Thursday, November 28, 2013


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Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: Supplemental Car Insurance Sacramento resident Frank Yan asks, in today’s society, what is it that makes a sports car a sports car? Could it be a higher caliber of performance? Frank Yan agrees so. So this increased performance out of these machines means that it also comes [...]


Wednesday, November 27, 2013


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Frank Yan of Sacramento posts an article from realtormag.orgThe recession hasn’t shaken Americansconfidence in home ownership, according to a new survey of 1,000 adults nationwide by NeighborWorks America.About two-thirds of survey respondents say their opinion on home ownership has not changed over the past five years. Eighty-eight percent say owning a home is an important [...]


Frank Yan of Sacramento on Giving Thanks

When Frank Yan was young, living in London, England, Thanksgiving was not a celebration he celebrated. As soon Frank arrived in Sacramento, California at the age of 9 years old, Frank realized that Thanksgiving is a holiday the United States celebrated.

Frank used to think the Thanksgiving holidays was boring. We all eat delicious foods, however we do not receive any presents like we would on Christmas. Now since Frank is older, he had a greater appreciation of the Thanksgiving holiday but the most important is the celebrating with the family, friends, and all the blessings in his life.

It is so very easy to feel as if nothing is going in your way, but remember it’s the trails and tribulations that will turn into something to be grateful for brand new a new lesson and a new opportunity to grow stronger and wiser.

This year in Sacramento, Thanksgiving, Frank is thankful for all the strengths and the all the flaws that come together to make Frank Yan who he is. He has grown so much but yet he still has so much growing to do, and he’s thankful who the people who have been there every step of the way.

Happy Thanksgiving Sacramento and all those around the world. Enjoy this year Thanksgiving with those you love.

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Americans Still Thankful for Home Ownership

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts an article from

The recession hasn’t shaken Americansconfidence in home ownership, according to a new survey of 1,000 adults nationwide by NeighborWorks America.

About two-thirds of survey respondents say their opinion on home ownership has not changed over the past five years. Eighty-eight percent say owning a home is an important element of their “American Dream.

“Although the housing market took one of the largest hits ever, with home prices falling nationally and foreclosures rising to more than one million homes annually, home ownership remains a goal many want to achieve,says Eileen Fitzgerald, CEO of NeighborWorks America. “But it’s important to also note that the poll also underscores that we need to have quality and affordable rental homes available for those people who simply prefer to rent.”

The majority of renters and home owners surveyed say they believe the home buying process is complicated. They attribute the major obstacles to personal finance issues, such as lack of job security or not having enough money for a down payment. One in four surveyed say they have no familiarity with the mortgage products available.

Still, about half of those surveyed say they feel more prepared today than five years ago to buy a home. Forty percent, though, say they are less prepared.

“These results tell us that most consumers believe that they know when the time is right for them to buy a home and feel strongly that home ownership is important but that their personal situation may have been affected in the past five years and is holding them back from pursuing home ownership,Fitzgerald says.

Source: “Consumers View on Homeownership Remains Optimistic," National Mortgage News

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Indentifying Sports Car Insurance

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: Supplemental Car Insurance

Sacramento resident Frank Yan asks, in today's society, what is it that makes a sports car a sports car? Could it be a higher caliber of performance? Frank Yan agrees so. So this increased performance out of these machines means that it also comes at a higher price tag. The prices of a these performance vehicles are generally and always higher than its more average counterpart. The replacement of parts are also more expensive and the it's typical for labor times to work on them are higher too. Sports cars on the most part require higher insurance policies. The category of “sports carcan be very subjective in some areas, and the insurance companies could have various definitions for what does not count and what does count as a sports car. Nonetheless, there are many elements that the insurance take into account:

Engine Size The larger of engines the better the performance and the indicative of speed and performance. However, this isn't always the case. Some SUV's and or trucks may carry 8 cylinder to 12 cylinder engine to increase its hauling power. But there's cars that offer 4 cylinder engines as basic to their standard. So driving a car with a 6 cylinder or greater may suit the insurance company’s sports car definition.

The number of doors a 4 door sports car are not common. However a few manufactures do produce them. Typically a 4 door vehicle indicates the car is designed for families. Those cars with 2 doors normally state a smaller vehicle, like a coup built with maneuverability in mind and or speed. A car with 2 doors might indicate the insurance company to offer its sports car-style coverage.

Weight and HeightTo maximize performance and speed in a sports cars they are normally weigh less than those cars that are non sporty and a lot lower to the ground. Many insurance companies may take these factors into consideration.

Frank Yan is not an auto insurance expert. The above written are only the opinions. For more information about insurance on a sports car, contact your local Sacramento Insurance representative.

Sunday, November 24, 2013


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Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: The Top 10 Debt Mistakes You Don’t Want to MakeFrank Yan has consulted many home buyers with debt in Sacramento and says that if you have a significant amount of credit card or unsecured debt it’s often hard to get clear, accurate information about your options. Consumers [...]


Frank Yan on Imagine If There Was No Money

Frank brought up an exercise of trying to visualize this world without money or even the concept of having any money. Imagine if there was no more money at all, not a word for it, and no emotional or physical reference to it. The entire whole the idea of money simply doesn’t exist.

Why did Frank Yan have us thinking like this? Because there is so many people that spend the majority of their life in the pursuit of this “manmade” invention. For the most part money is really a necessary, yet it is an insidious detour away from everything that really matters.

Like a bottomless abyss in the sea, there’s money smack dab in the middle of almost everything meaningful that you want to do. You can’t ignore it at all and it’s almost impossible to get anything done without it, so you are forced to deal with it.

Does Money call all the shots?

In the name of money and the careers, we may invest years of our lives on specialized education and training we may seek. Why is that? So we can spend another 30-50 years earning a living here in Sacramento. What’s really at the end of our rainbow? The hope of being able to retire with enough money to enjoy whatever time and health we have left.

It does become especially challenging to maintain a balanced view of money when we are confronted by economic hardship. The lack of legal tender can corrupt our sense of self-worth, and even threaten our sense of security. Not any inanimate object is more emotionally charged. That is a tremendous amount of leverage for an artificial commodity we call money, don’t you think?

Can people really imagine if there was no more money?

It is going to be difficult to wrap our minds around this concept of no more money because it is bound to be outside the realm of our experience. How would our Sacramento city society be structured if there were no such thing as money anymore? What would we all focus on and how would we make value comparisons?

We do not really know because it has never been tried on such a large scale. One thing is for sure; is most people’s lives would probably be a lot more true and realistic without it. Maybe we should just abolish the stuff and start focusing on things of real value.

Frank Yan asks: What’s your take on money today? Are you able to imagine no more money anymore?

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Debt Relief Options

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: The Top 10 Debt Mistakes You Don't Want to Make

Frank Yan has consulted many home buyers with debt in Sacramento and says that if you have a significant amount of credit card or unsecured debt it's often hard to get clear, accurate information about your options. Consumers will find that there isn't a "perfect option", but there will definitely be a "best option" for debt relief. It's important that you take the time to understand the benefits and risks of any debt relief plan before committing.

Here is a summary that Frank Yan put together of available debt relief options based on $30K of credit card debt:

1.Minimum Payments.

The banks prefer you pay only minimum payments. Why? You make them incredibly rich by doing so. This may be the single most harmful financial mistake you can make.

Pros: None
Cons: You'll end up paying 400-1,000 cents on the dollar for your purchases over 20-30 years.

BE CAREFUL: Money spent towards servicing debt for 20-30 years is MUCH better spent building savings, paying down a mortgage, or funding investments and retirement - ask any financial planer.

Success Rate: 0% (even paying your credit cards off with minimum payments isn't a success)

Approx. Payoff: Monthly payment of $480: 24 years (288 months). $139,461.

2. Accelerate Payoff with extra principal.

You can pay extra money towards principal every month to pay down your creditors faster.

Pros: Will reduce your total payoff and the time it takes to get out of debt.
Cons: Not many people have extra money these days. You also can't control what the creditors do with your interest rates or if they apply the money correctly to principal.

BE CAREFUL: This will take the discipline of paying extra every month as long as it takes, which is hard to do. Think of it this way: we all know we're supposed to go to the gym and work out more, and may even start off good, but do we keep going every month? Knowing what's good for you and doing it are two different things.

Success Rate: 7%
Approx. Payoff: Monthly Payment of $680: 9 years (108 months). $63,094.

3. Payment Plan.

If you are having financial trouble or miss payments you may be able to negotiate a payment plan with your creditors for 100 cents on the dollar.

Pros: Payoff for less than minimum payments.
Cons: You won't be able to use your card anymore. Negative impact to credit score. You will have to negotiate this with the bank and they may not approve it.

BE CAREFUL: If you miss even one payment on this plan all of your back interest and late fees may be added in with interest rates as high as 30%

Success Rate: 29%
Approx Payoff: Monthly Payment of $480: 5.5 years (66 months). $30,000.

BE CAREFUL: There is no huge financial benefit to CCCS that cannot be achieved more efficiently through a repayment plan or debt settlement.

Success Rate: 21%

Approx. Payoff: Monthly Payment of $700: 5-7 years (60-84 months). $51,300.

5. Debt Settlement.

Debt settlement is a legal negotiation where your creditors will take less than what is owed, usually around 30-50%.

Pros: Debt free in18-30 months for the same monthly payment. Most efficient way to pay off your creditors. Voluntary negotiation for your creditors. Recapture monthly payment that can be used for savings, investments, retirement.
Cons: Risk of creditor lawsuits. Settlement negotiations may be higher or lower and can not be guaranteed. Must miss payments resulting in temporary damage to credit score.

BE CAREFUL: Trying it yourself is seldom successful and could land you in court if you are sued. Do not hire a debt settlement company because they charge high fees and set you up to fail. Only hire an attorney who specializes in debt settlement and keep your plan within 2 years or less for best success.

Success Rate: 20-40% if attempted by consumer, 75-99%* if done by qualified attorney
Approx. Payoff:Monthly payment of $480: 1 -2 years (12 to 24 months). $10,000 - $14,000

6. Bankruptcy.

Bankruptcy offers legal protection from your creditors.

Pros: BK gives a fresh start for those who are financially destitute or overwhelmed with debt.
Cons: Complete default for your creditors. WORST thing for your creditors. Hard to get new loans. Can only file once every 6 years.

BE CAREFUL: Chapter 7 bankruptcy wipes out your debt. A Chapter 13 is a repayment plan and may be better accomplished with a debt settlement.

Success Rate: 100% if you qualify
Approx. Payoff:Costs for bankruptcy range from $2,000 - $3,000.


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Frank Yan of Sacramento post a related article: Never Give Up The question asked is. What if… One day Frank Yan was sitting in his Sacramento ALLDATA office pondering about these two words These two words spoken one at a time seem to appear totally harmless, however when put together it asks the question that it [...]


Frank Yan of Sacramento on What If....

Frank Yan of Sacramento post a related article: Never Give Up

The question asked is. What if... One day Frank Yan was sitting in his Sacramento ALLDATA office pondering about these two words These two words spoken one at a time seem to appear totally harmless, however when put together it asks the question that it had made more revenue, brought in more sales, and perhaps broken more sales reps than any other two words in the world.

If said separately, WHAT and IF. There's not any harm done, now we use these 2 words hundred times a day in regular conversation. What is that, what did he say, what did you do, what does that mean; all these are questions asked everyday. If you did this then, if she had said, if that had happened, if he had done; are also statements that are used in regular conversation.

Frank Yan asks, to say the 2 words together, “WHAT IF”? When put together they both make a question, “what ifthis happened, “what if" she did, “what ifhe said, “what ifI do, “what ifI mentioned, “what if”....
The “What ifquestion has assisted in making the best inventions in this world today. These two words can question status quo and force people to look into an issue further and try new never before tried ideas. “What if can drive us into directions we never thought of. “What Ifcan stir our imagination and helps us think.

There are other times we use “WHAT IF”, and it is not a pleasant thing in this context. “WHAT IFI HAD ONLY? When “what ifis used to second guess a life long decision. Then these 2 words will become a tool of self destruction. The both could destroy a company, destroy a career, and the worst of all, it can destroy a family.

So how can we avoid the “what ifquestion? Avoid it by following the words made famous by the Nike brand, “JUST DO IT”! Begin to do more and question our selves less we will not be using “what ifin the future. Some of us may say that we are too young to have a “what ifmoment. Not correct. Regardless of age anyone could have a “what ifmoment. At any time we can recall back to a time that we made a major decision of
having a “what if moment.

Take the leap, cut the cards and roll the dice. “JUST DO IT!!”. The worst thing that can happen is that we can make a mistake. A mistake today can always be corrected. A “what ifmoment now, years from our present time will never be able to be corrected. It will be with us for the rest of our lives.

The decision is yours and in your hands. And Frank Yan of Sacramento asks...... What would it be, “WHAT IFor “JUST DO IT”?

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Remembering Michael Jackson

Frank never thought he would be remembering about this news, at least not for a long time. For any of us that grew up in the 80′s and 90′s, Michael Jackson meant a lot us. He was the man that, every boy wanted to be like and all the girls loved him. When Frank Yan thinks back of his childhood days, before Frank moved from London to Sacramento some of his fondest memories was watching his music videos on BBC, MTV and VH1, which were so groundbreaking and innovative. It was like watching true art in motion.

Frank remembers when Thriller when it first came out, the whole neighborhood was watching it and talking about it. It was an event. Same with Smooth Criminal, when Michael did the Moonwalk. At school the next day all the kids were talking about how it was a trick done with mirrors and such. Everything Michael Jackson did was pure finesse. That’s the Michael Jackson Frank Yan remembers today.

We are all aware of Michael Jackson’s troubles over his past years, but Frank hopes that people will see his legacy by his work and not his antics off the stage. Michael Jackson touched the entire world. Frank recalls a few years ago being at a talent show at his church in Sacramento, the kids were dancing to Billie Jean, and Frank was thinking, “Wow there is truly no other person that is so universally recognized as Michael Jackson.” Frank thinks that’s the legacy that Michael Jackson should be remembered for, all the lives that he touched and all the kids that he made believe in magic.

Frank doesn’t have many heroes, or people that I look up to, besides to his mother. It’s difficult to find heroes in today’s world. Frank idolized Michael Jackson because he strived to be the absolute best at what he did. He utilized his God given gifts to the best of his abilities to bring music and the entertainment of his dancing. For that, Frank has so much respect for what Michael brought into this world. A bonafide musical genius. A global icon of the world. Whatever you want to call him, he is undoubtedly a legend that people will speak of for years. Frank undoubtedly knows that Michael was ahead of his time in many ways and probably highly misunderstood.

Frank chooses to celebrate Michael’s greatness. The negative aspects have been focused on too much over the past years. No need for that now. No more. When Frank heard about Michael’s passing, Frank was driving from Reno on Interstate 80 back to his home in Sacramento. Frank shed a tear as soon as he found out as Frank grew up listening to one to the worlds best Pop singer. It’s strange because along with the sadness of knowing that Frank’s childhood idol is dead, Frank sort of feels like celebrating his music and feeling a sense of relief. He can rest in peace now.

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Achieving Happiness

For a start, Frank questions. It is really possible to divide every kind of happiness and suffering into two main categories: mental and physical? Of the two, it is the mind that exerts the greatest influence on most of us. Nevertheless, we are either gravely deprived or ill of basic necessities, that our physical condition plays a secondary role in our life. If the body is in the state of content, we virtually ignore it. The mind, however, registers every moments of an event, no matter how small or how bigl. Hence, we should all devote our most serious efforts to bringing about mental peace in Sacramento or anywhere we are.

From Frank’s own limited and gained experience, he has found that the greatest degree of inner tranquility comes from the development of love and compassion from within. The more and more we care for the happiness of others, the greater our own sense of well-being becomes. Cultivating a close, warm-hearted feeling for others automatically puts our mind at ease, as Frank Yan will say. This helps remove whatever fears or insecurities we may have and gives us the strength to cope with any obstacles we ever encounter. It is the ultimate source of success in life.

As long as we live in Sacramento or anywhere in this world we are bound to encounter problems. This is natural, problems will come and problems disappear. If, at any time we lose hope, become discouraged, we begin to diminish our ability to face our own difficulties we face. If, on the other hand, we remember that it is not just ourselves but every one who has to undergo the suffering, this more realistic perspective it will increase our determination and capacity to overcome the troubles. Indeed, with this attitude, each and every new obstacle can be seen as yet another valuable opportunity to improve our minds.

Thus we can strive gradually to become more compassionate, that is we can develop both genuine sympathy for others suffering and this will to help remove their pain. As a result, our own serenity and inner strength will increase. Frank Yan sees happiness wherever he is. Whether in his home in Sacramento or deep far beyond across globe.

Monday, November 18, 2013


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Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article on Fruit Energy Bites According to Sacramento resident, Frank Yan he states that bread is one of the foods out there that is so versatile. Whether if we like it hearty, savory, light or sweet, there will always be a recipe for us. Frank Yan came across [...]


Frank Yan of Sacramento on Loveing the Effort

On a Sat morning while Frank Yan was preparing breakfast at his Sacramento residence, his mind went into tangent and had a thought. Frank’s thoughts were, to do our best at any efforts, we must love the effort. Instead of delaying, avoiding, and even cursing what we must have to do is dive into it with gratitude and enthusiasm.

If it absolutely has to be done, we have do it in our most creative and effective state. Rather of assuming that any particular task is undesirable, we should approach it as the very best thing we could be doing at that exact moment.

For those whom assume that the effort is a curse are continuously beaten down by the efforts they make. Those who see the efforts, or the effort, as a blessing end up being truly blessed by those efforts.

Sacramento man, Frank Yan says, it’s our choice, so we need to make the smart empowering one. We need to decide and, enjoy, and love the effort, and we’ll reap the fantastic benefits from it.

The ability to making the difference is by taking action. This is an essential element of life, so we should choose to rejoice it at every opportunity to do so.

Another one that Frank Yan mentions, lose the complaints, the feelings of frustration, the self pity, and always love the effort. Love the effort that we give to life, and we should discover how much the whole of life loves us back whether if we are in or out of Sacramento.

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Karma Looking back at You

Something Frank Yan believes strongly in is taking ownership for our own actions and choices and accept that there will be consequences of those actions and choices. Taking Responsibility? Free Will? And Karma?

We will always have choices no matter how limited they may seem and every choice we make has some sort of consequence. The bad choices that are made will always a result of some kind of fear we have that creates insecurity in all of us. We do not get “punished” for this, but rather we will experience the natural results of our bad choices that are made.

In the majority of our lives we all are taught to make our decisions that all based on our fears thus creating more insecurity when we finally realize and accept that we have chosen poorly for ourselves in the choices we’ve made. When we then realize that we do not have any control over the final outcome, and that we can only control our own decisions, it allows us to let go of fear and our need to control and make better choices based on faith in ourselves rather than fear. Then we are able to take responsibility for all of our choices, good and bad, and move forward. When you make a choice, you change the future.

Take responsibility. Frank Yan has seen many instances with people in Sacramento that played a negative role in the past that have caught up to them later. Let’s remember the saying that everyone knows. “Karma’s a “expletive”.

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Cinna Sweet Yogurt Bread

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article on Fruit Energy Bites

According to Sacramento resident, Frank Yan he states that bread is one of the foods out there that is so versatile. Whether if we like it hearty, savory, light or sweet, there will always be a recipe for us.

Frank Yan came across a recipe from a local Sacramento magazine, Sactown. Frank found this recipe was so confident that it would defiantly be a sweet for our tooth. What he found was a Cinna Sweet Yogurt Bread. Frank Yan says this bread would make the perfect breakfast.

To sweeten the taste, Frank recommends to spread some fruit jam or smother the bread in honey agave to begin your day off right. Or perhaps any time of day what isn't right for a piece of deliciously moist bread? Right?

Yogurt, brown sugar, cinnamon, vanilla and almond milk, combined creates the ideal bread that will change your non breakfast family members, defiantly assist you with guilt free snacking, satisfying your sweet cravings and tickle your please your taste buds all under a 150 calories per serving.

Sunday, November 17, 2013


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Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article on Frank Yan on Kale SaladEating your greens? Sacramento resident Frank Yan says that to make sure we clean them good enough before eating them to avoid food borne sickness.The other week Frank Yan visited his nutritionist in Sacramento and she told him that there was no [...]


Frank Yan of Sacramento - Sunday Devotional: John 4:14

Whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life. John 4:14 (NIV)

He who is a believer in Jesus finds enough in his Lord to satisfy him now, and to content him for evermore. The believer is not the man whose days are weary for want of comfort, and whose nights are long from absence of heart-cheering thought, for he finds in religion such a spring of joy , such a fountain of consolation, that he is content and happy. Put him in a dungeon and he will find good company; place him in a barren wilderness, he will eat the bread of heaven; drive him away from friendship, he will meet the “friend that sticketh closer than a brother.” Blast all his gourds, and he will find shadow beneath the Rock of Ages; sap the foundation of his earthly hopes, but his heart will still be fixed, trusting in the Lord. The heart is as insatiable as the grave till Jesus enters it, and then it is a cup full to overflowing. There is such a fulness in Christ that he alone is the believer’s all. The true saint is so completely satisfied with the all-sufficiency of Jesus that he thirsts no more-except it be for deeper draughts of the living fountain. In that sweet manner, believer, shalt thou thirst; it shall not be a thirst of pain, but of loving desire; thou wilt find it a sweet thing to be panting after a fuller enjoyment of Jesus’ love. One in days of yore said, “I have been sinking my bucket down into the well full often, but now my thirst after Jesus has become so insatiable, that I long to put the well itself to my lips, and drink right on.” Is this the feeling of thine heart now?

Frank Yan also has been an active member and student at the following: Brent Cross in Neasden, London, and Calvary Christian Church in Oroville, Ca, Oroville Christian School, Oroville, Ca, Gateway Fellowship, Sacramento, Ca, and Capital Christian Church, Sacramento, Ca


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Frank Yan of Sacramento posts an article from Daily Health PostFrank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article:  Frank Yan on Energy DrinksWhen taken at face value, diet soda seems like a health-conscious choice. It saves you the 140-plus calories you’d find in a sugary soft drink while still satisfying your urge for something sweet [...]


Frank Yan of Sacramento on Reasons to Give Uo on Diet Sodas

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts an article from Daily Health Post
Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article:  Frank Yan on Energy Drinks

When taken at face value, diet soda seems like a health-conscious choice. It saves you the 140-plus calories you'd find in a sugary soft drink while still satisfying your urge for something sweet with artificial sweeteners like aspartame, saccharin, and sucralose. But there's more to this chemical cocktail than meets the eye.

It confuses your body

Artificial sweeteners have more intense flavor than real sugar, so over time products like diet soda dull our senses to naturally sweet foods like fruit, says Dr. Brooke Alpert, author of The Sugar Detox.Even more troubling, these sugar stand-ins have been shown to have the same effect on your body as sugar. "Artificial sweeteners trigger insulin, which sends your body into fat storage mode and leads to weight gain,"
Alpert says.

It could lead to weight gain, not weight loss

Diet soda is calorie-free, but it won't necessarily help you lose weight. Researchers from the University of Texas found that over the course of about a decade, diet soda drinkers had a 70 percent greater increase in waist circumference compared with non-drinkers. And get this: participants who slurped down two or more sodas a day experienced a 500 percent greater increase. The way artificial sweeteners confuse the body may play a part, but another reason might be psychological, says Minnesota-based dietitian Cassie Bjork. When you know you're not consuming any liquid calories, it might be easier to justify that double cheeseburger or extra slice of pizza.

It's associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes
Drinking one diet soda a day was associated with a 36 percent increased risk of metabolic syndrome and diabetes in a University of Minnesota study. Metabolic syndrome describes a cluster of conditions (including high blood pressure, elevated glucose levels, raised cholesterol, and large waist circumference) that put people at high risk for heart disease, stroke, and diabetes, Bjork explains.

It has no nutritional value

When you drink diet soda, you're not taking in any calories—but you're also not swallowing anything that does your body any good, either. The best no-calorie beverage? Plain old water, says Bjork. "Water is essential for many of our bodily processes, so replacing it with diet soda is a negative thing," she says. If it's the fizziness you crave, try sparkling water.

Its sweetener is linked to headaches

Early studies on aspartame and anecdotal evidence suggests that this artificial sweetener may trigger headaches in some people. "I have several clients who used to suffer from migraines and pinpointed their cause to diet soda," Bjork says.

It'll ruin your smile over time

Excessive soda drinking could leave you looking like a Breaking Bad extra, according to a case study published in the journal General Dentistry. The research compared the mouths of a cocaine-user, a methamphetamine-user, and a habitual diet-soda drinker, and found the same level of tooth erosion in each of them. The culprit here is citric acid, which weakens and destroys tooth enamel over time.
It makes drinking more dangerous

Using diet soda as a low-calorie cocktail mixer has the dangerous effect of getting you drunk faster than sugar-sweetened beverages, according to research from Northern Kentucky University. The study revealed that participants who consumed cocktails mixed with diet drinks had a higher breath alcohol concentration than those who drank alcohol blended with sugared beverages. The researchers believe this is because our bloodstream is able to absorb artificial sweetener more quickly than sugar.

It's associated with depression

A recent study presented at a the American Academy of Neurology meeting found that over the course of 10 years, people who drank more than four cups or cans of soda a day were 30 percent more likely to develop depression than those who steered clear of sugary drinks. The correlation held true for both regular and diet drinks, but researchers were sure to note that the risk appeared to be greater for those who primarily drank diet sodas and fruit punches. Although this type of study can't prove cause and effect, its findings are worth considering.

It may be bad for your bones

Women over 60 are already at a greater risk for osteoporosis than men, and Tufts University researchers found that drinking soda, including diet soda, compounds the problem. They discovered that female cola drinkers had nearly 4 percent lower bone mineral density in their hips than women who didn't drink soda. The research even controlled for the participants' calcium and vitamin D intake. Additionally, a 2006 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that cola intake (all kinds, not just diet) was associated with low bone-mineral density in women.

It may hurt your heart

Just one diet soft drink a day could boost your risk of having a vascular event such as stroke, heart attack or vascular death, according to researchers from the University of Miami and Columbia University. Their study found that diet soda devotees were 43 percent more likely to have experienced a vascular event than those who drank none. Regular soda drinkers did not appear to have an increased risk of vascular events. Researchers say more studies need to be conducted before definitive conclusions can be made about diet soda's effects on health.

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Eating Your Greens

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article on Frank Yan on Kale Salad

Eating your greens? Sacramento resident Frank Yan says that to make sure we clean them good enough before eating them to avoid food borne sickness.

The other week Frank Yan visited his nutritionist in Sacramento and she told him that there was no such thing as consuming too many vegetables greens, however mentioned that he makes sure that they are cleaned properly. Contaminated green vegetables are the common culprit to getting many people sick, according to Frank's nutritionist she said that studies have found it in many contaminated poultry in more deaths in their results.

So, Frank Yan asks what is the absolute best way to protect our families from food-borne sickness? Handle our foods safely at home. When it comes to produce, this means we should clean all fruits and vegetables with cold water prior to eating. Also remove any outer leaves of lettuce. Also never prepare our foods that will be consumed raw on the same surfaces where we are also preparing any raw meats. keep all food preparation areas and the refrigerator sanitary by cleaning up spills with soapy hot water and rinsing it well. Do not use sponges to clean up poultry juices and raw meat unless you plan to throw them away right after. Instead use bleach wipes or paper towels to clean up.

Thursday, November 14, 2013


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Frank Yan of Sacramento posts an article from Sacramento Business JournalRelated article:  Frank Yan of Sacramento on Sacramento Home Prices Grown Rapidly Within 7 Years A fair-market rent in most of the Sacramento area is $854 a month for a one-bedroom place and $1,899 for a four-bedroom home, according to proposed rents released this week [...]



Posted in Blog

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts an article from Sacramento Business JournalRelated article:  Frank Yan of Sacramento on Sacramento Home Prices Grown Rapidly Within 7 Years A fair-market rent in most of the Sacramento area is $854 a month for a one-bedroom place and $1,899 for a four-bedroom home, according to proposed rents released this week [...]



Posted in Blog

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts an article from Sacramento Business JournalRelated article:  Frank Yan of Sacramento on Sacramento Home Prices Grown Rapidly Within 7 Years A fair-market rent in most of the Sacramento area is $854 a month for a one-bedroom place and $1,899 for a four-bedroom home, according to proposed rents released this week [...]


Wednesday, November 13, 2013


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Frank Yan of Sacramento posts an article from Sacramento Business JournalRelated article:  Frank Yan of Sacramento on Sacramento Home Prices Grown Rapidly Within 7 Years A fair-market rent in most of the Sacramento area is $854 a month for a one-bedroom place and $1,899 for a four-bedroom home, according to proposed rents released this week [...]



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Frank Yan of Sacramento on Benefits of Coconut Water Consuming yogurt for a better mood? One day at one of the Sacramento libraries, Frank Yan saw article that showed probiotics are not just good for our bodies. They can also benefit our brains.While Frank Yan continued reading, he read that their have been studies found [...]



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Frank Yan of Sacramento posts an article from Sacramento Business JournalRelated article:  Frank Yan of Sacramento on Sacramento Home Prices Grown Rapidly Within 7 Years A fair-market rent in most of the Sacramento area is $854 a month for a one-bedroom place and $1,899 for a four-bedroom home, according to proposed rents released this week [...]


Frank Yan of Sacramento on Never Give Up

This is one of the SADDEST stories ever told in Hollywood. His name is Sylvestar Stallone. One of the BIGGEST and Most famous American Movie superstars. Back in the day,Stallone was a struggling actor in every definition. At some point,he got so broke that he stole his wife’s jewellery and sold it. Things got so bad that he even ended up homeless. Yes,he slept at the New York bus station for 3 days. Unable to pay rent or afford food. His lowest point came when he tried to sell his dog at the liquor store to any stranger. He didnt have money to feed the dog anymore. He sold it at $25 only. He says he walked away crying.

Two weeks later,he saw a boxing match between Mohammed Ali and Chuck Wepner and that match gave him the inspiration to write the script for the famous movie,ROCKY. He wrote the script for 20 hours! He tried to sell it and got an offer for $125,000 for the script. But he had just ONE REQUEST. He wanted to STAR in the movie. He wanted to be the MAIN ACTOR. Rocky himself. But the studio said NO. They wanted a REAL STAR.

They said he “Looked funny and talked funny”. He left with his script. Afew weeks later,the studio offered him $250,000 for the script. He refused. They even offered $350,000. He still refused. They wanted his movie. But NOT him. He said NO. He had to be IN THAT MOVIE.

After a while,the studio agreed,gave him $35,000 for the script and let him star in it! The rest is history! The movie won Best Picture,Best Directing and Best Film Editing at the prestigious Oscar Awards. He was even nominated for BEST ACTOR! The Movie ROCKY was even inducted into the American National Film Registry as one of the greatest movies ever.

And do You know the first thing he bought with the $35,000? THE DOG HE SOLD. Yes,Stallone LOVED HIS DOG SO MUCH that he stood at the liquor store for 3 days waiting for the man he sold his dog to. And on the 3rd day,he saw the man coming with the dog. Stallone explained why he sold the dog and begged for the dog back. The man refused. Stallone offered him $100. The man refused. He offered him $500. And the guy refused. Yes,he refused even $1000. And,Believe it or Not,Stallone had to pay $15,000 for the same,same dog he sold at $25 only! And he finally got his dog back.

And today,the same Stallone who slept in the streets and sold his dog JUST BECAUSE he couldnt even feed it anymore,is one of the GREATEST Movie Stars who ever walked the Earth.

Being broke is BAD. Really BAD. Have You ever had a dream? A wonderful dream? But You are too broke to implement it? Too tiny to do it? Too small to accomplish it? Damn! I’ve been there too many times!

Life is tough. Opportunities will pass you by,just because you are a NOBODY. People will want your products but NOT YOU. Its a tough world. If you aint already famous,or rich or “connected”,You will find it rough. Doors will be shut on You. People will steal your glory and crash your hopes.You will push and push. And yet NOTHING WILL HAPPEN.

And then your hopes will be crashed.You will be broke. Damn broke. You will do odd jobs for survival. You will be unable to feed yourself. And Yes,you may end up sleeping in the streets.
It happens. Yes,it does.

BUT NEVER LET THEM CRUSH THAT DREAM. Whatever happens to You,Keep Dreaming. Even when they crush your hopes,Keep Dreaming. Even when they turn you away,Keep Dreaming. Even when they shut you down,Keep Dreaming.

NO ONE KNOWS WHAT YOU ARE CAPABLE OF EXCEPT YOURSELF! People will judge You by HOW you look. And by WHAT You have. But please,Fight on! Fight for Your place in history. Fight for your glory. NEVER EVER GIVE UP!

Even if it means selling all your clothes and sleeping with the dogs,ITS OKAY! But AS LONG AS YOU ARE STILL ALIVE,Your STORY IS NOT OVER. Keep Up the Fight. Keep your dreams and hope alive.

Frank Yan of Sacramento has been a all time favorite of Stallone. Especially hearing about his struggle from an asipring actor to the person he is today.

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Steps To A Healthier You

Frank Yan is a huge fitness fanatic. Frank says that we don’t always have to register for boot camp to stay in shape. We can improve our fitness (and health) by alternativly walking 6K (about 3 miles) to 10K steps per day. The goal is to boost our vitality and overall health, put one foot in front of the other at least 6K times per day. By walking about 6K steps (about 3 miles) daily will decrease the risk of heart disease and diabetes. People who walk 6K steps per day are less likely to be obese. To keep ourselves motivated, we need to invest in a pedometer to count the number of steps we take daily. Tracking our steps will help us set goals and makes us stay accountable. If 6K steps feels way too daunting, try with just 2K per day and then work your way up to 6K or more steps each and every day.

Frank Yan has been an active member of Cal Fit in the Sacramento area, Prime Time Boxing in Sacramento and Roseville, 24hr Fitness in the Sacramento area, and it’s various locations across nation, or may be in the gym at the hotels he will stay during his travels.

Frank Yan of Sacramento on How Much is Fair Rent in Sacramento?

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts an article from Sacramento Business Journal
Related article:  Frank Yan of Sacramento on Sacramento Home Prices Grown Rapidly Within 7 Years

A fair-market rent in most of the Sacramento area is $854 a month for a one-bedroom place and $1,899 for a four-bedroom home, according to proposed rents released this week by the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development.

The suggested rents aren’t necessarily meant to guide what landlords and property owners charge, but determine a standard rate HUD can use to determine payment standards for housing voucher programs, renewal rates for expiring Section 8 contracts, and similar government activities related to housing.

Figures are derived from responses to the American Community Survey between 2007 and 2011, with numbers updated annually for areas where there were enough responses each year to be statistically significant, according to a HUD posting about the rates in the Federal Register.

Consumer Price Index figures and utility rates are used to update the data between 2011 and the end of 2012, though the cost of most consumer goods has been relatively flat in recent years. The proposed fair-market rent is through April 1 of next year.

A cursory glance at rental prices on for the region suggests HUD’s rents can vary widely from the actual market, with a two-bedroom home near California State University Sacramento listed at $725, well below the $1,072 the department proposed. A one-bedroom apartment in midtown Sacramento is listed at $625, also well below the one-bedroom suggested rent.

Yolo County has a separate fair-market rent listing; there, a one-bedroom home is a proposed $757 a month.


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Frank Yan of Sacramento on Benefits of Coconut Water Consuming yogurt for a better mood? One day at one of the Sacramento libraries, Frank Yan saw article that showed probiotics are not just good for our bodies. They can also benefit our brains.While Frank Yan continued reading, he read that their have been studies found [...]


Frank Yan of Sacramento on Tips on Safe Browsing

Sacramento resident Frank Yan has taken precautions to online hackers that have tried to disrupt and interfere to his online accounts. Below are tips for safe browsing.

1. Protect your online passwords by using different passwords for each site you are registered with. At a minimum, do not use the same password you use at work or at your bank for sites that are not as important (e.g. a newspaper site requiring registration).

2. Store your online passwords in a secure password escrow tool

3. Make sure that you are running an up to date antivirus application

4. Patch, patch, patch. Make sure that your browser is up-to-date at the latest patch level and that other applications like Adobe Flash are updated. Windows Update will patch Internet Explorer, Apple Software Update will patch Safari, and Firefox can be updated by going to Help. Check for Updates.

5. Do NOT give out personal information (identity and financial) unless absolutely sure that you need to. And, in that case, make sure it is over an encrypted link (https instead of http in the browser navigation bar).

6. Look for signs of an encrypted Web page when providing sensitive personal information (credit card or banking information, SSNs, etc.) online; key identifiers include a URL for the Web site’s login page that begins with “https” and a padlock icon in your browser status bar (the location of this icon will vary based on browser)

7. Do NOT click on links in email. Sometimes a malicious site address is hidden in the link. Don’t click on any links from people you don’t know, and copy/paste links from email to your browser from people you do know.

8. If you are using a web browser from a public computer (not your own computer), like the ones you find at an Internet Cafe, do NOT put any passwords or personal information into the browser. The information could get logged and saved to that computer.

9. Be wary of Internet downloads : Downloaded files like software or other media can hide malware on your computer without your knowledge

10. And remember…if it looks to good to be true, it probably is.

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Eating Whats Healthy

While Frank Yan was visiting his local Sacramento Whole Foods supermarket, he decided to have is lunch by the cafe. At the cafe, Frank saw a nutrition magazine that caught his eye and he proceeded to skim through the pages. What Frank Yan found was an article about what healthy foods keep you full.

The article he read and learned was that many whole grain pasta salad, lentils and peas and all with a complex carb that can assist us feel full and lose weight. What also intrigued Frank was that beans, lentils, cold pasta, potatoes and barely ripe bananas, all have something in common. They are all filled brimming with types of fiber that goes through the stomach undigested and becomes fermented in the intestines. So what does this mean for our health we might ask? This process releases hormones that trigger the body to use stored fat for fuel. This fiber can take the edge off of our appetites, allowing us to be fuller for a lot longer.

Beyond helping us to losing the weight, a rich in fiber diet can diminish precancerous cells as well as reduce inflammation. So when Frank Yan is shopping at any of his local Sacramento supermarkets, he tries to choose more fibrous foods such as peas, yams, peas, barley, and chickpeas along with cooked and chilled foods sushi and whole grain pasta salad.

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Benefits of Yogurt

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Benefits of Coconut Water

Consuming yogurt for a better mood? One day at one of the Sacramento libraries, Frank Yan saw article that showed probiotics are not just good for our bodies. They can also benefit our brains.

While Frank Yan continued reading, he read that their have been studies found that those women who ate yogurt regularly saw the beneficial bacteria also known as probiotics displayed lower activity in areas of the their brain that associated with pain and emotion. It has been known that stomach bacteria, the eco system of micro organisms that live in our digestive tract can really help the support of a healthy digestion and a immune system. It has also been found that the brain delivers signals to our stomach, in this is why stress can start quick run to the restroom. These studies suggest that these types of signals can travel the opposite way and that the probiotics we eat can alter how our brain reacts to our environment. While it is is too early to state that yogurt and other sources of probiotics can assist settling bad moods, studies have shown that it does point in that direction. And to add to eating yogurt, kombucha, kefir, and fermented foods, following a diet that has a high content in fiber from whole grains, fruits, legumes, and vegetables vegetables, can help improve our stomach flora.

Saturday, November 9, 2013


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Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: Walking for Weight Loss While at his local library in Sacramento, Frank Yan read that lowering your diabetes at risk is that you should consider taking a short walks after you eat lunch and dinner. Moving, instead of resting, can distort blood sugar elevations after eating.Some of [...]


Frank Yan of Sacramento on Walking for Weight Loss

Are you walking for weight loss? Frank Yan of Sacramento say that we should keep a medium brisk pace and (fast) walk for at least 30-45 minutes per day.

Mile after mile, walking might not burn as many calories as running does, but that hardly means you should jog if you hate it. Walking is an great way to trim your physique and getting into shape. To burn the same amount of calories walking as you would of been running, you should a least walk a a lot longer. As the saying goes, the faster you walk, the more calories you will burn off.

For ideal weight loss, you should be walking at a brisk and semi fast pace for about 2 miles in 30 minutes or less for at least 250 minutes per week approximately 30-35 minutes per day.

Frank Yan recommends The River Walk Promenade located in West Sacramento by the Sacramento River. If you are a beginner, start slow and slowly increase your time and speed each week.

Frank Yanof Sacramento on Reducing Diabetes Levels

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: Walking for Weight Loss

While at his local library in Sacramento, Frank Yan read that lowering your diabetes at risk is that you should consider taking a short walks after you eat lunch and dinner. Moving, instead of resting, can distort blood sugar elevations after eating.

Some of you after eating are tempted to either quick quite nap or just relax on the couch. Frank Yan says that to reduce diabetes risk and boost up your energy levels is to go on a brisk walk instead. It has been said that have 10-20 minute walk after every meal can improve our blood sugar levels better than a single daily 30 minute to and hour walk.

Whether if you run errands or take the dog for a walk along the Sacramento River being active after consuming our meal can help prevent post meal blood sugars arising. According to doctors, elevated blood sugars after meals are a key risk factor in heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Also Researchers have shown that walking after eating had lowered triglyceride levels. So Frank Yan says let's put on or running shoes before lunch or dinner, and then head out for a brisk walk under Sacramento skies after you have eaten.

Thursday, November 7, 2013


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Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: Tipping Etiquette If there is one thing that Sacramento businessman Frank Yan agree on, it is that great food is best for the soul. Today in Sacramento, there is a competitive market and it’s passionate restaurateurs are always coming up with newer menus to tempt our appetites. [...]


Frank Yan of Sacramento on Mindfulness Meditations

We shouldn’t let our anxiety, anger, and other negativity drag us down. Frank Yan of Sacramento says that regular weekly meditation can help many of us recover more effectively and quickly from these emotions.
Our weekends are a great time to spend with friends and family that reflect on the many of joys in our lives.

Meditation can help us stay serene in the face of button-pushing co workers, in laws, friends, and all the other daily stresses we encounter. While we cannot control our emotions we have, we can always change how we let them affect us. Desire, anger, anxiety,and sadness are all ever so normal reactions of daily life, whether if we are up or down. We typically get into trouble if we continue to hold on to these emotions or sometimes we get upset at ourselves for having them.

Frank Yan uses mindful meditation at his home in Sacramento which helps him in these circumstance. Frank says it can help turn down the volume on negative emotions and thoughts by teaching us to really observe them with out any judgment and then just let them go. Regular meditation practice daily or weekly can also encourage a lot more positive feelings, like forgiveness and empathy to take place. Studies have found that mindfulness meditation can help clue us in to our inner thought patterns and can really teach us to be less emotional reactive and faster to rebound from any up setting events.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


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Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: What The Credit Bureaus Won’t Tell You Over the years Frank Yan of Sacramento has counseling thousands of consumers in Sacramento and across this narion on their finances. Frank Yan has seen many common mistakes that hold people back from getting effective solutions. The middle class in [...]


Frank Yan of Sacramento on Il Fornaio in Sacramento

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: Tipping Etiquette

If there is one thing that Sacramento businessman Frank Yan agree on, it is that great food is best for the soul. Today in Sacramento, there is a competitive market and it's passionate restaurateurs are always coming up with newer menus to tempt our appetites. Frank Yan will leave us his restaurant recommendation to keep our bellies blissful.

Il Fornaio. This upscale Italian restaurant is located in the Wells Fargo building in downtown Sacramento. It is one fine Italian restaurant that we can find Frank Yan amongst friends during happy hours through the time dinner. As Il Fornaio has an array of dishes, their menu also changes through seasons.

With a house-cured salmon, Frank Yan 's favorite dish is the Grigliata di Pesce Misto. This mixed grill of salmon, calamari, scallops, whitefish and prawns, topped with a lemon olive oil sauce; served with roasted Yukon Gold potatoes and broccolini is something to die for. As Frank Yan would say "it cooked to perfection"

Il Fornaio is spacious with vaulted high ceilings has a elegant atmosphere. seating, Frank Yan. has no doubts this will become his "regular hangout." It just has that personal touch that makes you want to keep going back.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


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Frank Yan of Sacramento on How to Get Over a Cold FastOne of Frank Yan favorite authentic Vietnamese dishes is the never ending love of Pho. In Sacramento, primarily in the South Sacramento area, Frank Yan likes the restaurant of Saigon. A Vietnamese restaurant that serves plentiful Vietnamese cuisines and including Pho. From the vast [...]



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Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: Sacramento Real Estate in 2013 Frank Yan of Sacramento read that home prices in the fourth quarter of 2012 showed a rate of annual appreciationgreater than in any quarter since the end of 2005 the National Association of Realtors®(NAR) said today. There were 133 metropolitan areas in [...]



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Frank Yan of Sacramento on Heavenly Ski Resort Another destination Frank Yan enjoys outside his Sacramento home is the beautiful Lake Tahoe. Lake Tahoe is known to be the largest alpine lake in Northern America and the 2nd most deepest lake in the country. It is simply the center piece of the region mountains on [...]



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Frank Yan of Sacramento on Heavenly Ski Resort Another destination Frank Yan enjoys outside his Sacramento home is the beautiful Lake Tahoe. Lake Tahoe is known to be the largest alpine lake in Northern America and the 2nd most deepest lake in the country. It is simply the center piece of the region mountains on [...]



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Frank Yan of Sacramento on Napa in Your BackyardSacramento resident Frank Yan mentions that Napa was once a tired agricultural hub, now has earned its reputation over a few decades as a destination for couples in love. Napa is a place for trade bites of farm-to-fork cuisine, over fruit forward Cabernets, and for lovers to [...]



Posted in Blog

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Napa in Your BackyardSacramento resident Frank Yan mentions that Napa was once a tired agricultural hub, now has earned its reputation over a few decades as a destination for couples in love. Napa is a place for trade bites of farm-to-fork cuisine, over fruit forward Cabernets, and for lovers to [...]



Posted in Blog

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Napa in Your BackyardSacramento resident Frank Yan mentions that Napa was once a tired agricultural hub, now has earned its reputation over a few decades as a destination for couples in love. Napa is a place for trade bites of farm-to-fork cuisine, over fruit forward Cabernets, and for lovers to [...]



Posted in Blog

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Napa in Your BackyardSacramento resident Frank Yan mentions that Napa was once a tired agricultural hub, now has earned its reputation over a few decades as a destination for couples in love. Napa is a place for trade bites of farm-to-fork cuisine, over fruit forward Cabernets, and for lovers to [...]


Monday, November 4, 2013


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Please join Jenn Lee at Moski Hair Lounge located at 2106 11th Avenue Sacramento, Ca 95818 for an exciting event displaying Motives Cosmetics. Event begins at 6:30-8PM. Everyone is welcome. Refreshments and fine wine will be provided.



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Frank Yan of Sacramento post a related article:  Welcoming People With Open Arms Vancouver, British Columbia in Canada a destination that Sacramento businessman Frank Yan loves. Vancouver has a total area that spans less than 50 sq miles and many those miles are primarily dedicated to biking and hiking that can be far removed from [...]



Posted in Blog

Frank Yan of ALLDATA post a related article: How to Retrieve Your Stolen VehicleDuring this upcoming old Sacramento winter, Sacramento, businessman, Frank Yan says that most of us know that we often rely on our vehicles for vacation travels. Frank Yan recommends that we should not let any mechanical issues derail our plans. Mechanical Breakdown [...]



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Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: Heart Attacks & Hot WaterCamellia sinensis plant is the plant that produce tea leaves. These leaves contain many antioxidants that can counter free many radicals, that are can damage our cells. Antioxidants can help prevent some of this damage as well as reducing them. There are 3 [...]



Posted in Blog

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: Heart Attacks & Hot WaterCamellia sinensis plant is the plant that produce tea leaves. These leaves contain many antioxidants that can counter free many radicals, that are can damage our cells. Antioxidants can help prevent some of this damage as well as reducing them. There are 3 [...]



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Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: Energy Drinks Sacramento resident, Frank Yan say it can get frustrating when we come home and we are beginning to prepare supper, however need to just munch on some thing just to function on or we become on the very irritable because we are hungry. This is [...]



Posted in Blog

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: Avoiding CavitiesConsidering today is Halloween Sacramento business man, Frank Yan wonders the consideration of the continued demonization of sugary modern sweets in this world, that we have all had to make other arrangements to get the sugar fixes we need.Frank Yan recommends that if your around Old [...]


Friday, November 1, 2013


Posted in Blog

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: Energy Drinks Sacramento resident, Frank Yan say it can get frustrating when we come home and we are beginning to prepare supper, however need to just munch on some thing just to function on or we become on the very irritable because we are hungry. This is [...]


Thursday, October 31, 2013


Posted in Blog

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: Avoiding CavitiesConsidering today is Halloween Sacramento business man, Frank Yan wonders the consideration of the continued demonization of sugary modern sweets in this world, that we have all had to make other arrangements to get the sugar fixes we need.Frank Yan recommends that if your around Old [...]



Posted in Blog

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: Sacramento Real Estate in 2013 Frank Yan of Sacramento read that home prices in the fourth quarter of 2012 showed a rate of annual appreciationgreater than in any quarter since the end of 2005 the National Association of Realtors®(NAR) said today. There were 133 metropolitan areas in [...]


Frank Yan of Sacramento on Home Prices Grown Rapidly Winthin 7 Years

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: Sacramento Real Estate in 2013

Frank Yan of Sacramento read that home prices in the fourth quarter of 2012 showed a rate of annual appreciationgreater than in any quarter since the end of 2005 the National Association of Realtors®(NAR) said today. There were 133 metropolitan areas in which median prices rose during the quarter out of the 152 tracked by NAR. Prices increase in 120 areas in the third quarter and only 29 one year earlier. Twenty-nine areas posted price declines in the recent period.

Themedian price of an existing single-family home was $178,900 in the fourth quarter, up 10.0 percent from $162,600 in the fourth quarter of 2011. The annual increase in the third quarter was 8.8 percent. In the fourth quarter of 2005 the median price increase was 13.6 percent. NAR uses median price, where half of the homes sold for more and half sold for less, because average prices can be skewed by a relatively small share of upper-end transactions. The median price of a condo/cooperative was $179,900, an increase of 12.2 percent since the fourth quarter of 2011. Condo prices increased in 47 metro areas.

Lawrence Yun, NAR chief economist, said all the conditions for strong price growth are at play including increasing home sales, record low interest rates, and the lowest inventory of unsold homes in 12 years. "Home sales are being fueled by a pent-up demand and job creation, along with still favorable affordability conditions and rents rising at faster rates," Yun said. "Our population has been growing faster than overall housing stock, so supply and demand dynamics are very much at play." He added that more housing construction is needed to relieve some of the pressure in the market and keep home prices from overheating.

Some of the price increases arise from a smaller market share of lower priced homes. The share of foreclosures and short sales, which usually sell at deep discounts, fell to 23 percent of sales in the fourth quarter compared to 30 percent a year ago.

Fourth quarter existing-home sales rose 5.0 percent to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 4.90 million in the fourth quarter from 4.66 million in the third quarter, and were 12.1 percent above the 4.37 million pace during the fourth quarter of 2011. The last time there was a higher rate of existing home sales was 4.95 million in the fourth quarter of 2009.

Theunsold inventory of existing homes was at the lowest level since January 2001. At the end of the fourth quarter there were 1.82 million existing homes available for sale, which is 21.6 percent below the close of the fourth quarter of 2011 when 2.32 million homes were on the market.

NAR's national annual Housing Affordability Index, established in 1970, rose to a record high 193.5 in 2012 from 186.4 in 2011. The index is calculated on the relationship between median home price, median family income and average effective mortgage interest rate. An index of 100 is defined as the point where a median-income household has exactly enough income to qualify for the purchase of a median-priced existing single-family home, assuming a 20 percent downpayment and 25 percent of gross income devoted to mortgage principal and interest payments. The higher the index, the stronger the household purchasing power.

"The housing affordability index shows that the national median income of families was almost double the income needed to buy a median-priced home in 2012, so most buyers are able to stay well within their means," Yun said. Despite rising prices the index is expected to average 161 in 2013, which would be the third best on record.

Existing-home sales in the Northeast increased 2.2 percent in the fourth quarter and are 12.9 percent above the fourth quarter of 2011. The median existing single-family home price in the Northeast rose on an annual basis by 0.7 percent to $228,400.

Midwest sales rose 5.6 percent in the fourth quarter and are 18.3 percent higher than a year ago. The median existing single-family home price increased 9.2 percent to $143,800.

Sales in the South were up 5.0 percent from the third quarter and 13.2 percent from a year earlier. The regional median home price was up 9.1 percent to $160,100.

The West was impacted most by limited housing supplies and had the strongest price increase, jumping 20.1 percent year-over-year to a median of $245,200. Sales were up 5.9 percent from the third quarter and are 5.0 percent higher than a year ago.

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Candy Heaven in Old Town Sacramento

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: Avoiding Cavities

Considering today is Halloween Sacramento business man, Frank Yan wonders the consideration of the continued demonization of sugary modern sweets in this world, that we have all had to make other arrangements to get the sugar fixes we need.

Frank Yan recommends that if your around Old Town Sacramento stop by to one of his favorite candy stores, Candy Heaven. Candy Heaven is all a part of the experience while your in Old Town Sacramento. They have so much candy to choose from. The best part of it is their saltwater taffy selection which they have barrels of various yummy flavors.

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Fruit Energy Bites

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: Energy Drinks

Sacramento resident, Frank Yan say it can get frustrating when we come home and we are beginning to prepare supper, however need to just munch on some thing just to function on or we become on the very irritable because we are hungry.

This is when Frank Yan resorts to Fruit and Nut Energy Bites to the rescue. These are the perfect guiltless, sweet, morsels to have around our pantry or office just when we have that sweet tooth craving. These fruit energy bites in check will give us that kick of energy we all need from time to time.

Loaded with honey, oats, dates, cashews, raisins, sunflower seeds, banana chips, and cranberries our stomach will be satisfied with this healthy snack and our cravings will be complete for just less than 50 calories per Bite. Just enjoy and get our snacking under control.

Saturday, October 19, 2013


Posted in Blog

Frank Yan of Sacramento post a related article:  Welcoming People With Open Arms Vancouver, British Columbia in Canada a destination that Sacramento businessman Frank Yan loves. Vancouver has a total area that spans less than 50 sq miles and many those miles are primarily dedicated to biking and hiking that can be far removed from [...]



Posted in Blog

Frank Yan of ALLDATA post a related article: How to Retrieve Your Stolen VehicleDuring this upcoming old Sacramento winter, Sacramento, businessman, Frank Yan says that most of us know that we often rely on our vehicles for vacation travels. Frank Yan recommends that we should not let any mechanical issues derail our plans. Mechanical Breakdown [...]
