Thursday, August 29, 2013


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Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article:  Perserving Your Vision Vegetables? Yep. Fruits? Yep. Poultry? Yep. Frank Yan says, when it comes down to our Sacramento local farmers markets, we should be prepared for fresh produce so fresh that it might as well be on our hands and knees eating it out of the [...]


Frank Yan of Sacramento on Perserving Your Vision

One day Frank Yan had lunch with a friend who serves as a nutritionist in the Sacramento area. It intrigued Frank that he learned that spinach and kale could protect your vision. What…. is this right? Frank didn’t question his friend while he was enjoying his sandwich at the Nugget located in Elk grove, a minutes away from Sacramento. Frank was told that leafy greens and other vegetables could help prevent age-related vision loss.

After Frank’s lunch, Frank decided to research what he heard. What Frank found out was that it was true. A variety of fruits and vegetables can keep your sight from deteriorating as you get older. A nutrient-rich diet that’s chock-full of produce can help prevent age-related eye conditions and vision loss. It’s the dark, leafy greens like spinach, collard greens and kale are the key performers of protecting your vision. These green plant like vegetables contain the chemicals lutein and zeaxanthin, which ward off damage to the retinas and may reduce the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts. Other nutrients important for eye health include vitamin C, found in oranges, lemons and broccoli; vitamin E, found in wheat germ, sunflower seeds and almonds; beta-carotene, in sweet potatoes, carrots and kale; and zinc, in wheat germ, pumpkin seeds and clams.

Frank doesn’t wear any prescription eyewear and carries perfect vision. But by learning about the importance of consuming fruits and vegetables, Frank Yan continues to purchase more of these important plants at his local Nugget, Fresh and Easy, Trader Joes, and, Sprouts at his local Sacramento supermarkets.

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Sacramento 's Sunday Farmers Market

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article:  Perserving Your Vision

Vegetables? Yep. Fruits? Yep. Poultry? Yep. Frank Yan says, when it comes down to our Sacramento local farmers markets, we should be prepared for fresh produce so fresh that it might as well be on our hands and knees eating it out of the farmer’s backyard.

Frank is not really what you can consider a morning person, especially on the weekends. However when Frank feels the need to visit Sunday Farmers Market the wide selection of fruits and vegetables at an affordable price is enough to drag him out of bed and down to the bright and early Sunday Farmers Market in downtown Sacramento.

Frank Yan recommends to visit Sacramento 's Sunday Farmers Market, as you will not be dissappointed.

Monday, August 26, 2013


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Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related post: Start/ Restart the Exercise Habit and How to Keep ItSacramento business man, Frank Yan wonders how many of us here in Sacramento ever need any type of motivation to get moving? Ask yourself we should only have to workout for 15 minutes. When our time expires we [...]


Frank Yan of Sacramento on Building Your Career & Reputation

One Day Frank met up with a friend in Sacramento who is sucessful enough to climb quickly up the corporate ladder whilst still being so relatively young. Frank Yan asked him to tell him what was most important factor in him getting into his position. His answer was a single word: REPUTATION.

Frank thought of this conversation because Frank Yan have seen this at his college years past job of Bel Air Markets located in Gold River in Sacramento. At that time an Produce Clerk was advertised internally in the break room with the comment “Don’t worry about your resume, we have a good idea of what everyone is capable of”. Basically this translates to this: your reputation is your resume. This point was further proven by who got the job.

The person who got the Produce Clerk promotion had only been in their role as a Utility Clerk for only 7 months and is relatively very young and inexperienced in comparison to others who would have also applied. So why did he get it? Frank had thought he was a great fit and choice for the job. And people weren’t really surprised by it. What this man had built up at work is a great reputation. He was the “go to” person when anyone had a problem.

So, how did he build up his reputation and become the go to person to be? Important things Frank have noticed: Proactive: He was very proactive in taking on extra tasks and roles, so that his knowledge increased. This also means he adds tremendous value to work colleagues and the team. Knowledge: He had built up a superior knowledge of work ethic, related information and procedures. He has a great memory which means that once he does something once, it seems like he was an expert on it. Willingness to train/help: not only can he explain the procedures extremely well, when asked he would stop whatever he was doing and give that person his full attention.

Frank will end on a cautionary note today. A great reputation can take a long time to build, but an instant to destroy. Show up each day with your best game.

Bel Air Markets #522 Gold River – Sacramento, Ca

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Building Your Back and Core

To build a strong back and core at home, Frank says to trade in your chair for a good stability ball. You will earn much stronger and defined abs as well as better over all balance.

Building strong core muscles is highly important. Those muscles in our abdomen, lower back, pelvis, and the hips can lead up to better positive balance as well as stability. Though the majority of physical activities they typically rely on our core muscles, it is an area of fitness that we often get neglect.

Frank Yan says that using a good stability ball as a chair is an awesome way to increase core stability during our every day activities. To avoid any muscle fatigue, or discomfort, Frank Yan recommends start with short sessions on the stability ball. For longer periods we should be no more than 45 minutes. A rule, of thumb, the exercise ball should be big enough that, when we sit on it, our knees should bend at a 90 degree angle.

Frank Yan has been a member at various fitness gyms: Cal Fit in Sacramento, Prime Time Boxing in Sacramento and Roseville, 24hr Fitness in Sacramento.

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Setting 15 Minutes a day to Build Your Exercise Regime

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related post: Start/ Restart the Exercise Habit and How to Keep It

Sacramento business man, Frank Yan wonders how many of us here in Sacramento ever need any type of motivation to get moving? Ask yourself we should only have to workout for 15 minutes. When our time expires we never know that we just may want to keep continuing.

So when we are not feeling motivated at all to workout, Frank Yan says we should trick ourselves into exercising. So let's Put on our dri-fit work out clothes before and go to the gym. It's simple, when we are fully suited up in our workout clothing it puts us in the right frame of mind to get out the door and and head for the gym or perhaps go for a nice brisk run. We should make a deals with ourselves that we should have to exercise for at least 15 minutes. Start with a timer and set it, and if we begin that we still want to quit when it goes off, we can. At least this is a start. In most case most of us will typically discover that we want to continue exercising, however there will be days that we don’t, that’s okay also. Putting our workouts on our calendar is similar to any other important appointment we make. Make them non-negotiable, and schedule other events around it.

Frank Yan is an active member of Cal Fit in the Sacramento area, Prime Time Boxing in Sacramento and Roseville, 24hr Fitness in the Sacramento area, and it’s various locations across nation.

Sunday, August 25, 2013


Posted in Blog

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: John 3:16 If you are saved, which is a rational decision made in the thoughts, feelings, and will of an individual, which means you meant it at the time you made the decision, and God accepts that. So if you are saved, then it was a heavy [...]


Frank Yan of Sacramento on What's Holding You Back From Taking Action?

Sacramento local Frank Yan says that if you are ever stuck down and out in the rut and really have the desire to get out why are you still in a rut? It is extremely and very hard to clearly understand sometimes why we cannot take the first steps to get our lives back on track.

There always can be multiple barriers from the obligations that we know we have to fulfill to a bout with our depression. If you think or know that are depressed go take a trip to see a counselor, or doctor to determine your current position, but if it is just procrastination then you can break through it and get into the action.

You should get excited about whatever it is you are working on. You would need to think back to why you wanted to reach the goal of accomplishment in the first place. Emotion really does create motion and the more enthusiasm you can build for the task at hand, the more work that will get done.

You will need to begin and start making the improvements to your life overall. If your diet is poor and your not exercising as much as you should, you may not have the energy to carry out your goals. Exercise and a good diet will improve your mental status and focus dramatically if you start putting the right foods in your body and start working out four or five days per week.

Reduce your the fat intake. Not just on your body, but from your life. If you are watching more television than you should, cut your watching times if you think its too much. Television and video games are time fillers that can be eliminated for more productive and life affirming activities.

You should recruit help of a friend. If you make a promise to someone else, then you are more likely to follow through. You can make excuses to yourself, but it will be much harder to make them to someone else. A friend can keep you accountable.

Frank Yan stays actively involved in his Sacramento community and spends time with his friends to avoid the laziness, contentment, and depression. Taking action enables Frank to stay focused at the task at hand, that leads him to live a healthy life with happiness.

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Being "SAVED" and not following Jesus, Do You Still Go to Heaven?

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: John 3:16

If you are saved, which is a rational decision made in the thoughts, feelings, and will of an individual, which means you meant it at the time you made the decision, and God accepts that. So if you are saved, then it was a heavy decision you made and it is a sealed deal. It is a contract that God will never break with us, but that doesn't mean we can't break it on our end.

Frank Yan says there are two answers to this question: Some will enter heaven and find they have no "rewards" to an earthly relation with God. Meaning, right now, if we are relating with God our salvation will only expand our understanding of God, like an planned marriage verse an arranged marriage. When a couple is planning for marriage they take time to get to know each other, that way when they have the wedding they are not two strangers getting into a life long relationship, there are advantages to this type of relationship. If we get in an arranged marriage then when the day of the wedding arrives they are strangers, unknown to each other and their relationship will be new. So, all that to say, either way people will get into heaven, but one will have a deeper relationship and more fulfilled heavenly experience because of the life they lived with God before entering heaven, whereas the one who is saved and only lives for themselves will get to heaven and see that they are walking into heaven empty handed, but at least they get to be in heaven - see 1 Corinthians 3:11-15.

The other answer to this question is - can people lose their salvation? Yes. See Hebrews 6:1-8. Basically it says, "if someone knows Christ, and then denies him, they are breaking that contract of belief, which means, they don't care to know God anymore." However, all they have to do is repent and come back to God to reenter that relationship -much like Peter did after he denied Christ three times.

Frank Yan has been a active member at Brent Cross in London, England, Calvary Christian Church in Oroville, Ca, and a student a Oroville Christian School, Oroville, Ca, Gateway Fellowship, located in Sacramento, Ca, and currently attends Capital Christian Church, Sacramento, Ca.

Thursday, August 22, 2013


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Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: A Perfect Choice In the City of Sacramento, Frank Yan knows we as people live in a simple world where words seem no more than important than the next. Whether they are thrown around to cover up our situations or to shadow our feelings, words, impacting words, [...]


Frank Yan of Sacramento on A Perfect Choice

Sacramento resident, Frank Yan knows that a perfect decision is the perfect decision that never gets made. Instead of trying to find to make the perfect decision, try to make a the choice based on your best instincts and information, and get on with it.

Every choice in choosing the decision involves some sort of compromise. Every choice will have its positive and negative aspects to it.

Within Frank’s sales careers he’s held in Sacramento, he says, the best way forward is never to hold out for the absolute perfect choice, free of any downsides. The best way moving forward is to go make a choice, and deal with what ever problems that may come along. Within sales there’s always plenty of choices to choose from to make the perfect decision.

Remember, the choice itself will not do all the work for you. It is merely the genesis point from which you begin to put in the commitment and efforts.

So what ever the choice may be, you will have the ability to work with i successfully. And what ever problems may arise on the way, you have the ability to transform them into opportunities.

Frank Yan now says, go ahead and make the right choice, and get busy making it happen. However, it may not be the perfect choice, it will give you the opportunity to make of it what ever you may choose.

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Making It Simple & Easy

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: A Perfect Choice

In the City of Sacramento, Frank Yan knows we as people live in a simple world where words seem no more than important than the next. Whether they are thrown around to cover up our situations or to shadow our feelings, words, impacting words, loses all credibility and meaning. Because feelings, are just that, and situations sometimes turn for the worse but we are no less misfortunate than our next door neighbor. But we sure make it worse than it really is, don’t we? We feel that OUR problems are the worse, no will understand and becoming the victim is much easier than just accepting it, learning from it. What is it about our nature where we yield to the toughest challenges in our lives?

Character growth is the greatest gift, and because character is an invisible gift. It’s difficult to measure what’s good character and character that seems to have some moral uncertainty. But how can we determine between the two when “easy” becomes the word we say in our head the most. Frank never had a chance to reflect or grow when things come easy, but honestly whenever Frank got a choice to choose, and if “easy” is a choice he’ll take it. But there are times where choices are hard to make, or times where he had no other choices to make, those are the times where growth seems to happen the most. The initial journey shouldn’t be the easy road or answer, but that should be our goal. Ask anyone with a successful career or passion. The road to victory is hard road but a rewarding one, both physically and spiritually. Why are all the things of this world that are “bad” the easiest to get but the “good” things are the hardest to achieve?

Today Mr. Yan would like ask those to think. “Rarely do we find men and women who willingly engage in hard, solid thinking. There is an almost universal quest for easy answers and half-baked solutions. Nothing pains some people more than having to think.” Martin Luther King. Frank knows some of us are already deep thinkers, good. Because on your quest the toughest character to achieve is maturity but when we do, clarity and simplicity will come with your deep thoughts.

Last night in Frank’s home in Sacramento, Frank had a dream, a dream of thanksgiving. He knew it sounds weird but in his dream Frank Yan couldn’t speak, all he had was his actions. Then it led to him to realize that he didn’t want people to mistake my thankfulness as a form of payment, he truly does care and love the people around him. But deep down inside he felt like it’s a payment for all the rubbish inside him that he was dealing with, that as long as he is grateful and showing that he is, it will be enough. But enough for who? Does GOD judge you on your actions or your intentions? Frank was left to answer these things, and he is truly okay with that. For Frank that’s the difference between existing and living. Easy is not a choice for him, and he taught this every day of his life.

“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.” Mother Teresa. So with that, Happy Thanksgiving! And Frank’s cliché’ “what am I thankful for” answer is: For everyone who is his life actively, teaching, growing, learning, non-judging, ever-loving me. It’s not “easy” but Frank is grateful YOU are there.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Tipping Etiquette

If you’re like anyone else, tipping anywhere outside of a hotel or a restaurant setting equates to a lot of confusion. Who do you tip? And if you do tip, then how much do you tip? It’s unsurprising, then, that this dilemma is something of a world-wide epidemic. Billions of people confront a similar scenario every day. When Frank Yan leaves his town of Sacramento, Frank has traveled to many destinations in and outside the country; he has experienced many services that requires tipping

Tipping on vacation, however, is in a completely separate realm and elevates uncertainty to a new level. In different parts of the country there is a general set of guidelines assigned to tipping that can help you redirect your focus from the logistics of tipping, back to your vacation.

Ideally, Frank Yan says you should tip as you do in the U.S., letting the size of your pocketbook and the quality of service set your tipping guidelines. “Tip-dependent” workers include waiters, bellboys, maids, diving and snorkeling guides, other tour guides, boat crews, masseuses, beauty salon operators, supermarket grocery baggers, bathroom attendants, airport luggage attendants, and gas station attendants.

Dining/Bars – The normal tip amount is 15-20% of the bill. 20% for an upscale restaurant with excellent service. Sometimes there is a national value added tax of 15% included on all restaurant bills. This is not the tip, this is a federal tax. Make sure you check the bill carefully for this 15%. Also do your own arithmetic and add the bill up yourself. Many times there are mistakes. Be sure and check to see if the restaurant has added on a tip. Some do if they think they can get away with it. Many people leave a tip equal to the 15%. Not all restaurants pay the waiters in the same way. Some restaurants pool all the tip money and divide it equally between waiter, bartender, and kitchen staff. Others allow each waiter to keep his individual tip, and he has to pay a percentage to the bartender and kitchen staff. If you pay with a credit card and add the tip to the charge, the waiter will be charged a 4% bank charge of the tip amount. Pay the tip in cash, if you can. The waiter will get more.

Daily Maid Service – At any luxury hotel or other Resort accommodation, maid services are not commonly tipped. It is a nice gesture and if service was profound for the entire stretch of your vacation, then a tip of 10-20 dollars, depending on how many shared the room, is perfectly adequate. Tips should be left on a pillow, or unmade bed, or in the mini-bar; otherwise it will not be taken.

Tour Guides – Because guides provide a service they should be tipped according to your satisfaction. 5-10 dollars should be adequate.

Masseuse - 10-15% of the price for a massage. A massage is usually one hour, and costs range from $60-120. It is a service industry, just like the rest, and if you liked it, don’t forget to tip.

Anything and everything else is fair game in terms of tipping. If extraordinary service is rendered, then don’t be cheap. Fish your pockets for a few extra dollars to express your gratitude; you never know, the result of such kindness could lead to new services or suggestions that make for a more memorable stay on your vacation.

Frank has always kept his eye open while observing many people in Sacramento or other destinations he visits don’t tip when they should. Frank has always be huge on tipping as he once was a Skycap at the Sacramento International Airport and his income derived on tips.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Not Saying Grace

Frank was at Morgan’s Restaurant located in the atrium of the Sheraton Hotel, located J Street in downtown Sacramento on a Sunday afternoon. Shortly after he was seated other people arrived. Frank likes to watch people and did so that day. From where Frank was sitting he could see 12 other tables. When Frank received his meal Frank Yan bowed his head and said grace over it. Frank watched as each of the other tables received their meals. He noticed that not one of the other tables said grace before the meal.

This was a bit discouraging to Frank. Have we forgotten God? Are we ashamed that we are Christians? Jesus gave thanks before he broke bread with his disciples Matthew 26:26-27 NIV “While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take and eat; this is my body.” Then he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you.” Mark 6:41 NIV “Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to his disciples to distribute to the people. He also divided the two fish among them all.” If Jesus gave thanks shouldn’t we also give thanks?

One day Frank was at The Sacramento 49er Travel Diner, a truck stop located in Natomas in Sacramento. And again Frank Yan said grace before his meal. Another driver noticed and said something to the effect of, “Is that really necessary?” Frank assured him that it was not, Frank could instead just go where he was heading. He did not mean this to sound smart or flip; he meant it to get this individual thinking about his choices. Frank tried to speak to him about Christ and he wanted none of it. Frank pity him. Frank felt sorry for those that were dining around him today. While saying grace will not get you into heaven Frank believes that it shows some of the true feelings of a person. If you are embarrassed or ashamed to be seen bowing your head in public are you unlike an unbeliever?

Frank doesn’t want to reach the end of his life and have it be said, “But whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my Father in heaven.” Matthew 10:33 NIV. Frank doesn’t want there to be any question as to where his heart, feels, beliefs, and allegiances are.

I think that it is time that Christians should come together worldwide and let it be known that each of us accepts Christ as our Lord and the Son of the Living God. Others are not embarrassed to be seen bowing to their gods, why should we as Christians be embarrassed to be seen bowing to our God?

Please join Frank in offering thanks to God for that which He has provided for us.

God please bless each of us as we go through our day. I thank you for everything that you do and provide for us. I praise your Holy name. Amen


Posted in Blog

Frank Yan of Sacramento post a Sacramento Real Estate Market UpdateThere seem to be no barriers in sight to the housing market recovery. Friday saw Housing Starts up 5.9% in July, hitting an 896,000 unit annual rate. Those looking for signs of impeded progress were quick to point out that all the gain was due [...]


Frank Yan of Sacramento on Information That Hits Us Where We Live

Frank Yan of Sacramento post a Sacramento Real Estate Market Update

There seem to be no barriers in sight to the housing market recovery. Friday saw Housing Starts up 5.9% in July, hitting an 896,000 unit annual rate. Those looking for signs of impeded progress were quick to point out that all the gain was due to multi-family starts, which rebounded after their steep drop in June, while single-family starts slipped 2.2% for the month. But the underlying home building trends remain upward. Single-family starts are up 15.4% over a year ago and the total number of homes under construction is up 30% versus a year ago.

Experts say the upward trend in home building should continue for at least a couple of years. They believe population growth and tear downs will require starts to ultimately rise to about 1.5 million units per year, most likely by 2015.This level of building puts the number of homes increasing at the same rate as the population. Building Permits headed up 2.7% in July, with permits for single-unit homes up 17.9% over a year ago.The National Association of Home Builders reported their Builders Confidence Index at its highest level since November 2005.

This Week’s Forecast

LEADING INDICATORS AND EXISTINGHOMES UP, NEW HOMES DOWN, AND THE FED SAID WHAT? Thursday expect to see the Leading Economic Indicators (LEI) index up for July following an upbeatExisting Home Salesreport on Wednesday. Unfortunately, the week will end with New Home Sales for July forecast at a slightly lower annual rate.

TheFOMC Minutesfrom the last Fed meeting will be scrutinized as usual to see if the central bank will start tapering its bond buying program in September. This could send mortgage bond prices down and edge mortgage rates up.

The Week’s Economic Indicator Calendar

Weaker than expected economic data tends to send bond prices up and interest rates down, while positive data points to lower bond prices and rising loan rates.

Frank Yan states that the material provided is for informational and educational purposes only and should not be construed as investment and/or mortgage advice or a commitment to lend

Sunday, August 18, 2013


Posted in Blog

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: John 3:16There must be a visualisation before the realisation; it is the vision you perceive that gives rise to the reality you achieve. It is essential that you look and see the purpose God has for you actually happening in your life. This empowers you to be [...]


Frank Yan of Sacramento on What to do on a 3 Day Weekend

A 3 day weekend is always the most perfect time to enjoy the activities that you most like. If you are like Frank, he typically plans his 3 day weekends 2 weeks prior. Frank Yan will first like to take advantage of leaving his Sacramento home and travel somewhere far. Whether if it’s the Bay Area, Lake Tahoe, a 2 hour driving distance from Sacramento or a 2 hour flight to his favorite destinations Los Angeles, Las Vegas, or San Diego. Frank is up for anything.

If you and your friends have ahead of you a long weekend and still do not know what to do, Frank has a few suggestions and solutions that hopefully will help you take a decision. First of all, you could use the long weekend to sleep. As many of us would say that sleep is something we don’t get enough of. After many hours of work, or study, sleeping without interruption is great. Take it from Frank Yan, he loves his napping. You should do it. You can continue with relaxing activities like reading, getting a massage, go to a show, or even cooking. If you have a pile of books laying round waiting for you to make time to read them, a long weekend is the perfect time to get started. Reading will help you relax once you get lost in words and you discover new worlds, as well as live within what you are reading. If you are sports passionate, you can use your long weekends in an active, yet relaxing manner.

Because sports fill you with energy and excitement, you should take advantage of your free time and energize your batteries. Go to the gym, go jogging, go biking, or simply take long walks in order to make some effort and to relax afterwards. If you enjoy the fun in cooking, a long weekend you will have enough time to try new recipes, cuisines, and to test out new ingredients. You surely will have something new that you would want to try. If you have enough time, you should do it in order to take advantage of many free hours available.

If you consider that your long weekend is not for relaxation, but rather for intense and active activities, you could do to great things, party or travel away. Either one you chose it will be great for you. If you like to travel, like Frank, you can either check some new places in a nearby area, where you can go by tour bus, train, or car or you can opt for a city break away from Sacramento, if you find some low cost airline tickets. Partying will cost you less, but it involves a great need of rest afterwards. If you still prefer it, you can prepare intensively for hard partying and enjoy your long weekend dancing and drinking in or out in town.

Frank Yan of Sacramento on John 3:16

“Yes, God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not be lost but may have eternal life.John 3:16

This brief passage has become one of the most recognized biblical references in the culture. It seems such a simple statement, but it reveals nothing less than the full, complete meaning of the Incarnation. It tells us everything we need to know about the Nature of God. These few, uncomplicated words, describe, perfectly, the mystery of God’s love for us with a simple and confident clarity. These few words reveal the central insight of Christianity: that though we had turned away from God, his love for us was not diminished, rather it was increased by and through his compassion for us. The very next verse tells us that the Son, Jesus, did not come to condemn the world, but that through him it might be saved.

The meaning of this passage comes profoundly alive for us in the light of faith. All of Jesusmiracles, all of his wise words, his parables, his confrontations with the authorities, indeed, his arrest, his suffering, his death and resurrection find their ultimate meaning in this single passage. The Incarnation is the greatest act of love the world has ever known. It is the revelation of an unconquerable love, a love that gives reason and meaning to all of creation and to each and every single human being. It is the ultimate love note to creation. In the Incarnation, God sends his love to all of us, not just in the fragility of human words, but in the flesh. Do you remember how you felt the first time someone told you that they loved you? Well, this passage, and the reality it speaks about, is God telling us of his profound, unconditional love for each and every one of us. How does that make you feel? Remember when that loved other told you that he or she loved you, how you knew at that moment that you would do anything, suffer anything for them? Well, a Christian who understands the full meaning of the love that God has expressed for us in this passage, is so filled with gratitude that he or she wills to do nothing less than that for God in return. Amen!

Frank Yan also has been an active member and student at the following: Brent Cross in Neasden, London, and Calvary Christian Church in Oroville, Ca, Oroville Christian School, Oroville, Ca, Gateway Fellowship, Sacramento, Ca, and Capital Christian Church, Sacramento, Ca

Frank Yan of Sacramento on See Your Future First

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: John 3:16

There must be a visualisation before the realisation; it is the vision you perceive that gives rise to the reality you achieve. It is essential that you look and see the purpose God has for you actually happening in your life. This empowers you to be expectant of the end result even before the end occurs.

Frank Yan is an active member of Capital Christian Church, Sacramento, Ca.

Saturday, August 17, 2013


Posted in Blog

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: Motivate Yourself Healthy Self-Esteem – Do you feel superior or inferior to other people? Frank used to suffer from “authority fear”; this is how he can call it. Every time Frank was in front of a person with more authority than him, or even and older person I [...]


Frank Yan of Sacramento on Motivate Yourself

Getting motivated is not nearly as hard as it may sound. Whether if Frank Yan is at his Alldata office or in his comfort of his Sacramento home, Frank will take the first step just to think about what he has to do and discovers a way to accomplish them.

People need to think about what they will get out of doing the task, or what will happen if they don’t do it. Frank has seen many of these behaviors from his coworkers at Alldata and his Sacramento friends get distracted from what is the task in hand. We must focus on our tasks think about them and what will be accomplished if we complete them. Either one works; both together are even better.

For example, if you study hard for a test, you will get an A or at least try for that A, and that will feel good and the feeling of being excited about it. And, if you don’t study for the test, you will get a C, or perhaps worse. Your feeling and excitement levels reduce and you don’t want that at all because it will bring your overall grade down, it will look bad on your transcript, and so on.

By going over in detail what you’re going to get if you complete the task, and reviewing the consequences of not doing it, you can motivate yourself by deciding that you want the benefits and don’t want the consequences.

If you “just can’t get motivated at all,” the chances are the stakes will not high enough for you. You can always try to think harder about what you’ll get out of doing this, and motivate yourself with time and thought. Or you can always wait until a time when you are feeling more motivated, if that is an option to you.

The truth is all motivation is self-motivation. Whether you’re doing your work because you are conscientious and want to get your work done on time, or because you don’t want your boss to get mad, you are the one who is motivating you, in the end.

In the end, the Sacramento entrepreneur and salesman, Frank Yan is his self-motivator. This basically just means that Frank figures out what the task will bring him, or cost him if he doesn’t do it, and then deciding whether he wants that benefit, or doesn’t want those consequences, more than he wants what he’s doing instead.

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Self Esteem

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: Motivate Yourself

Healthy Self-Esteem – Do you feel superior or inferior to other people?

Frank used to suffer from “authority fear”; this is how he can call it. Every time Frank was in front of a person with more authority than him, or even and older person I felt inferior. Frank has also felt superior to other people that lacked things that he had.

Through the years in Sacramento, Frank Yan has learned that in order to have a healthy self-esteem we really have to be aware that we (as human beings) have our own value no matter who do we have in front of us. But also understand that other people have the same value that we have. We’re all human.

When you have a healthy self-esteem you don’t really feel inferior to other people. It doesn’t matter if they have authority, if they have more money, if they are older than you, or if they have more degrees than you On the other hand, you do not feel superior to other people because of their lack of authority, lack of money, lack of degree or other reasons.

You have value and aware that you are also as important. Feeling superior to somebody is pure sheer arrogance and feeling inferior to other is self-pity. Both are signs of low self esteem.If you are constantly comparing to other people you are not comfortable with yourself. Self esteem means that you feel good about yourself. Why do you feel good about yourself? Because you like yourself, you accept who you are and you are comfortable with whom you are. And most important: you have to respect yourself.

Self -Esteem and Denial

What is denial Frank asks? Denial in Frank’s eyes is pretending that everything is to live in fantasy island, is to tell all the time that nothing is bothering us. In other words, to be in denial is to deny our problems and challenges, is to deny our own realities.

Frank lived for many years in denial. He used to tell everybody that he was doing fine even when he wasn’t. The problem was always about “The Other” not Frank Yan. Frank believes that he has learned to live with self-denial from his family. He has watched it and it had become a habit for him.

Denial can be dangerous not only because we are not living our own reality, but also because we may be repressing a lot of feelings that we are afraid to feel.

In order to have a healthy self esteem, we have to be real with ourselves. We have to identify and know that we have low self esteem.

Awareness is the key in this process. With self-awareness Frank has learned to identify his low self-esteem behaviors and by identifying them he has been able to change and understand more about himself.

Frank has found himself, many times putting other people down in Sacramento. Until he become aware that he was doing that because he was feeling bad about himself in order to feel good about himself.

The above is a sign of low self-esteem. But only when Frank was aware of this behavior he was able to change it and understand why I was behaving that way.

If you want to have a healthy self-esteem, Frank Yan would suggest being more aware of your behaviors so that you will be able to understand more easily why you are having low self-esteem. The first step in the process of change is self-awareness. The second step in this process is acceptance.

Let’s not be afraid of our own feelings and behaviors because they are the key to know us better and the key for a better self-esteem.

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Putting Your Keys Bedside

Sacramento resident Frank Yan suggests that we tell our loved ones and friends to put your car keys beside your bed at night.

If you hear a noise outside your home or someone trying to get in your house, just press the panic button for your car. The alarm will be set off, and the horn will continue to sound until either you turn it off or the car battery dies.

This tip came from Frank’s friend in Sacramento, when she encountered noise from her home while she was sleeping at night . The next time you come home for the night and you start to put your keys away, think of this: It’s a security alarm system that you probably already have and requires no installation. Test it. It will go off from most everywhere inside your house and will keep honking until your battery runs down or until you reset it with the button on the key fob chain. It works if you park in your driveway or garage.

If your car alarm goes off when someone is trying to break into your house, odds are the burglar/ rapist won’t stick around. After a few seconds, your neighbors will be looking out their windows to see who is out there and sure enough the criminal won’t want that. And remember to carry your keys while walking to your car in a parking lot. The alarm can work the same way there. This is something that should really be shared with everyone. Maybe it could save a life or a sexual abuse crime.

Frank Yan has conveyed this message to his friends and family as well as wanted to share with his viewers in Sacramento and around this globe. Be cautious and always prepared with an alarm for protection.


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Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: Putting Your Keys Bedside With an EMP attack considered imminent, here are a few pointers on how to protect all of your electronics and vehicles from an Electro-Magnetic Pulse.With the looming threat of a possible EMP (Electro-Magnetic Pulse) Attack over American soil and its global interests, Preparing [...]


Frank Yan of Sacramento on How to Prepare on a EMP Attack

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: Putting Your Keys Bedside

With an EMP attack considered imminent, here are a few pointers on how to protect all of your electronics and vehicles from an Electro-Magnetic Pulse.

With the looming threat of a possible EMP (Electro-Magnetic Pulse) Attack over American soil and its global interests, Preparing Yourselves for such a disaster may not be as difficult as you think, and here I shall address a few methods readily at your disposal to utilize quickly for such an attack.

How to prepare a fast DIY (do it yourself) EMP resistant container/Faraday Cage that is easily accessible using common items around the home is very possible, and made quickly.

Once set up, is to place any electronic items you value inside the 'cage' until the threat has passed, and safe to be removed for use. Best be safe than sorry, because when an EMP does occur, you can bet all your unprotected electrical appliances (with their tiny micro-circuitry, IC chips, wiring, etc) will be at riskYour home, neighborhood, town, city, county, or country may all be in the dark, for months or even years thereafter! Know that if it plugs into a wall socket or operates on batteries, it will be Fried from an EMP... Literally!

Quick DIY options you can do to protect your electronics from an EMP Now are as follows.

Valuable electronics to have ready to protect in your cage:
1) Ham Radio, CB Radio, World band/Shortwave Radio
2) Counter top Appliances (Water Distiller, Air Purifier, etc)
3) Emergency Receiver Scanning Equipment (Scanner)
4) Short/Long Range Walkie-Talkies
5) Geiger Counter/Radiation Monitor, other monitoring equipment
6) Self-Defense Electronic Devices
7) Wireless Phone, Mobile/Smart Phone, Computer, Laptop, Tablet PC, External Drives, Storage Devices, etc
8) Medical Equipment, etc
9) Digital Watches, Clocks, etc
10) GPS/SatNav…. The LEO (Low Earth Orbiting) Satellites which triangulate your location, may be down indefinitely should an attack take place, which will make these units back-up/saved map features functional for use only.

Quick DIY EMP Protection (outdoors):
Parked Vehicle (not to be driven during an event), with your items placed in the rear of the vehicle Trunk/Boot... Get heavy duty Jumper Cables and attach to one end to a metal stake (re bar, pipe, cable, etc) hammered securely into the earth nearby (preferably hidden under the vehicle where prying eyes will not notice anything out of the ordinary), the other end of the cable leads clamped to the steel frame.

Place items in a wooden or cardboard box (not touching any metal inside, including nails or staples), then place that into a large metal Trash Can (standard size able to fit lying down in the back of a car trunk) with lid securely attached (variant is to use a microwave oven, as it is a metal box, and lined with wood or cardboard packing material (non-conductive), and placed inside the trunk), then clamp additional jumper cables to the outside of the trash can handle (or microwave), with the other end of the cable leads then clamped to the metal frame of the vehicle inside the trunk.

That should do well in keeping your electronic valuables safe and easily accessible after the warning/attack passes.

NOTE: Most motor vehicles manufactured before the year 1991 contain much smaller Electronic Ignition Systems that do not control all functions of vehicle operation, and may/may not still operate during/after an EMP occurrence. Most of motor vehicles manufactured before the year 1984 operate without an EIS installed and most likely shall function and be operational during/after an EMP occurrence. There may be exceptions to these, but for the majority, is correct.

Quick DIY EMP Protection (indoors):
Same methods used as above, but without vehicle, instead use large/small hollow encased metal objects that are Grounded to absorb the shock, such as;
1) Microwave oven
2) Dishwasher (disconnected from water supply and no water inside)
3) Washing Machine/Dryer (disconnected from water supply and no water inside)
4) Refrigerator
5) Metal Safe (any type/size)
6) Metal K9 dog cage

Feel free to imagine your own, as there must be many others!

Be certain it is Grounded (even if the plug in the wall socket has Ground), such as heavy gauge wiring or simply auto Jumper Cables, attached to Radiator, Copper/metal water pipes, metal going into the ground should be secure enough for grounding.

This is by no means the only methods to proofing your electrical valuables from an EMP, but is relatively quick and easy to build (or take down) in a few short minutes, or perhaps when you may be out of time. Practice drills in securing your items quickly, and time yourself to see how fast you are able to secure them. Have all members of your household involved and explain the what/when/why or how, so they understand as well.

Please Note: The methods mentioned above are for Information Purposes Only and/or Suggestions to provide the individual with an alternate means of dealing with a possible situation, and are to be taken at YOUR OWN RISK. We shall not be held liable in anyway should this method fail to protect your property. Again, do so at your own risk... Keep in mind, if you do nothing to Prepare, you may find yourself living without any modern technological conveniences Full Stop.

The article above are suggestions of Sacramento resident Frank Yan. Frank hopes that our World is never in danger of this ever happening.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


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Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: Live the GreatnessFrank Yan of Sacramento suggests that all of us and including himself to absolutely stop stopping ourselves moving forward with our lives. We should begin allowing ourselves to live the incredibly rich life that is we have each and every day. We should put a [...]


Frank Yan of Sacramento on Live for Greatness

Frank Yan of Sacramento says that everyday is a new day, today is new, and you also can be too. This day if not everyday always carries forward to positive values from the past, and adds to it new endless possibilities for the present, and so can you.

What came before is over, so you should stop wishing that the bad things had not happened or that the good things were still here. Now is your absolute opportunity to create brand new goodness, right now, in new and far better ways.
Now You should take all those good memories, values, and carry them forward in your heart right now moving forward. Resolve towards honor the best of what has been by making the very best of what you have already today.

If you have had some disappointment, sadness, and there will be more. Yet remember all sorts of new and meaningful joys will await your choice to let them come to life. Just be patient about it.

This is beautiful Sacramento breezed day you have, is the place you are, and remember in it is everything you need to make a positive difference. This an opportunity to live with more richness in health than ever, and the more you give, the more of that joy and richness you will ever know.

You should treasure the best that you have been, and use this beautiful Sacramento day to make it far better. Frank Yan recommends that you put a authentic, real confident smile on your face everyday, a melody of thankfulness in your heart, and live the greatness that is now.

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Life Fully Lived

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: Live the Greatness

Frank Yan of Sacramento suggests that all of us and including himself to absolutely stop stopping ourselves moving forward with our lives. We should begin allowing ourselves to live the incredibly rich life that is we have each and every day.

We should put a halt to the complaining and worries about the small things that are wrong. Frank Yan says, begin to open our hearts, our eyes, and our living experience to the things that are right and good.

All our positive possibilities will outweigh all the negative problems we face. Therefore we should allow our thoughts, energy, and our actions to bring these possibilities to life.

The values of what we create is never small of amazing. So don't hold back, and find our fulfillments in our unique creativity ways. Lets remember that we are constantly very worthy and capable. So we should put that capability into action.

The grand adventures of our life is now,here right now, whether it your in Sacramento, or where ever we reside. Go and seize the opportunity into the richness of a life fully lived.

Monday, August 12, 2013


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Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: Achieving Your Full Potential The meanings of just all about any thing in life comes from the energy, effort and the time, we can provide it, according to Sacramento businessman Frank Yan. Any thing that we can get for free, without any commitment or work is worth [...]


Frank Yan on Achieving Your Full Potential

Frank Yan wishes he could do more in his life. Whether if it is help more people to achieve more happiness or push themselves just a little further to get where they want to be. Frank is persistent in either helping others in Sacramento or helping himself towards his future goals.

There are so many obstacles that routinely stand in our way. You can overcome this and there are things you can do to achieve your fullest potential. The question is…. Are you trying hard enough?

You should really examine what is the important to you and where your potential lies right now. It is a bad idea to waste your time working towards things that you do not care about and this may mean telling people no when they ask you for donations of your precious time. This can also mean investing your time in things that you have a true chance at being good at.

If you truly love something it is okay to spend time learning it, but as far as work and career go you should invest your time in building your skills in areas where you are already strong. It does not make sense to spend great amounts of time working on something you will never be great at when you can be exceptional at something else.

Frank Yan is a big fan of telling people in Sacramento “Stop doubting yourself.” People in Sacramento can be their own worst enemy. Negative self talk and self depreciating thinking may be holding you back more than you may think. You have to be your own best friend. No one is going to believe in you if you do not. Take the time in the morning to remind yourself the many various strengths you have. If there is strength that you desire, try to make a pledge to do at least one thing that day to acquire that strength. When you take steps you promised to take, praise yourself for a job well done.

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Giving All You Can

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: Achieving Your Full Potential

The meanings of just all about any thing in life comes from the energy, effort and the time, we can provide it, according to Sacramento businessman Frank Yan. Any thing that we can get for free, without any commitment or work is worth about what we pay for it, which is absolutely nothing.

To demand a life that will be as free and easy, free of any effort is to wish for a life with very little fulfillment. Before we can ever complain about our life remember that much of our life's richness comes from working to transcend the obstacles that we face every day.

A wonderful life is filled with very meaningful effort. Every single challenge that we face will bring multiple opportunities to respond with good, rewarding and useful effort.

When we begin to expect getting something for nothing, the most we can get in return is nothing. However when we make out the best of each and every opportunity to give of ourselves, there is not a limit to the goodness and value we enjoy.

Frank Yan asked a few of his colleagues in Sacramento if they ever felt so sorry for themselves because they had so much work to do? His answers were quite stunning. The next time we ever sense the feeling coming on, make the decision to turn it around.

Enthusiastically and joyful lets embrace the effort, as well as the opportunity to make a change. Life is awesome when we give ourselves to it. Always make it our business to give all we can.

Sunday, August 11, 2013


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Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: A Bungalow in Santa Cruz by the Beach: Casablanca InnThere isn’t a lot of destinations in this world where we can expect to see a bisons heard during the day and a swarm of flying fish in the night. However Frank Yan will share a place where [...]


Frank Yan of Sacramento on A Cruise Line Adventure

Frank Yan has sailed on a number of cruise lines away from his Sacramento area, however he has exited ports from Los Angeles, San Diego, and Florida. He has seen that that are increasingly catering to passengers seeking tranquility with the introduction of quiet, adults-only areas on their ships. A few cruise line ships have adult-only pools and solarium’s that are located in a secluded area of the ship. These very peaceful spaces can feature a pool surrounded by umbrellas, lounges, bar, and a hot tubs, with soothing decor. Many of these passengers who prefer quieter pursuits find these spaces a godsend that offer relaxation to get into vacation mode.

In 2009, Frank Yan traveled with some friends from Sacramento to San Diego and boarded a Royal Caribbean International Cruise to Cabo San Lucas. This cruise line unveiled a Sanctuary on the forward upper deck. The Sanctuary has come to personify essential philosophy of escape coupled with personal service. The private oasis is located in uppermost forward deck of the ship and is covered by white awnings, massage cabanas, and abundant plush loungers. While Frank and his company relaxes, hand out chilled face towels and spritz water from Evian atomizers are handed out from cruise line stewards.

Another great escape area for Frank is the spa. The Royal Caribbean spas offer state of the art treatments and relaxation areas. Sit back and relax and get ready to be pampered at sea with a massage, facial, or refresh in steam room, hydrotherapy area, and relaxation area.

The best way to ensure privacy or time alone on this large ship is to reserve a balcony cabin which Frank and his friends reserved. The balcon cabin will allow you to enjoy the extra space, finer amenities this cruise has to offer, and breathtaking views are unbelievable. You can watch the sunrise and sunset, marvel at the beauty of the ocean. Sitting outside on your balcony and watching the ocean will relieve a lot of stress and take you away from reality. Its clear you will really appreciate the quiet spaces on-board ships that offer a tranquil and peaceful environment for relaxing with a book or just enjoying the magnificent sea view. It’s a great way to enhance a cruise vacation.

Although, Frank likes traveling on various cruise lines, the extended stays on a ship can bore him. However, it’s the tranquil of luxury and peace is what he enjoys most especially away for m his Sacramento home.

Frank Yan of Sacramento on A Nassau Resort

Sacramento resident, Frank Yan loves is travels across the globe. Another detonation he loves is the Wyndham Nassau Resort and Crystal Palace Casino.

Once you arrive your private oasis, you will be placed in a elegant ocean view suite. You should explore the high seas adventures as you can hear them buckling from your private and secluded balcony. The resort’s amenities will delight any guests that visit as they provide the luxuries of a palace.

There pool lay its Cable Beach’s soft sand with the greatest of greatest of views that go beyond imaginary. If your in need of a pampering, you can experience the Hollis Cosmetics & Day Spa for facials and massages.

When Frank’s hunger took him as prisoner, he surrendered at the resort’s several restaurants. These restaurants are all fantastic with no less than any average. You should try resorts recommended dish at the Black Angus Grille.

The Crystal Palace Casino has a number of slot machines, as well as traditional table games, that provide plenty of different ways to bring home more pleasurable entertainment. Frank also say to be sure to stroll Nassau’s Straw Market, where you can haggle with merchant locals.

This can be another home away from Sacramento as Frank Yan once experienced Nassau away from his Sacramento home town.

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Casablanca Inn, a Bungalow in Santa Cruz by the Beach

Heres another vacation getaway for Sacramento resident Frank Yan calls one of his favorite weekend destinations, Santa Cruz. Santa Cruz is one of California’s Best small beach areas, however that is just one side of this small city at the southern part of the Bay Area. Incorporate some a good helping of delicious fine dining, and a few wineries for good measure, and you have a perfect duel of Los Angeles, and San Francisco with more sunshine along with less fog than San Francisco redroof Spanish style houses lining the bustling sandy beaches, and of course the conspicuous lack of Los Angeles mayhem traffic. This is one of the best small beach towns areas, which Frank Yan likes to think that is a less than a 2 hour drive from his home in Sacramento.

After visiting the Santa Cruz beach, Frank recommends the Mediterranean inspired Casablanca Inn. The Casablanca Inn was user to be a imitate private mansion that over looks the coast. When you visit you will be treated to your very own private Main Street Bungalow. Each of these romantic abodes includes a king sized bed is appointed with a rich quality leather chairs, elegant wood furnishings, and fully equipped with a private balcony that over looks the Monterey Bay. These luxurious amenities is something that doesn’t even come close to any Sacramento hotel as Frank Yan mentions

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Santa Catalina Island

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: A Bungalow in Santa Cruz by the Beach: Casablanca Inn

There isn't a lot of destinations in this world where we can expect to see a bisons heard during the day and a swarm of flying fish in the night. However Frank Yan will share a place where he enjoys traveling to when he is away from his Sacramento home.

About 25 miles towards south of Los Angeles, Santa Catalina Island is where we can experience it all. A boarding a ferry thats you to the island for perhaps to catch a movie shoot, the buffaloes that roam around the hills are lucky with year round sunny skies temperatures that hover 68-75 degrees, who would not like to be marooned on these palm-lined and sandy shores.

Since Catalina Island does limit the amounts of vehicles on its shores, the best way for transportation is to rent a bike or better yet a golf cart. Frank Yan suggests to go check out its many of the wildlife adventures. You can choose from whale watching tours, scuba diving, snorkeling, or his favorite to ride on a glass bottom boat.

Catalina Island also offers a zip line experience through its treetops and hiking through the island vegetation in search of the bison herd. On the island you will see the Catalina Casino. The casino does not offer any gaming, it is more of an Spanish tile roof that makes it a landmark that acts as an host to a ballroom, museum and the Avalon Theatre. It's more of an Art Deco for its many visitors.

Frank Yan says that there isn't nothing compared to Catalina Island from his hometown in Sacramento and its surrounding cities.


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Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article:  Psalm 100:2 Frank Yan of Sacramento shares that we should never be afraid to make your children work. It will teach them responsibility, self discipline, and a self worth of accomplishing tasks given that will build a solid work ethic. Proverbs 22:15 Folly is bound up in a heart [...]


Frank Yan of Sacramento - Sunday Devotional - Proverbs 22:15 (NIV)

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article:  Psalm 100:2

Frank Yan of Sacramento shares that we should never be afraid to make your children work. It will teach them responsibility, self discipline, and a self worth of accomplishing tasks given that will build a solid work ethic.

Proverbs 22:15 Folly is bound up in a heart of a child, but the rod of discipline will drive it far away.

Frank Yan served as a student at: Brent Cross when he was London, England, and a student at Oroville Christian School, Oroville, Ca when he arrived in into the States. Frank Yan also has served member of Calvary Christian Church in Oroville, Ca, Gateway Fellowship, Sacramento, Ca, and Capital Christian Center, Sacramento, Ca where he attends.

Saturday, August 10, 2013


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Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: Your Daily Traffic CommuteSacramento businessman, Frank Yan was invited and honored to attend a Gala for The FUTURE Foundation of Sacramento, held at The PKW, formally known as The Eddie Murphy Estate. However, Frank nearly did not make it. A trip that should of taken about 30 [...]


Frank Yan of Sacramento on Your Daily Commute

Frank Yan was stuck in his daily traffic commute today on Interstate 5 going towards Sacramento to his work office at Alldata. So he decided of coming up with ways of either using the time productively or just having fun.

1. Smile at everyone who passes you by
2. Strike up a conversation with the person in the car next to you! Pretend you know them and start by saying: “I haven’t’ seen you ages. How are you?”
3. It doesn’t matter who’s watching you, sing along to the song on the radio at the top of your lungs and Let’s face you probably won’t see these people again if they catch, and if you do who cares.
4. Begin to stare into the sky above and see how many people you can get doing the same. You will be surprised.
5. To de-stress, find a good topical radio station and start calling in and get involved, or call all the radio stations and dedicate some songs to people.

These are some fun activities you may want to try to keep yourself entertained during your daily traffic hour.

On Frank’s daily commute in Sacramento, Frank everyday figures a way to keep him entertained during traffic hour. Frank Yan has a 20-30 minute commute to his Alldata office and during his commute, he may not do all the said above, however he suggests, just have a little fun in your daily commute.

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Making the Most of it in Traffic

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: Your Daily Traffic Commute

Sacramento businessman, Frank Yan was invited and honored to attend a Gala for The FUTURE Foundation of Sacramento, held at The PKW, formally known as The Eddie Murphy Estate. However, Frank nearly did not make it. A trip that should of taken about 30 minutes ended up taken Frank an hour and thirty minutes. Frank really hates being late, especially when letting other guests down who are waiting for him. At the end Frank yan did make it thankfully.

As all of may know, being stuck in traffic is never pleasant. So, Frank decided to get of his car, tuxedo and all walked into a coffee shop in Granite Bay and grabbed a few refreshments and cheered up other non drivers stuck in traffic around him whom seemed equally miserable.

Those non driving passengers thanked Frank Yan as they were happy to roll their windows down for him. Those passengers that did not thought I was up to no good and kept their windows firmly closed! Hopefully it put a smile on some people’s faces.

What are your techniques for coping with traffic jams? Do you rely on games, music, games, or perhaps the art of a simple conversation?

Thursday, August 8, 2013


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 Frank Yan of Sacramento posts an article from: entreperneur.comGreat leaders often have great lessons to share. Their stories remind us — in business especially — that failure is not avoidable and that success in any endeavor is a choice. While we cannot control all our circumstances, what we can control is our response. And that’s [...]


Frank Yan of Sacramento posts Confidence, Excellence & Independence: Business Lessons From 4 Great Leaders

 Frank Yan of Sacramento posts an article from:

Great leaders often have great lessons to share. Their stories remind us -- in business especially -- that failure is not avoidable and that success in any endeavor is a choice. While we cannot control all our circumstances, what we can control is our response. And that's what makes a leader great: his or her decision to take responsibility in the midst of chaos.

The following quotes are from four of the most influential people from the past and present. Below each quote is my feedback on how I've learned from these quotes in my own business, and how they can help you with yours.

1. Be confident in who you are.
"If money is your hope for independence you will never have it. The only real security that a man will have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience and ability."
- Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company

It can be easy to look at a successful entrepreneur and think to yourself, "I bet things come easy to them" or "They were just lucky." But after spending time with successful men and women I've learned that many of them were once broke, bankrupt and on the edge at one point in their life -- myself included.

What separates these people is their decision to not allow their financial situations to dictate their emotions, define their worth or give them a sense of superiority over others. These people know that money can be easily lost and easily made. The only thing that really matters is learning how to create and offer value.

Once you learn how to create value in your market, you can shift your feelings of security from what you have to who you are.

2. Think independently.
"If you want to succeed you should strike out on new paths, rather than travel worn paths of accepted success."
- John D. Rockefeller, founder of Standard Oil Company

Read that quote again. It's the secret behind the biggest breakthroughs in innovation.

Innovation is not achieved by imitating the success of others. It's achieved by great leaders who choose to risk failure and ridicule in order to create something completely new.

The biggest turning point in my life happened when I declined the security of a 9 to 5 job and decided to build a digital business on the simple principal of adding value to the lives of others. I was scared, broke and alone, but the opportunity I saw drove me to push through all that.

Creating value is the driving force behind everything I do.

3. Know when to move on.
"Part of being a winner is knowing when enough is enough. Sometimes you have to give up the fight and walk away, and move on to something that's more productive."
- Donald Trump, entrepreneur, television personality and author.

As entrepreneurs we've learned to fight for what we want, and hate losing. But not every fight is worth your time. The trick is to always remember the big picture and to not allow your ego to get in the way of being

I've learned that there's a big difference between perseverance and stubbornness. Stubbornness involves me forcing things to work, while perseverance requires me to work consistently with what's already working. Some of the best decisions I've made involved saying no to a potential partnership or pulling the plug on a product that wasn't working.

4. Pursue excellence, not fame.
"Having success for a year or two, that's called being hot. Being in demand. Excellence is being able to perform at a high level for a long period of time."
- Jay Z, music artist and entrepreneur

I know a number of people who have experienced overnight success with a product or startup, but allowed their success to fool them into thinking they were special. They neglected the critical business feedback they received from their partners and clients.

Once an entrepreneur stops growing, learning and being open to feedback, it can spell the end of his or her business.

Unfortunately, some entrepreneurs need to "lose it all" before they learn this lesson. My recent podcast with entrepreneur, hedge fund manager and author James Altucher illustrates this point.
So make it a point to pursue excellence, not fame. Excellence is who you are. Fame is who you once were.

Frank Yan is entreperneur in Sacramento and devloped a Holding Company (Tribecca Holdings LLC), a Real Estate and Property Management Company that buys and sells distressed properties. Member of Leveraged Capital Partners LLC, a Real Estate Hedge Fund in Sacramento.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


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Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: Ginger BenefitsWhen Frank Yan training for the 200 meter when he attended Sacramento State University, he discovered that he was deficient of calcium as well as potassium which caused him to receive leg cramps. In this effect, Frank Yan found that it was imperative to increase consumption [...]


Frank Yan of Sacramento on Including Fiber in Your Diet

When it comes to dieting and watching what he eats, Sacramento man Frank Yan chooses to only fill-up while sliming down with peas, lentils, and,
whole grain pasta salad, all with a complex carb that helps him to maintain weight while feeling full at the same time.

Ripe bananas, cold pasta, potatoes, beans and, lentils all have in common are brimming type of fiber that goes through the stomach undigested and then in turn gets fermented in the intestines. So you may wonder what this means for your health? This is a process that will release hormones that will tell our body to use it and store it as fat for fuel. The fiber can also take the edge off of our appetites, keeping us feeling full for a lot longer.

Beyond helping us lose our weight, a rich in fiber in our diet can also kill harmful precancerous cells and reduce its inflammation. Frank Yan suggests that, to add more fibrous carbs to out plates, we should choose healthful sources like barley, peas, and yams as well as chilled and cooked foods such as whole-grain pasta salad and
brown rice sushi.

Frank Yan will frequently shop at his favorite Sacramento supermarkets of Whole Foods, Nugget, Trader Joes, and Bel Air Markets to find these healthy foods. All located in his Sacramento area.

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Knowing about Leg Craming

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: Ginger Benefits

When Frank Yan training for the 200 meter when he attended Sacramento State University, he discovered that he was deficient of calcium as well as potassium which caused him to receive leg cramps. In this effect, Frank Yan found that it was imperative to increase consumption of foods with high in calcium as well as potassium such as in fruits like oranges, bananas, grapefruit, strawberries, spinach, mushrooms, beets, and fish.

Increasing our intake of dairy products such as yogurt, cheese, and milk can increase our calcium intake. Another great source of calcium are foods like almonds and tofu.

It is said in one Sacramento magazine that Frank read, that magnesium high rich foods can prevent leg cramping. Green leafy vegetables and wheat germ will increase our magnesium levels also.


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Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: Kale SaladOne of Frank Yan ‘s favorite dish he likes to prepare is his cajun style blacken halibut. The beauty about fish, he says aside is how very versatile halibut is. Halibut can be prepared fried, baked, steamed, and so fourth. This hot summer season we have [...]



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Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: Kale SaladOne of Frank Yan ‘s favorite dish he likes to prepare is his cajun style blacken halibut. The beauty about fish, he says aside is how very versatile halibut is. Halibut can be prepared fried, baked, steamed, and so fourth. This hot summer season we have [...]


Monday, August 5, 2013


Posted in Blog

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: Heart Attacks and Hot WaterWhile waiting for his next flight out from Sacramento, Frank Yan came across a magazine he purchased at the Sacramento Int’l Airport book stand. What Frank read about the benefits of infused water intrigued him Below are the benefits to assist you with [...]


Frank Yan of Sacramento on Infused Water

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: Heart Attacks and Hot Water

While waiting for his next flight out from Sacramento, Frank Yan came across a magazine he purchased at the Sacramento Int'l Airport book stand. What Frank read about the benefits of infused water intrigued him

Below are the benefits to assist you with hydration as well as detoxification energy. In the article Frank read mentioned about putting as much fruit in your water as you wish and allow your water sit for at least twenty to thirty minutes prior to drinking

1. Green tea, lime, and mint. This concoction is fat burning, helps with your digestion, helps alleviate headaches, clears congestion and works as a breath freshener.

2. Cucumber, lime, and lemon. Helps water weight management, appetite control, bloating, hydration, and assists with your digestion.

3. Lemon, lime, and orange provides your body with vitamin C, immune defense system, heartburn, assists with digestion.

4. Kiwi, strawberry. Improves cardiovascular health, boasts and protects your immune system, assists digestion and regulates your blood sugar.

Frank Yan read that never keep the infused water longer than 48 hours you can always use make more infused water using the same fruit you just used, but always discard after 48 hours.