you are having financial trouble or miss payments you may be able to negotiate a payment plan with your creditors for 100 cents on the dollar.
Pros: Payoff for less than minimum payments.
Cons: You won't be able to use your card anymore. Negative impact to credit score. You will have to negotiate this with the bank and they may not approve it.
BE CAREFUL: If you miss even one payment on this plan all of your back interest and late fees may be added in with interest rates as high as 30%

Success Rate: 29%
Approx Payoff: Monthly Payment of $480: 5.5 years (66 months). $30,000.

4. Consumer Credit Counseling Services.
CCCS is a 3rd-party company putting you in a program to pay off your creditors.
Pros: Make only one payment monthly. Don't receive collection calls.
Cons: Huge fees - sometimes as high as 20%. Another company controls your payments. VERY damaging to your credit score.
BE CAREFUL: There is no huge financial benefit to CCCS that cannot be achieved more efficiently through a repayment plan or debt settlement.

Success Rate: 21%
Approx. Payoff: Monthly Payment of $700: 5-7 years (60-84 months). $51,300.

5. Debt Settlement.
Debt settlement is a legal negotiation where your creditors will take less than what is owed, usually around 30-50%.
Pros: Debt free in18-30 months for the same monthly payment. Most efficient way to pay off your creditors. Voluntary negotiation for your creditors. Recapture monthly payment that can be used for savings, investments, retirement.
Cons: Risk of creditor lawsuits. Settlement negotiations may be higher or lower and can not be guaranteed. Must miss payments resulting in temporary damage to credit score.
BE CAREFUL: Trying it yourself is seldom successful and could land you in court if you are sued. Do not hire a debt settlement company because they charge high fees and set you up to fail. Only hire an attorney who specializes in debt settlement and keep your plan within 2 years or less for best success.

Success Rate: 20-40% if attempted by consumer, 75-99%* if done by qualified attorney
Approx. Payoff:Monthly payment of $480: 1 -2 years (12 to 24 months). $10,000 - $14,000

6. Bankruptcy.
Bankruptcy offers legal protection from your creditors.
Pros: BK gives a fresh start for those who are financially destitute or overwhelmed with debt.
Cons: Complete default for your creditors. WORST thing for your creditors. Hard to get new loans. Can only file once every 6 years.
BE CAREFUL: Chapter 7 bankruptcy wipes out your debt. A Chapter 13 is a repayment plan and may be better accomplished with a debt settlement.

Success Rate: 100% if you qualify
Approx. Payoff:Costs for bankruptcy range from $2,000 - $3,000.

Frank Yan suggest that you contact your local Sacramento credit specialist for more information or a free report: Debt relief options for today's homeowner or consumer

Sunday, January 26, 2014


Posted in Blog

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: How Get Over a Cold Fast It’s flu and cold season. And many people in and around Sacramento have been suffering from sickness. Frank Yan a resident of Sacramento says to be prepared to fight against this flu. Know which 2 remedies can nip the flu it [...]


Frank Yan of Sacramento on Who Are You Truly

Who are you truly? What has been the biggest factors in you to date? When people in Sacramento say the phrase: “be yourself” what do they truly mean and is that even possible with so much to influence us in our daily lives? Frank knows that we are the construction of so much information, that we are made by such things that color and saturate our growth process. Frank Yan says, if there is a part of you inside the chances are that is it lost amongst layers upon layers of external input. Very rarely do we show the world who we truly are and that in itself may just be the most difficult things in the world to do. Frank knows that there are parts of him that he chooses to hide for whatever reasons and on the flip side there are parts of Frank that shine through that are as a result of those things that have penetrated his being and has made him act in a very specific way.

A few months ago Frank saw a breif documentary at the Sacramento International Airport while waiting for his flight out. The documentary was called: What the bleep do we know? Frank think there should be a new one called ‘Who the bleep are we?’ Frank may be challenged for saying this but he believed that very few people here in Sacramento actually know themselves and Frank is for one of them. Everyday is a growing process for us and at the same time Frank is taking on information and behaviors that are ultimately deciding what actions he will take from one moment to the next. However there is a part of Frank Yan that wants that sponginess to stop. We are all sponges. Yes, he said it. Sponges soaking up our environments were in. Most of the times we have to be sponges because there is so much to learn in this day and age that every day becomes a university. There’s always something new to learn and discover about ourselves. Frank wants that part of the sponge to remain open for business but he wants the part of himself he the chooses what actions he personally takes and the personality that he will emit to be a more like a rock than a sponge. Frank wants to choose a pattern of behavior that is what he decided to be in accordance with the belief systems that he have decided best reflects what he believes the universe is about and accurately reflects the purpose he has created for himself.

This is a very challenging time for Frank. Who was the guy Frank Yan that lives in Sacramento 4 weeks ago and is a very different person that he I is today? And the hurdles before Frank seem very high although he is sure they were not. But despite those hurdles Frank will take that fight to his very core. It’s not a fight of violence, but a fight of love whereby Frank must find a way of accepting these new facets of who he is and integrate them into the person he wishes to ultimately shape himself into. Frank is no different from anyone else. Everyone faces those challenges on a daily basis and the process of discovery of that person who you are or have chosen to be deep down, must be faced with love and your held high! Whether you see that inner person with an exact avatar or whether you decide that, that person will be someone new on a daily basis, do it with a sense of pure acceptance of you. You will change, you will adapt, your purpose will change, your desires will change, you ideal self will change, but change is a sponge, waiting to be immersed in a bucket of water.

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Achieving Happiness

For a start, Frank questions. It is really possible to divide every kind of happiness and suffering into two main categories: mental and physical? Of the two, it is the mind that exerts the greatest influence on most of us. Nevertheless, we are either gravely deprived or ill of basic necessities, that our physical condition plays a secondary role in our life. If the body is in the state of content, we virtually ignore it. The mind, however, registers every moments of an event, no matter how small or how bigl. Hence, we should all devote our most serious efforts to bringing about mental peace in Sacramento or anywhere we are.

From Frank’s own limited and gained experience, he has found that the greatest degree of inner tranquility comes from the development of love and compassion from within. The more and more we care for the happiness of others, the greater our own sense of well-being becomes. Cultivating a close, warm-hearted feeling for others automatically puts our mind at ease, as Frank Yan will say. This helps remove whatever fears or insecurities we may have and gives us the strength to cope with any obstacles we ever encounter. It is the ultimate source of success in life.

As long as we live in Sacramento or anywhere in this world we are bound to encounter problems. This is natural, problems will come and problems disappear. If, at any time we lose hope, become discouraged, we begin to diminish our ability to face our own difficulties we face. If, on the other hand, we remember that it is not just ourselves but every one who has to undergo the suffering, this more realistic perspective it will increase our determination and capacity to overcome the troubles. Indeed, with this attitude, each and every new obstacle can be seen as yet another valuable opportunity to improve our minds.

Thus we can strive gradually to become more compassionate, that is we can develop both genuine sympathy for others suffering and this will to help remove their pain. As a result, our own serenity and inner strength will increase. Frank Yan sees happiness wherever he is. Whether in his home in Sacramento or deep far beyond across globe.

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Andrographis and Vitamin C

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: How Get Over a Cold Fast

It's flu and cold season. And many people in and around Sacramento have been suffering from sickness. Frank Yan a resident of Sacramento says to be prepared to fight against this flu.

Know which 2 remedies can nip the flu it in the butt. Though your local Sacramento drug store or pharmacy is loaded up with a multitude of flu and cold meds, there are really just a couple of things that have actually been proven to speed up a flu or cold. They are: andrographis, vitamin C and of course your mom’s homemade chicken soup. Take regular doses of these the moment you start feeling symptoms. That’s 500 mg of vitamin C 4 times per day, with plenty of water, for the next 2 or 3 days or andrographis as 48 mg of standardized andrographolide extract 3 times daily. Frank Yan mentions that these remedies, in combination, can reduce the average time that a flu or cold lasts from roughly 5 days to 3.

Saturday, January 25, 2014


Posted in Blog

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: The Debt Forgiveness Relief Act Let’s face it, Frank Yan of Sacramento says that we are all looking to reduce costs some how, whether it is just to make spending less than we earn and get by, or because we should be putting more away for the [...]


Frank Yan of Sacramento on Walking Past the Homeless

Walking Past the Homeless. What do you do?

- If your reaction is of caution, that’s OK.
- If your reaction is to pretend they are not even there, that’s OK.
- If your reaction is putting extra space between yourself and the homeless, that’s OK.
- If your reaction is to look away from the homeless and try and avoid eye contact, that’s OK.

For many people, walking past a homeless beggar can be indecisive at times. We all hear so many of the negative things about the homeless, that we naturally act very cautious and may even have to think very carefully before taking any action at all. In the past, when Frank Yan was much younger and more naive as litte boy in London, Frank never used to give money to the homeless begging. He was always told, by immediate family, not to. He was told that he if gave the homeless money, they would spent that money on alcohol or drugs. Frank Yan was fed all sorts of beliefs that limited his perception and taught him to be afraid of doing anything genuinely good. He was taught to be selfish during that time. Frank is fairly sure that he is not alone in this experience or alone with these beliefs.

Frank was told to believe something when he was younger and Frank was given every good reason why. But then he made his own reasons of “Why not Right?….” It wasn’t a question of whether what he was doing was right or wrong, it was a question of what felt right to him. It was an action that allowed him to feel like he was doing something for the greater good. He was doing something and by helping people which is something Frank enjoys.

So there Frank was one day, walking past a homeless man in Old Sacramento, walking towards Raley’s Field to watch the Rivercats game in West Sacramento and he was feeling that initial insecurity; “What should I do? Where should I look? How should I feel? Should I acknowledge them? Will I feel guilty if I walk by without giving money? If I ignore them maybe they’ll disappear?” Do any of those questions or feelings seem familiar to you?

Frank decided that day to give this Sacramento homeless man, all the change I had within my pocket. Before he did, Frank smiled and knew that he wouldn’t catch anything. Frank pulled out what he had; it was about $7 enough for the homeless man to eat for the day. Frank walked up to the homeless man and gave him the money in his plastic cup he was holding in his hand. When Frank walked away he didn’t think about what he would use the money on; Frank didn’t feel like he did it out of pity; he didn’t even feel like I was giving him any money.

Frank felt like he was walking past “him” and this other “me” asked for a “him” to share, and in that way Frank shared something with this beautiful human soul. Frank doesn’t think about what clothes he was wearing or that he may hurt him. All Frank Yan could think was that this soul was another Brother in Christ, just like him.

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Spending Less Than You Earn

Frank Yan mentions that one of the most important factors of life and principle to becoming wealthy is to spend less money than you earn. This may sound easy, but in practice it can be very hard to do. Frank Yan has experienced this article and will explain what to look at and the challenges to spending less than you earn and offers some tips to overcome these.

First Frank Yan wants to look at those who may spend more money than they earn. It stands to reason that if someone is spending more money than what they earn, they are either being given the money or are borrowing it, such as credit. In this day and age of worldwide economic growth and prosperity it has never been easier than before to borrow money. Temptation to borrow is everywhere, whether it is for a new TV, a new car or a new house. In Sacramento personal debt levels are at record highs. With foreclosures at an all-time high, delinquent State deficit, and the average Joe shopping for a high priced vehicle at the Sacramento Auto Malls. Frank Yan has read that the US Federal Reserve has calculated that more than 45% of US families spend more than they earn. Not good…

The problem with our personal debts is that it can become a bad trap. Bad debt for example and how you can be trapped by this bad debt can be seen with probably its most and popular common form – Credit Cards. Ideally, people should ensure to pay off their balance in full by the end of the interest free period to avoid paying these high interest rates set on these credit cards. It’s quite common and sad that people use their entire credit limit and make only the minimum payment required as a lower payment is an attractive number so people can assume to live a more comfortable life without any financial stress. This minimum payment is the worst and is usually just enough to cover the interest charges only. Combined with a high interest rate this makes credit cards a very expensive form of borrowing.

There are also people who spend equals to what that they earn. If someone is spending everything they earn, it is obvious they are not saving anything or investing any of their earnings. This bad habit will make it very hard, if not impossible, for them to become wealthy in the future. It also means that they will more than likely need to borrow more money in the down the road to fund larger purchases. And so… The debt financial trap begins…

Develop Your Financial Discipline and Intelligence

Let’s return to Frank’s earlier example of credit card disaster. First question would be do you really need one? The emergency of Mastercard/ Visa debit cards and including Paypal has eliminated some of the benefits that credit cards traditional have Example: The ability to make purchases over the internet or telephone. If you do decide you still want a card, you will often be tempted with a higher credit limit, higher than you would have expected. Remove the temptation. By reducing the limit to one where you wouldn’t be scared if the card reaches its full limit. As mentioned earlier, ensure you pay off your balance in full each month to avoid paying these high interest percentages and building up a large amount of debt.

Reduce Your Spending Consumption

First step here is to identify and to eliminate conspicuous consumption. What Frank means is the buying of things you don’t need or want. Second thought is, distinguish your wants from needs. As you begin to identify things as wants, you will reassess whether or not you really want to spend your money on that purchase. Last thing is, set some short to long term financial goals. Use motivation to control your immediate consumption of spending. Example, which you want to go for a well-deserved away from Sacramento vacation across seas in your short term goal. You will find it far much easier to resist purchasing that new item you saw if you can associate this with the goal of an overseas get a way.

Bringing These Two Solutions Together

The best way to bring these two solutions together is financial discipline and controlled consumption. Start to budget and live by it. A budget is simply a plan that allocates your future income towards expenses, savings and debt repayment.

If you don’t like the idea of creating a budget, a simpler way to ensure you spend less money than you earn is to Pay Yourself First. Set up an automatic system to Pay Yourself First. Avoid paying for purchases via your credit you can relax knowing that you are spending less money than you earn.

If you are struggling with debt and/ or excessive consumption of spending, be clear that spending less money than you earn will involve some short term sacrifices and lifestyle changes. These changes will be way more positive as you begin to take control of your finances sensibly and putting yourself on the road to wealth.

Frank Yan of Sacramento on 10 Ways of Saving Money Every Month

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: The Debt Forgiveness Relief Act

Let's face it, Frank Yan of Sacramento says that we are all looking to reduce costs some how, whether it is just to make spending less than we earn and get by, or because we should be putting more away for the kids college and for retirement. Frank Yan had put together a checklist of ways you could possibly save money.You may save just a fraction little, or a whole lot, but either way it all counts if it ends up in the right place your bank account

Before you go down this list, let's begin gathering all of your monthly bills and put them in one place. It helps to track all of your expenses for thirty days (you’ll be amazed what you waste money on) Prepare a spreadsheet that accounts for your income and every one of your expenses, whether they’re daily, weekly, monthly and yearly. From there it is like a fun game to
go down the list to see how much you can save as you keep tracking the next few months expenditures.

1. Refinance your home mortgage.
Frank Yan has saved many consumers in Sacramento and arcross the States by helping those consumers re-mortgage their home. By calling a mortgage broker or your current lender and see if you can take advantage of today’s current interest rates.Even the difference of 1% in interest rate can save you tens of thousands of dollars over the life of the loan.

2. Shop out your homeowners insurance.
Call your homeowners insurance representative and ask if there are better policy prices, or shop around for other insurance carriers a little. Frank Yan has learned that Simple things
alarm service may also lower your homeowner’s bill.

3. Always get your property taxes reassessed.
When your price of your propety goes up in value, your county and city taxes you more based on the value of your property. The same with when your property value goes down, you may be eligible for a property tax reduction. Call your local assessor’s office and you should never pay anyone to submit the application for you.

4. Bundle your internet, cable, and home phone services together.
These 3 services can get time consuming as wellas expensive, so give a few carriers a call and ask about bundled packages to save money.

5. Review your cell phone plan.
Contact your carrier and ask to review your usage of minutes and the plan. You may be over paying for something you never use. If their are multiple cell phone users in your family, consider a shared family plan. In addition if you have a home phone that you don’t really need, it’s a good time to cancel it.

6. Ask your credit cards companies to lower APRs.
Credit cards will always reward good customers with lower APRs, or by fixing a low interest rate if you’re in a variable one.It’s a good time to get a grasp on how much you owe and what your repayment plan is if you owe more than 30% of your total available balance and/or are paying only minimum payments every month, it’s time to make a money-saving change.

7. Re price your auto insurance.
Every year, your car gets a year older and your driving record may have changed That means it’s time to call your insurance agent and ask if there are any discounts available or higher
deductible plans.

8. Always know your credit score.
Every year, inaccuracies, errors and even old items can cost many consumers countless millions of dollars. Frank Yan suggests that you should pull your credit every 6 months. (you can do it once for free with each bureau) and make sure your credit is clean. A good score can save you a bundle when it comes time to applying for a home loan, refinancing, getting an auto or business loan, or even when applying for insurance.

9. Check your health insurance premiums.
You can save money if you don't go to the doctor much or even if you lost a few lbs or want to increase your deductible. It never hurts to ask, or shop around.

10. Check for bank fees and credit card annual fees.
Adding insult to injury, many financial institutions charge US for the privilege of making THEM money.But that doesn’t mean you need to stand for it check to see what kind of fees your bank and credit card companies are charging you and don’t be afraid to take your business elsewhere.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Posted in Blog

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: Supplemental Car Insurance Frank Yan of Sacramento says that when we decide to move into a condo, we may not realize that there is isn’t a need to shop for condo owners insurance. After all, we are paying association fees, part of which goes toward a condo [...]


Frank Yan of Sacramento on Condo Association Insurance vs Condo Owners

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: Supplemental Car Insurance

Frank Yan of Sacramento says that when we decide to move into a condo, we may not realize that there is isn't a need to shop for condo owners insurance. After all, we are paying association fees, part of which goes toward a condo association insurance policy. However, these 2 types of insurances have very different coverages, so it is prudent to have both types of policies.

A condo association policy covers the condominium complex as a entire whole. Specifically, it protects important and common areas against damage and structural assets. You and the other condo residents make use of these areas like walkways, elevators, outer walls, swimming pools, etc. That’s why you pay for a portion of the insurance through your association fees.

Nevertheless, the association policy may not cover the interior of the condo that you live in. If a water pipe bursts and damages your possessions, or if they are stolen during a burglary, the association policy will not cover you. Condo owner’s insurance fills that gap.

Condo owners insurance works similar to homeowners insurance. It covers the condo unit against perils, fire, and fire. It also comes with personal liability insurance to cover damage you may accidentally cause to others property or injuries to visitors at your condo.

For the best piece of mind, it pays to have your condo fully insured through both your own policy and the one held by the condo association. Frank Yan suggest to contact your local Sacramento Insurance Policy Holder.

This content is offered for educational purposes only and does not represent any contractual agreements. The definitions,coverages and terms in a given policy can be different than those suggested here and such policy will be governed by the language contained therein. Frank Yan states no warranty or appropriateness for a specific purpose is implied and expressed.

Saturday, January 11, 2014


Posted in Blog

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related artlce: Home Prices: Biggest Rise in More Than 2 Years Sacramento resident, Frank Yan has seen rising home prices continue to pull underwater homeowners into positive equity positions in Sacramento and the entire nation, with 791,000 additional properties returning to a situation in which the borrower no longer owes [...]


Frank Yan of Sacramento on CoreLogic: 791K Underwater Homes Return to Positive Equity

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related artlce: Home Prices: Biggest Rise in More Than 2 Years

Sacramento resident, Frank Yan has seen rising home prices continue to pull underwater homeowners into positive equity positions in Sacramento and the entire nation, with 791,000 additional properties returning to a situation in which the borrower no longer owes more than the home is worth in the third quarter, CoreLogic (CLGX) said Tuesday.

The Irvine, Calif based research firm reported that as of 3Q, the total number of mortgaged properties with equity remains at 42.6 million, and of those, only 6.4 million or 13% of all properties remained in negative equity by the end of the third quarter. This is down from 7.2 million upside homes in the second quarter of this year.

Negative equity is usually the result of declining property values or an increase in mortgage debt, CoreLogic points out.

The overall national value of negative equity continues to fall as home prices rise, giving more homeowners a chance to benefit from refinancing or selling opportunities. Aggregate negative equity in the U.S. hit $397 billion in 3Q, down from $430 billion at the end of the second quarter and a $33.7 billion slide.

CoreLogic attributes the sudden rise to improving home prices, but of those 42.6 million properties with positive equity, 10 million have less than 20% equity, leaving them in a situation where it’s still hard to refinance due to underwriting constraints.

Borrowers with less than 5% equity remain at risk of becoming upside-down if home prices begin to fall again.

"Fewer than 7 million homeowners are underwater, with a total mortgage debt of $1.6 trillion," said Mark Fleming, chief economist for CoreLogic. "Negative equity will decline even further in the coming quarters as the housing market continues to improve."

The state of Nevada had the highest percentage of mortgage properties in negative equity at 32.2%, followed by Florida (28.8%), Arizona (22.5%), Ohio (18%) and Georgia (17.8%).

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Posted in Blog

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: Information Thats Hits Us Where We Live Frank Yan of Sacramento says thate mortgage rates faces North for the begining of 2014. Freddie Mac’s 30 year fixed-rate mortgage climbing to 4.53% and the 15 year fixed-rate mortgage climbing to 3.55%. Frank Nothaft, Freddie Mac’s chief economist, stated [...]


Frank Yan of Sacramento on Mortgage Rates Faces North in the New Year

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: Information Thats Hits Us Where We Live

Frank Yan of Sacramento says thate mortgage rates faces North for the begining of 2014. Freddie Mac’s 30 year fixed-rate mortgage climbing to 4.53% and the 15 year fixed-rate mortgage climbing to 3.55%. Frank Nothaft, Freddie Mac’s chief economist, stated “rising consumer confidence a strong showing for home prices in the most recent S&P/ Case-Schiller Indices, and a slight gain in pending home sales for November 2013” as reasons for the rate increase. He added that these indicators are all “signs of a stronger economic recovery”