Wednesday, July 31, 2013


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Frank Yan of Sacramento posts an article from: This is one of the SADDEST stories ever told in Hollywood. His name is Sylvestar Stallone. One of the BIGGEST and Most famous American Movie superstars. Back in the day,Stallone was a struggling actor in every definition. At some point,he got so broke that he stole [...]


Frank Yan of Sacramento posts: Never Ever Give Up

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts an article from:

This is one of the SADDEST stories ever told in Hollywood. His name is Sylvestar Stallone. One of the BIGGEST and Most famous American Movie superstars. Back in the day,Stallone was a struggling actor in every definition. At some point,he got so broke that he stole his wife's jewellery and sold it. Things got so bad that he even ended up homeless. Yes,he slept at the New York bus station for 3 days. Unable to pay rent or afford food. His lowest point came when he tried to sell his dog at the liquor store to any stranger. He didnt have money to feed the dog anymore. He sold it at $25 only. He says he walked away crying.

Two weeks later,he saw a boxing match between Mohammed Ali and Chuck Wepner and that match gave him the inspiration to write the script for the famous movie,ROCKY. He wrote the script for 20 hours! He tried to sell it and got an offer for $125,000 for the script. But he had just ONE REQUEST. He wanted to STAR in the movie. He wanted to be the MAIN ACTOR. Rocky himself. But the studio said NO. They wanted a REAL STAR.

They said he "Looked funny and talked funny". He left with his script. Afew weeks later,the studio offered him $250,000 for the script. He refused. They even offered $350,000. He still refused. They wanted his movie. But NOT him. He said NO. He had to be IN THAT MOVIE.

After a while,the studio agreed,gave him $35,000 for the script and let him star in it! The rest is history! The movie won Best Picture,Best Directing and Best Film Editing at the prestigious Oscar Awards. He was even nominated for BEST ACTOR! The Movie ROCKY was even inducted into the American National Film Registry as one of the greatest movies ever.

And do You know the first thing he bought with the $35,000? THE DOG HE SOLD. Yes,Stallone LOVED HIS DOG SO MUCH that he stood at the liquor store for 3 days waiting for the man he sold his dog to. And on the 3rd day,he saw the man coming with the dog. Stallone explained why he sold the dog and begged for the dog back. The man refused. Stallone offered him $100. The man refused. He offered him $500. And the guy refused. Yes,he refused even $1000. And,Believe it or Not,Stallone had to pay $15,000 for the same,same dog he sold at $25 only! And he finally got his dog back.

And today,the same Stallone who slept in the streets and sold his dog JUST BECAUSE he couldnt even feed it anymore,is one of the GREATEST Movie Stars who ever walked the Earth.

Being broke is BAD. Really BAD. Have You ever had a dream? A wonderful dream? But You are too broke to implement it? Too tiny to do it? Too small to accomplish it? Damn! I've been there too many times!

Life is tough. Opportunities will pass you by,just because you are a NOBODY. People will want your products but NOT YOU. Its a tough world. If you aint already famous,or rich or "connected",You will find it rough. Doors will be shut on You. People will steal your glory and crash your hopes.You will push and push. And yet NOTHING WILL HAPPEN.

And then your hopes will be crashed.You will be broke. Damn broke. You will do odd jobs for survival. You will be unable to feed yourself. And Yes,you may end up sleeping in the streets.
It happens. Yes,it does.

BUT NEVER LET THEM CRUSH THAT DREAM. Whatever happens to You,Keep Dreaming. Even when they crush your hopes,Keep Dreaming. Even when they turn you away,Keep Dreaming. Even when they shut you down,Keep Dreaming.

NO ONE KNOWS WHAT YOU ARE CAPABLE OF EXCEPT YOURSELF! People will judge You by HOW you look. And by WHAT You have. But please,Fight on! Fight for Your place in history. Fight for your glory. NEVER EVER GIVE UP!

Even if it means selling all your clothes and sleeping with the dogs,ITS OKAY! But AS LONG AS YOU ARE STILL ALIVE,Your STORY IS NOT OVER. Keep Up the Fight. Keep your dreams and hope alive.

Frank Yan of Sacramento has been a all time favorite of Stallone. Especially hearing about his struggle from an asipring actor to the person he is today.


Posted in Blog

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: The Curse of an Overachiever: DepressionEducating yourself to face in times of stress calmly does not benefit in the moment. It can shelter you from depression or anxiety down the road. For instance a demanding boss, traffic on our Sacramento freeways, stressful events that have currently happening [...]


Frank Yan of Sacramento on Facing Times of Stress

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: The Curse of an Overachiever: Depression

Educating yourself to face in times of stress calmly does not benefit in the moment. It can shelter you from depression or anxiety down the road. For instance a demanding boss, traffic on our Sacramento freeways, stressful events that have currently happening on our everyday lives or arguments with a friend. There is not a thing we can do about the majority of it. However we can control how we an react to them. During situations, we typically spiral into negativity and acknowledge the moment and focus what is ahead of us without berating ourselves as well as others around us. Learning to adapt and manage these types of situations can really help us keep our sanities intact in that moment. How we react and respond in these crucial moment is a strong predictor of our emotional health. We cannot change some one else’s behavior, however can change our reactions towards them. To do this, Frank Yan recommends to begin practicing mindfulness meditation. This practice will in time, allow us to witness the moment with out any harsh judgments. As soon as we are able to let go of the meaning we are assigned to about that stressful event, we will be less to get caught up in our emotions, and the events will feel less stressful.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Sacramento Live Music

California’s Capitol City: Sacramento is certainly is not stranger at all to live music. It is far more than a feeling. A slough of famous now rock idols that have built this city. Frank Yan says don’t think the scene is dead when Cake a local Sacramento band became big in 1996. The microphones are always live that send sibilance at a sounding-off place near Sacramento, downtown hot spots.

One of Frank Yan ‘s choice of places to see live music is at the Crest Theatre located downtown of Sacramento. Frank Yan says that this place really has it all. Watching live performances here is absolutely grand. The restored art deco on this theater makes the experience even grander. It is a deserving “thank you” for bringing any live entertainment and diversity into this establishment.


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Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: Putting Your Keys Bedside Frank Yan of Sacramento came up with an idea for those individuals that cannot who afford full coverage car insurance or GPS tracking System. It only takes around 3 minutes for a car jacket to drive with your vehicle, regardless if you auto [...]


Frank Yan of Sacramento on How to Retrieve Your Stolen Vehicle

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: Putting Your Keys Bedside

Frank Yan of Sacramento came up with an idea for those individuals that cannot who afford full coverage car insurance or GPS tracking System.

It only takes around 3 minutes for a car jacket to drive with your vehicle, regardless if you auto alarming device fitted in on your vehicle.

The best source of safety for your vehicle is a spare active and live cell phone hidden in safe place in your vehicle.

1. Purchase any pre paid mobile phone with longer standby time with less functions.

2. Position a mobile connection which has best network in your area. Research the coverage area and research it's satillite connections.

3. Turn on the mobile device and put it on silent mode. Always check that it does not vibrate while its turned on in the silent mode position.

4. Be sure it responds by calling its number from another mobile device

5. Hide the mobile device in a safe place in your vehicle. Under the floor mat towards the pedals, under the spare tire in the trunk, or anywhere it cannot be seen easily.

If your vehicle is stolen, immediately contact law enforcement. Provide them with the phone number of the mobile device that is hidden in your vehicle. The Police can track its location by calling your mobile device number. Chances are that you may get back your vehicle faster than you think.

Lastly never forget to charge the mobile device every night and hide it back in your vehicle in active position.

Sunday, July 28, 2013


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Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: Classic San Francisco at Fisherman’s WharfVictorian architecture, Michelin rated fine 5 Star restaurants, clean beaches, trendsetting bars, cutting edge art, it is no mystery why San Francisco draws as much 16M visitors annually and Frank Yan of Sacramento being one of them. One of Frank Yan recommends [...]


Frank Yan of Sacramento on Hotel Griffin in San Francisco

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: Classic San Francisco at Fisherman's Wharf

Victorian architecture, Michelin rated fine 5 Star restaurants, clean beaches, trendsetting bars, cutting edge art, it is no mystery why San Francisco draws as much 16M visitors annually and Frank Yan of Sacramento being one of them. One of Frank Yan recommends anyone to escape to Hotel Griffon as it was named Best Boutique Hotel by San Francisco magazine. This Hotel is yet another reasonable excuse to get away to the City of San Francisco.

Whether if you call San Francisco your home or if it may be on your list to visit, you will experience this eco friendly boutique hotel, which faces east over the San Francisco Bay and looks west towards the Financial District, to be a marvelous homebase from which to experience San Francisco.

It is short walk north to the Embarcadero near the Pier as it will lead you to the Ferry Building home to a the local farmers' market and a bundle of fine restaurants. From there, is plenty of access to citywide public transportation, such as trams, buses, horse carriage, and cycle cabs just across the way on Market Street, however there is also are ferries bound for Alcatraz, Angel Island and Sausalito.

While being the among the 16M visitors, other travelers whom decides San Francisco this year, Frank can bet they will be riding the trolley to Pier 49 Fisherman's Wharf and gawking at the sea lions.

San Francisco is an hour and a half from Sacramento on Interstate 80 West.

Saturday, July 27, 2013


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Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: Creating Your Own Entertainment at the AirportEveryone here across the globe has the chance to be welcomed warmly or welcomed cold especially passing through immigration at Sacramento International or at any other airport globally when entering a new and foriegn country. When we travel can luckily often [...]


Frank Yan of Sacramento on Toronto's Bond Place Hotel

The Destination: Toronto, Canada. Toronto is another destination Frank Yan likes to travel away from his Sacramento home as he has family that resides there.

Toronto busted into the Int’l business scene in the early 70s, it did not take a long time for the easy going metropolis to pass up Montreal, Quebec as Canada’s biggest city. With a majority of recent improvements to downtown, Toronto it now offers trendy to upscale restaurants, glittering boutiques, and cutting edge theater productions to complement its Manhattan esque skyline. There is so much happening around the “Heart of Toronto” Yonge-Dundas Square. Whether it is a fashion event at it’s Eaton Centre or an opera (Elgin & Winter Garden), an opera house at the worlds largest Edwardian style theater.

Yonge-Dundas Square is the heart of downtown Toronto. A hotel that Frank Yan usually stays is at the renovated Bond Place Hotel. This hotel has all the studies of an contemporary design, unlike the many hotels they have in his home town of Sacramento.

Translucent facade of brushed steel glass that encloses its rooms adorned with defined off cream in color and cerulean accents to complement its skyline. Frank Yan enjoys all the amenities such as LCD wall mount plasmas, WiFi access, and a spa bathroom.

PomAnar Grill & Juicery the hotel’s fine restautant serves Mediterranean style cuisines that are mouthwatering. This restaurant is by far one of Frank’s favorite when visiting this town and cannot compare a restaurant like the PomAnar Grill & Juicery to any restaurant in his hometown in Sacramento.

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Being Genuinely Happy

Be happy wherever you are. Sacramento, San Francisco, San Diego, Los Angeles, or amy where outside of California. Be responsible to make it even better for yourself and well being.

Remember that theres not one thing that can make you happy. Everything available gives you the opportunities to be happy.

So Frank Yan of Sacramento asks, how can you become happy when there’s not a reason to be? You should always make happiness a reason, and simply choosing to experience it.

A genuinely and positive happy state of mind is a effective and powerful state of mind. Rather than begging for reasons to be happy, see each and every moment as an opportunity that you can give as happiness to your life.

Frank Yan says that we should make happiness a choice rather instead of a conditional reaction. Begin to make happiness our intentions, and it will soon become you realities.

It really is as easy and simple, as well as accessible. Let’s allow unconditional and true happiness, and let it become ours.

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Avoiding Cavities

Sacramento businessman Frank Yan knows quite a bit about dieting, however when it come to snacking Frank Yan has a weakness to it. Not that he eats a bunch of unhealthy sweet, he tries snack when possible to maintain his appetite for a healthier consumption. But heres the problem, cavities.

To avoid cavities at all, try to avoid all day snacking. Non stop food exposure can raise our mouth levels of enamel destroying acids.

What’s not so good for our waistlines and our teeth? Grazing. Mindless snacking on unhealthy sweets and empty calories through the day can pile excess calories and can make our mouth build unwanted particles that get stuck between our teeth.

While speaking to Frank Yan ‘s dentist in Sacramento, his dentist mentioned that nonstop snacking will keep our mouths in a higher acidic state that will wear down teeth and its enamel and make our teeth more prone to decay.

To keep our teeth sparkling white and clean, eat snacks and meals in a single sitting, every 4-5hours, and we should discipline ourselves to brush our teeth afterward

Drinking water through out the entire day will also help lower the levels of damaging mouth acid.

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Ancho Pomegranate Pulled Brisket Tacos

Heres one of Frank’s favorite. Tacos. Yes we said it tacos. After a full day at his ALLDATA office outside his home town of Sacramento Frank Yan takes his taco nights seriously with his homemade Ancho Pomegranate Pulled Brisket Tacos.

This shredded gourmet brisket recipe comes to Frank courtesy of Alejandra from the her Always Order Dessert blog. This particular dish comes with a combination of beef rub and spices which the spices that Frank Yan uses makes the brisket dominant shine with a deliciously savory, sweet, and a slightly spicy taste to it. Slow cooking the beef in a pomegranate-based liquid marinade, which Frank found in his Sacramento Trader Joes, it allows the beef to stay tender, flavorful, and very juicy while making it extremely easy to pull apart.

When Frank Yan had a full days work at ALLDATA if his taste buds are tingling for his favorite Ancho Pomegranate Pulled Brisket Tacos, he will make enough to fill about 3-5 tacos for himself or if he is accompanied by his guests its always more for his larger parties or for his family gatherings that come visit him at his Sacramento home.

Frank Yan recommends putting them in soft shells and adding on the top with a light Greek yogurt, pickled red onions, queso fresco, cilantro, and a habanero hot sauce, however any other toppings to customize to your own taste buds.

Many of his ALLDATA peers have visited Frank’s home in Sacramento and have tried these wonderful tacos Frank created.

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Welcoming People With Open Arms

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: Creating Your Own Entertainment at the Airport

Everyone here across the globe has the chance to be welcomed warmly or welcomed cold especially passing through immigration at Sacramento International or at any other airport globally when entering a new and foriegn country. When we travel can luckily often be met with open arms and smiling face by officials. However, this isn’t always the case.

When Sacramento businessman, Frank Yan travelled to Madrid, Spain in 2009, the immigration officers at customs, he was imposed to a unilateral rule that customs implemented that he had to have 2 complete empty pages in his passport.

If there weren't any, immigration was to to relish sending Frank Yan and others back to their countries rather than being helpful and letting Him in. During Frank's experience, another passenger mentioned that this happened once before to her mother. Her mother, an 67 yr woman did fall foul of this rule. Customs should change the rule to be in line with rest of world.

Even if there are never hassles with forms and passports, going through immigration and customs at these airports Frank says it can still be an unfriendly and unpleasant experience for those traveling people.
When Frank Yan was in the airline industry working at Sacramento International, he tried to make flying an exciting experience. It would be nice if airports in which we flew too pleasantly approached you with open arms and a friendly smile and say "welcome to your destination".

The absolute 1st impression of entering a country is customs and its immigration officers at the airport. While they do the necessary job keeping security tight, Frank says there also should be people there to greet new visitors from other countries, handing out flowers or free beverages.

Frank Yan opens his question on, what airports have you traveled through internationally where you have been welcomed with open arms?

Friday, July 26, 2013


Posted in Blog

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts an article from: I wanted to share my story about what happened when I refused my tetanus vaccine after having cut myself with a knife at home. I want to share this story not as an example of what will or will not happen every time, but more so [...]


Frank Yan of Sacramento posts an article on Tetanus Vaccine

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts an article from:

I wanted to share my story about what happened when I refused my tetanus vaccine after having cut myself with a knife at home. I want to share this story not as an example of what will or will not happen every time, but more so as an example of how it’s important we stay open minded and question things before we blindly accept them.

I got into studying vaccines, their efficacy and safety a few years ago when I began to hear more and more about people being injured by vaccines. There is an unfortunate belief going around that vaccines are completely safe and scientific studies have proven this to be the case. I’m here to say, this is not true. Regardless of the fact there are studies to show efficacy and safety, there are also a large number of studies showing the dangers and lack of efficacy when it comes to vaccines. Simply search the web, published journals, study’s, books, documentaries and stories of doctors who have spoken out about this to get more information. Be careful with your sources on both sides of the argument. The existence of the argument itself shows that there is a clear case to be made when it comes to having to re-think vaccines. At this point, to continue to make uneducated decisions about vaccines has become an irresponsible choice given the amount of information now available. I’m not telling you what choice to make, but educate yourself of the dangers on both sides.

My Story

I was cutting a sweet potato one evening when I looked down and realized I had somehow sliced a decent portion of the tip of my pinky finger. I still don’t know how this happened, but it did. Immediately I knew I either needed stitches or glue to have it heal properly. I looked more closely at my finger and confirmed my initial thoughts. After applying some hydrogen peroxide, I hopped in the car with my girlfriend and we made our way to the hospital.

Upon arriving we went through the normal procedure in the emergency room; papers, name, health card etc. From there I went to the treatment room where I waited for a doctor for about 30 minutes. A young doctor shows up to the bed I was sitting on and introduced himself. He seemed friendly, nice, outgoing and willing to help. He looked at my wound, assessed the situation, heard my opinion of treatment and agreed. Glue it was. He then asked me if I had received a Tetanus shot in the past few years. Given I was 26, I was due to receive my next immunization, since I hadn’t received the shot he told me we would do that at the same time. I told him I would think about it. Of course, this was a bit of a stall tactic as I had no intention of getting the vaccine since I walked in the hospital. He pressed on. “You should really get the vaccine as if you aren’t up to date this could be fatal.I then decided to ask him what the ingredients of the vaccine were. He was a tad confused and was not sure how to answer. He ended up saying it was crushed up bits of the bacteria (not live) and it would protect against allowing the bacteria to become toxic in my body if it were present. In theory he was correct. I then asked, “Does the vaccine contain thimerosal?He looked at me and responded “I have no idea what that is.I then let him know that it was a ethylmercury and has been shown to cause neurological damage. This is where things changed.

He chuckled to himself almost as if to suggest I was believing in some conspiracy theory. “Most of what you hear about vaccines is not true. There are only a couple vaccines that have had bad effects on people.he said. It’s important to note that up until this point and for the remainder of my visit I was as kind, peaceful and nice as anyone could be in speaking with another person. I said “I’m open to some of it being overstated, but I have also researched results myself so I come asking questions because of what I have found in my research.He responded in a condescending and angry manner “Well I don’t have an information kit with me here and I don’t think these vaccines are unsafe, but the choice is still yours.We didn’t speak more about it for the next minute or so. He filled out some paperwork and then asked again if I was going to get the shot. I told him no. He then said “Well I leave it up to you, you can let the nurse know but it’s basically you get this or you die in 3 days. Tetanus can be fatal and so it’s your choice.He was also laughing and annoyed at this point because he could not believe I was questioning and challenging his authority. I kept with my decision of opting out of the vaccine and he simply walked away. There was no “bye”, no “have a nice night”, no chance for me to thank him, nothing. He simply turned around and walked away as if he was not happy with me at all.

When the nurse came over she asked me about the shot. When I refused she ran me through a quick explanation of how it was not the best choice and that I should get the vaccine in the next 3 days or else I could die. After I left the hospital I reflected on the entire experience and realized that it might be important to share this story as there are some interesting things to observe.

Question & Do Research

I don’t want to generalize, but this is not the first case I have heard, by any means, of doctors getting offended when their authority is challenged by patients. In my case, there was a clear attempt to make me fear my own death should I not follow his arrogantly delivered orders. It was very clear that me challenging him made him feel more equal to me which made him become very unpleasant and irresponsible as a doctor. One thing we all have to remember is that every person on this planet is a human being and each of us are equal. We should never look to anyone as an authority on any matter but instead take what they have given as information from their experiences and use it to formulate our own feelings and information without blindly following it. I feel this is especially the case in the medical field as people journeying through medical training are subject to a great deal of bias that comes from teachings formulated on belief. So often, as new information comes into the medical arena, it is not updated and added to what is known presently unless there is some way to profit from the information being added to the equation. We can see this through many sectors of the medical field as pharmaceuticals is ultimately what controls the natural flow of new discoveries. If something cannot be produced and sold, it is likely that it will never see the light of day.

Where students get their medical education has a direct link to the benefits of the pharmaceutical industry as they help fund and pay for much of what schools require to operate labs, equipment etc. In exchange, those companies ask them to focus on pharmaceutical drugs and certain areas of teaching and often times textbooks are even linked to large pharmaceutical companies. We can most obviously see this happening through the cancer industry as obviously there are a number of available cures yet people are coming out of med school only focusing on mainstream chemo and radiation which have low success rates and are sometimes very lethal to the human body.

I don’t intend to encourage people to never trust a doctor. Instead I encourage you to do your research before making decisions that involved vaccines and other pharmaceuticals. A doctor rarely ever tells you the damages associated with vaccines regardless of the $2.5 billion in injury awards that has been paid out to victims of vaccine injury. Doctors are doing their jobs much of the time so you can’t always blame them. But at the same time they should be
encouraged to think for themselves as well.

In my research over the years I have come across an alarming number of facts, experience and practices that make it evidently clear the mainstream medical field is not about cures and health but more so about profit and the need to create perpetual customers. I am not saying doctors have an agenda, more so that their education does and they don’t always recognize that until they begin to question it themselves. Unfortunately this usually leads to them being smeared and called a ‘quackfor their courage to start thinking differently.

Make smart and educated decisions, not decisions based around fear. This is very important whether you are choosing mainstream or alternative medicine.

Tetanus Vaccine Facts
sodium phosphate, peptone, bovine extract (U.S. sourced),formaldehyde,
ammonium sulfate, , aluminum potassium sulfate, thimerosal (trace),
gelatin, polysorbate 80 (Tween 80), modified Mueller and Miller medium,
modified Stainer-Scholte medium
Thimerosal has been linked the permanent brain damage even in small doses.
Tetanus has shown a fatality of about 10% in reported cases. Although this number is considered high, if you remember from my story, I was told I was going to die in 3 days had I not taken the vaccine. While I knew he was most likely using fear tactics, many people would have simply opted in at this point.

Frank Yan of Sacramento also post a past blog on: Get Vaccinated During the Winter Season

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Posted in Blog

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: Avoiding Cavities The main use for Cola is as a beverage, but there are other things it can be used for,according to Sacramento resident Frank Yan. Learning the other uses for Cola can save you money on purchasing several different products. For example, Cola can remove stains [...]


Frank Yan of Sacramento on The Many Differences of Using Cola

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: Avoiding Cavities

The main use for Cola is as a beverage, but there are other things it can be used for,according to Sacramento resident Frank Yan. Learning the other uses for Cola can save you money on purchasing several different products. For example, Cola can remove stains and rust on metal. That's now two products you don't have to buy.

Removing Rust and Hard Water
Cola can remove rust from nails and from the bumper of your car. To remove rust on a small object, fill a plastic cup with Cola. Then add the rusted metal object. Leave it overnight and then wipe the rust off with an old rag. To remove rust from larger metal you will need a sheet of aluminum foil. Roll the aluminum foil up in to a ball and dip in the Cola so that it is covered on all sides with the liquid. Rub it in a circle over the rust. You may need to apply the Coke a few times and then rub, but it will work.It is also used in removing hard water from your bathroom tiles and toilet bowls.

Stain Removal
Cola contains acid that can remove grease and blood stains from fabric. Fill your washing machine and add your normal amount of laundry detergent. Then add one can of Cola. Place a load of laundry in the washing machine including the items with the stains. When the wash cycle is over, your clothing will be stain free.

As Medicine
Cola is often used to treat upset stomachs. You must first let the Cola sit out and become flat. If you are feeling nauseous you will want to sip the flat Cola every ten minutes or so until your stomach begins to feel better. If you have an upset stomach due to diarrhea, you can drink the Cola at a faster rate. Your stomach will be feeling better in no time.

Removing Pests
If you have a problem with slugs or snails you can use Cola as both bait and poison. Pour the Cola in a small dish and watch the sugar attract the slugs and snails. Once the pests get on the dish the acid will destroy them. Cola also works to remove bugs from a car windshield. Just pour the Cola over the bugs on the windshield and wait 10 seconds. Use your windshield wipers and the bugs will easily come off.


Posted in Blog

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: Cravings In todays society it is difficult to commit ourselves to managing our eating habits. We are all scrambling against the time, energy, and the patience to manage our time to assure that what we consume is healthy for us. Sacramento business man, Frank Yan tends to [...]


Monday, July 22, 2013


Posted in Blog

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a reated article: What’s Holding You Back From Taking Action One night, Sacramento resident Frank Yan was watching a segment on A&E about people who hoard and how this type of habit affects people that live with this disorder. Frank Yan was quite disgusted how some people could actually live [...]



Posted in Blog

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts an article from: Colin D. Smith: Sunday Devotional – Psalm 100:2Serve the Lord with gladness; come before Him with rejoicing. – Psalm 100:2 (NIV)Psalm 100 is a sort of sister-psalm to Psalm 95. It too is a call to worship, an exhortation to come before God, to sing His praise, [...]


Sunday, July 21, 2013

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts an article on Psalm 100:2

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts an article from: Colin D. Smith: Sunday Devotional - Psalm 100:2

Serve the Lord with gladness; come before Him with rejoicing. - Psalm 100:2 (NIV)

Psalm 100 is a sort of sister-psalm to Psalm 95. It too is a call to worship, an exhortation to come before God, to sing His praise, and to give thanks to Him. Verse 3 even mentions the fact that we are His people and the flock of His pasture, something that came up in last week’s verses from Psalm 95.

Consider what the psalm means when it commands us to serve the Lord with gladness. Joy and gladness are a constant theme for this psalm. Our worship of God should never be grudging or miserable. When we consider what we deserve, the fact that the Lord would permit us into His presence to acknowledge His goodness and greatness should make us smile.

While the words “come before Himimply the context of corporate worship, and that is probably the primary context of the psalm, these words apply to every moment of our lives. Indeed, if we are living sacrifices, and totally given over to the Lord, then everything we do should be an act of worship. We should live “in the presence of the Lord” that is, fully conscious of the fact that He is God, He made us, and we are His. So when we read that we are to “serve the Lord with gladness,I don’t think this means just in whatever capacity we might serve God on a Sunday morning, or in our church ministry. This speaks of everything we do, all of which should somehow seek to serve God. Whether it’s our 9-5 jobs, housework, schoolwork if we truly do everything to the glory of God, then everything we do is in His service. Remembering this might help us with our attitude to the mundane aspects of life. Even the things that seem drudgery and unimportant take on a whole new significance and meaning when we do them as service to the Lord.

We should pray that we would truly seek to serve the Lord with gladness, and as we give ourselves totally to Him, that we would indeed come before Him every day with rejoicing.

Frank Yan has been a member as well as served as a student at: Brent Cross in London, England, and at Oroville Christian School, Oroville, Ca. Frank Yan also has been a member of Calvary Christian Church in Oroville, Ca, Gateway Fellowship, Sacramento, Ca, and Capital Christian Center, Sacramento, Ca.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Why Lottery Tickets Are Keeping You Poor

A few months back Frank overheard a conversation at the Sacramento International, while waiting for his flight, where two people were discussing their ultimate wish to win the California State lottery and thereby never have to ever work again. Sure, this is a great dream, but is it keeping them poor?

Frank thinks there are 2 quite different points to consider here:

1. The cost of those lottery tickets all adds up at the end of the year. For example, if you go out to your local Sacramento Supermarket and spend about $7 a week, a $1 per day on a ticket by the end of the year you would have spent $364. May not sound a lot. However, the opportunity cost, that is the cost in terms of the opportunity forgone, is actually higher since this money could have been saved, thereby earning interest or properly invested.

2. Most people out there who buy lottery tickets do not have a rich mindset at all. They crave all the riches without wanting to do anything for it, or they don’t believe in themselves or believe their own ability to produce any abundant wealth. In this sense, the lottery ticket can be seen as a financial “white flag” being raised across the board. A lottery win becomes their only chance of becoming rich.

Frank finished a book last month that was very relevant to the second point. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. Reflect on this title of the book for a moment…. Think and Grow Rich!! The secret of getting rich relates to peoples thinking. Rather than hoping for luck to make you rich, believe in your own ability to produce wealth. It can be done. Frank Yan bought this book from the Sacramento Barnes and Noble where he bagan his first chapter, prior to

Frank suggest that if you currently purchase lottery tickets on a daily basis, take a moment and do the following activity: Close your eyes and try to imagine yourself rich as a result of your own efforts. Was it easy or hard? If you had any problems Frank recommends you stop buying lottery tickets for the moment, and start working on your thoughts. Only when you have gained control over your mind and realize your own potential to make yourself rich do suggest you consider buying lottery tickets again.

So wait a minute…. Why did Frank Yan just say you can consider buying a lottery ticket again? Well, to directly answer the question posed in the title to this post: It is not the lottery ticket, in itself, that will keep you poor. Rather it is a poor mindset that will keep you poor.

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Adding to it

If we add a bit perspective to a problem and it does become a challenge. If we add a bit understanding it does become a challenge and it cam become an opportunity. This is how Sacramento businessman Frank Yan sees it.

Frank also sees that if we add a bit of effort, energy, effort, commitment to an opportunity and it does become an achievement. The lesson here, that Frank Yan composed teaches us that we meed to put a true purpose into these achievements as it becomes a fulfillment we accomplished.

Let’s understand that life is what it is, and yet it does’t need to stay that way. We can add to it in our own positive and unique ways.

Where there’s pain & suffering, we need add our love, our compassion, our understanding, as well as out helpful efforts to ease the pain. Where there is uncertainty and disorder, we can add a strong sense of meaningful and positive purpose.

Whatever situation you may encounter, here in Sacramento or wherever we can add our very best ways to it. The moments and days might come to us in unpredictable and troubling ways. Yet we can give the power of joy to them.

Frank Yan believes that life is found in richness and not so much in what comes to us as in what we do with it. Begin to add to it, in empowering, enriching ways, and make life’s richness in Sacramento even more so.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Frank Yan of Sacramento on The Dangers of Energy Drinks

Heart problems, hypertension, and diabetes? Sacramento businessman Frank Yan says to we should refrain from consuming to many energy drinks, which can cause a surge in our heart rate and in our blood pressure.

People with heart problems, hypertension, and diabetes might want to avoid drinking too much of energy drinks. While waiting at his appointment, Frank Yan visited his Sacramento massage therapist and read that studies have been made that these high octane energy drinks can cause a spike in our heart rate and blood pressure, that can increase the risk of anxiety, arrhythmia, and insomnia. It also mentioned that many possible negative effects even for healthy people who consume these drinks habitually. Even to those people that have no health issues can probably consume small amounts with out any problems, however to those whom consume large quantities, whether if they are in a single sitting or through out the entire day, are mostly more likely to encounter unwanted side effects.

According to what Frank read, every person who volunteered to consumed a n energy drink with about 360 mg of caffeine developed cardiac arrhythmia with rapid increased heart rate, insomnia, and anxiety.
Frank Yan also read that research found that the blood pressure of those healthy volunteers rose higher in those who drank Rockstars, Red Bull, Monster, that contained 80 mg of caffeine, than in those whom drank 80 mg of caffeine alone. It is the combined ingredients in these so called “energy drinks, rather than caffeine itself, that can cause temporary rapid heart beat, arrhythmia, and high pressure.

Frank used to consume these so called “energy” drinks right before his busy work schedule prior to work instead of coffee. He has now learned the dangers of the energy drinks and has discontinued buying them at his local Coscto in Sacramento.

Frank Yan of Sacramento on A Encouraging Break

This has happened to everyone including Sacramento businessman Frank Yan. When life has continuously drags us down, we have to remind ourselves that life is great time and joyful. When it really feels like we cannot catch a break, it is a goof time to give ourselves a positive and encouraging break.

Sure, we might have a rough spell that we are going through, but guess what? We’ve made it through.

Frank says its now is our opportunity to move forward and keep going. It’s not going to be easy, however it might very well turn out to be the best thing that’s ever happened to us.

There is always joy to be found in all of lives, even in the most complex times. There is greatness to be created in every situation, especially the most challenging and trying ones.

Life can be tough, whether your in Sacramento or anywhere however we can always be stronger. So, lets make a choice make the decision and take stride to become better than we were before.

Every difficult challenge per day Frank Yan encounters in his Sacramento town makes him stronger. Every challenge Frank Yan encounters at his work ALLDATA he worked through made him that much more capable of working through even more rewarding challenges.

Thursday, July 18, 2013


Posted in Blog

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: Benefits of Coconut WaterFrank Yan of Sacramento read an article while he was waiting for his car to be serviced at Neillo BMW located in Sacramento. He read that lemons could potentially keep cancer away from entering out bodies of we served them correctly. Frank Yan says [...]


Frank Yan of ALLDATA on Knowing Your Customer Prior to Intviting Them to Lunch

Frank Yan an Account Executive of ALLDATA says as AE’s we try do our best to portray a good image. Sure, we build rapport, explain benefits tell jokes, and share other clients successes. However we as AE’s never offend anyone inside our customers businesses or our competition. Then, without even knowing it, our image could be dragged through the ditches because of a snap decision on asking the prospect to go to lunch to soon.

The problem Frank Yan describes is that we as AE’s need to be careful of is not knowing our prospect and future client. The problem is we do not have control over what the prospect may say as well as who the prospect tells about lunch.

We all make decisions that can reflect who we really are and how we do business on an everyday practice. We should all be aware and should to be careful of the decisions we make around our business decisions. In this circumstance like this where I invite a business prospect for lunch, it is a shame when the peripheral things we do and say kill opportunities we have that can sometimes takes months and build.

Frank Yan preaches, “get to know your customers first”. Within Franks career in sales at ACC Holdings, Tribecca Holdings, and ALLDATA, Frank has carefully screened all prospective customers and built the rapport he needed prior to a lunch.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


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Frank Yan of Sacramento on posts a related article:  Enjoying the Relaxation of A Cruise Line Adventure sWhen Frank Yan gets right down to it, what he’s really about traveling is getting you safely and conveniently from point A to point B at Airports and making sure you enjoy the ride. Frank knows that sometimes [...]


Frank Yan of Sacramento on Airport Traveling Tips

Frank Yan of Sacramento on posts a related article:  Enjoying the Relaxation of A Cruise Line Adventure

sWhen Frank Yan gets right down to it, what he’s really about traveling is getting you safely and conveniently from point A to point B at Airports and making sure you enjoy the ride. Frank knows that sometimes travel in the post 9/11 world can be a bit of a hassle. Frank has worked in the Aviation industry for several years while working at the Sacramento International Airport. Being basically helpful folks, with ”Sir. Frank Yan’s” roots in his British hospitality, he wanted to create a section here on called Frank Yan’s Airport Travel Tips.

Airport Tips, which includes some things you may not have thought of that will help get through the airport as painlessly as possible. We all know that airports can be a hassle these days but a little planning and preparation can make a big difference. Try these tips to help you breeze right through.

Check your itineraries for seat assignments and make any ticket changes you need. Take care of any special needs you might have before you get to the airport. Know your passport and visa requirements well before you arrive at the airport. These airport maps will help you find your gate, the ticket counter and ground transportation of every major airport we fly to. Avoid lines at the airport with online check-in kiosk. Know the check-in requirements for your airport.

Check the display screens and monitors in the airport to find your gate. Arrive at the gate early with your boarding pass and eticket information. Keep an eye on the gate display screens that we have in most airports. Listen closely for announcements at the gate. It might impact your travel plans.

Baggage Tips to try to demystify how, what, and how much to pack. You don’t have to be a grizzled road warrior to pack and travel like one. Here, Frank has compiled tips to follow that help make sure your you and your baggage arrive at your destination safely, intact and hassle-free. Make sure your name as well as the phone number of your destination is visible on the outside and inside of all your baggage. Checked baggage must weigh less than 50 lbs and its combined length, width, and height must measure 62 inches or less. You may carry on one bag and one personal item (briefcase, diaper bag, personal computer, or similarly sized item) aboard the aircraft. Children’s strollers and seat restraints are never considered standard baggage and are checked for free at curbside, the ticket counter or at the gate. If you do check in luggage and using curbside service with the Skycap’s, make sure you “tip” them. Usual tip is a dollar to 2 dollars per bag.

Check Flight Status. Travel light when you can. Try bringing one carry-on bag that will fit underneath the seat in front of you. Carry valuables, medication, and travel documents in your carry-on luggage. Depending on what Airline, Airline Club Members, Economy Class may check up to two bags free of charge for all passengers within their itinerary.

Frank Yan’s experience working at the Sacramento International Airport, as well as his travels throughout the world has given him the ability to study how an airport operates and to discover the fastest ways to get in and out of the airport.

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Building Your Core and Back

To build a strong back and core at home, Frank says to trade in your chair for a good stability ball. You will earn much stronger and defined abs as well as better over all balance.

Building strong core muscles is highly important. Those muscles in our abdomen, lower back, pelvis, and the hips can lead up to better positive balance as well as stability. Though the majority of physical activities they typically rely on our core muscles, it is an area of fitness that we often get neglect.

Frank Yan says that using a good stability ball as a chair is an awesome way to increase core stability during our every day activities. To avoid any muscle fatigue, or discomfort, Frank Yan recommends start with short sessions on the stability ball. For longer periods we should be no more than 45 minutes. A rule, of thumb, the exercise ball should be big enough that, when we sit on it, our knees should bend at a 90 degree angle.

Frank Yan has been a member at various fitness gyms: Cal Fit in Sacramento, Prime Time Boxing in Sacramento and Roseville, 24hr Fitness in Sacramento.

Frank Yan of Sacramento Sharing Your Successes and Goals

This early morning at the ALLDATA office located near Sacramento, Frank Yan had the great experience of sharing a sales success story. Frank loves the opportunity to share with his group because not only do they help him get be a better salesman, but Frank can hopefully help the other members get better at selling as well.

Frank’s topic today was sharing your goals for you success. This is some thing that Frank has often thought about, some times talked about with other sales people. Frank started out by quoting “I float like a butterfly and sting like a bee, Joe Frazier will go down in 3”, From the greatest heavyweight boxer of all time, Muhammed Ali. Frank asked why would the heavyweight, Ali would make this bold comment. One of Frank’s peers answered, to get inside Frazier’s head. Frank agreed that this was one reason, but also included that there was a more important reason. No one answered so Frank mentioned, “It forced Ali to perform at a level that was necessary to fulfill his goal by knocking Frazier out in 3 rounds”

Lets just say that what if Ali did not make his goal of knocking out Frazier in the 3rd round. And in the 2nd round the unexpected happens, Frazier throws a powerful right at Ali and stuns him. Now all of a sudden in Ali’s head his saying “Float like a butterfly and sting like a bee, Joe Frazier will go down in 3″ changes to, “Float like a butterfly sting like a bee, I really for sure hop Frazier goes down in 3” Now here is a huge difference between these 2 quotes. The 1st quote is a statement of a goal, the 2nd quote is a wish.

So Frank Yan asked his ALLDATA team if any of they had any goals, and majority of them said they did. Frank then asked if any if them had their goals recorded or written down, and again the majority of them said yes. Then Frank asked the team if they had there goals with them, NO ONE did. Frank then proceeded to ask if any of them have shared them, and again NO ONE did. This was a perfectly normal. Most business professionals will have there goals and the majority of them will have them written down. However, very little people will ever have their goals with them at all. This here is an extremely important step in helping to keep your goals.

Frank Yan says the having your goals with you will work as a reminder to you that first you have these goals and what these goals are. Another question is, how many people have shared their goals as the finishing touch to achieving there goals at ALLDATA.

A statement that Frank made during was, since ALLDATA is a software company that cloud computing is a very interesting technology, however cloud goal setting there could be a disadvantage. Goals that are sent in the clouds are not shared or written down. They are nothing but dreams. The problem with dreams is that we can always change them on a whim. The smallest obstacle, slightest setback, the most modest problem will always have us switching our goals and the goals, such as targets, that can be hard to hit when they keep changing.

Frank ended by telling his team what the ingredients of a attainable goals are:

1) Goals must be very specific.
2) Goals must and should be realistic as well as attainable.
3) Goals must and always should be written down.
4) Goals must have a time frame.
5) Goals must and should be shared with the people who will hold you accountable.

Of all the sales people in Sacramento that Frank knows, he has yet to find any successful salesmen without any goals that were set using the 5 steps above.

Frank is confident that you use the by 5 steps above and believe in your goals, this will help make you become more successful in your sales.

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Getting Rid of Those Red Spots

Thought you’d left pimples behind with puberty? Sacramento resident Frank Yan thought so too. One day waiting for his appointment waiting to see his attorney in Sacramento, Frank Yan read an article about getting clearer skin. Frank read that we should skip all stripped carbs (added sugars, white flour, and syrups) and dairy.

When pimples begin to form and make too many unwelcome appearances on our faces, we should consider to skip foods such as non whole grain or cheese breads and jam. While attending Sacramento State University, Frank Yan researched that for years, doctors thought there was very little if not any connection between the foods we eat and acne, however there are many foods that we put on your plates that can really influence the inflammation on our faces. Especially, eating a diet that is filled with high in glycemic foods (carb like sugars, white bread, flour, pasta, rice, and flour) or any dairy that may stimulate hormones that increase oil production and inflammation, that causes acne.

In order to eliminate pimples to disappear, we need to eliminate sugars, switch to 100 percent whole grains, and to banish any dairy foods. In addition to benefiting your skin, Frank Yan says that these diet changes are great for the whole entire body and health as well.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Posted in Blog

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article:  At Home Exercise EquiptmentSacramento resident Frank Yan knows how busy we can be with our schedules that going to your local gym, we could be caught up traffic or it may be a distance from where we are at presently. And also for those that cannot a [...]


Frank Yan of Sacramento on Loving Your Efforts

On a Sat morning while Frank Yan was preparing breakfast at his Sacramento residence, his mind went into tangent and had a thought. Frank’s thoughts were, to do our best at any efforts, we must love the effort. Instead of delaying, avoiding, and even cursing what we must have to do is dive into it with gratitude and enthusiasm.

If it absolutely has to be done, we have do it in our most creative and effective state. Rather of assuming that any particular task is undesirable, we should approach it as the very best thing we could be doing at that exact moment.

For those whom assume that the effort is a curse are continuously beaten down by the efforts they make. Those who see the efforts, or the effort, as a blessing end up being truly blessed by those efforts.

Sacramento man, Frank Yan says, it’s our choice, so we need to make the smart empowering one. We need to decide and, enjoy, and love the effort, and we’ll reap the fantastic benefits from it.

The ability to making the difference is by taking action. This is an essential element of life, so we should choose to rejoice it at every opportunity to do so.

Another one that Frank Yan mentions, lose the complaints, the feelings of frustration, the self pity, and always love the effort. Love the effort that we give to life, and we should discover how much the whole of life loves us back whether if we are in or out of Sacramento.

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Walking to Weight Loss

Are you walking for weight loss? Frank Yan of Sacramento say that we should keep a medium brisk pace and (fast) walk for at least 30-45 minutes per day.

Mile after mile, walking might not burn as many calories as running does, but that hardly means you should jog if you hate it. Walking is an great way to trim your physique and getting into shape. To burn the same amount of calories walking as you would of been running, you should a least walk a a lot longer. As the saying goes, the faster you walk, the more calories you will burn off.

For ideal weight loss, you should be walking at a brisk and semi fast pace for about 2 miles in 30 minutes or less for at least 250 minutes per week approximately 30-35 minutes per day.

Frank Yan recommends The River Walk Promenade located in West Sacramento by the Sacramento River. If you are a beginner, start slow and slowly increase your time and speed each week.

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Empowering Thoughts

Sacramento business man, Frank Yan says, it’s easy for us to get drawn down into out self-defeating thought patterns. Fortunately, it is also easy to change our thoughts so they can begin to empower us.

Rather of thinking by our habit, we should make the decision to think by our choices. Instead of nurturing and dwelling our the same old thoughts, we should consider to align these thoughts with our goals, our values, our purpose, and our dreams.

An example that Frank shares is that we do not have to assume that the most negative out come can or will occur. We can just as realistically and easily assume that we can create the most positive outcome possible.

There are already enough obstacles in our lives. There is never anything to be gained by having to struggle and fight against our own thoughts.

Frank Yan shared that we should choose to think the best about ourselves, and the people, the world, and events in it. When we focus on the best, we empower, enable, encourage, and motivate ourselves to create the best.

Our deep and most consistent thoughts we have, have real and significant impact on the way we act today. So, lets choose our best thoughts, let them guide our best actions, and live a life that is rich and fulfilled.

Frank Yan of Sacramento on A Positive and Purposful Path in Life

Sacramento, Ca, Denver, Co, Brownsville, Tx Jackson, Fl, or where ever you are, there is going to be plenty of negativity that enters into your life. And you can easily let it go just as quickly as it enters in.

Frank Yan, resident of Sacramento says, to empower yourself, you do not need have to hold to anything new. Just let go of all the negative things, and you will so discover that the power has been there all along.

Its evident that you cannot avoid all the negative situations, words, people, and events. You can, by the determine precisely what to do with each and every of them within yourself.

According to Frank Yan that far and best effective thing to do is to focus your energy, your awareness, and your efforts elsewhere. Allow your inner important, unique purpose to push you forward rather than backwards.

All negativity exists in all shapes an form, and you can’t help but to notice each and one of them. But you never have to let it be yours, ever.

Every time you encounter negativity, always try to remind yourself to just let it go. Rise above it, and always move right ahead on your positive and purposeful path.

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Growing During the Down Times

Frank Yan of Sacramento wonders, how the heck can a person grow during the low points in his/her life? How can we really take our fall backs and be able to turn them into some thing good? What are the solutions that we can we learn from our perceived failures? If there is anything that Frank has learned in all his years, it is how to use his lowest points as well as his darkest hours in life to learn a lessons and create a successes.

So, how can we change our thinking and learn how to grow during our downtimes?

Frank Yan has put together three things we must remember.

1. Failure Is Just An Illusion

Failure should not be a word that we want to hear. Frank really dislikes to hear and use that specific word at all. The connotation is very negative and repulsive. Frank will say that failure is nothing but a lesson thy we all face. Donald Trump, and many other high achievers in this world, will tell you they are most successful because they failed more than anyone else.

We must recognize that our failures are our best teachers. We must realize that our failed plans were never truly a failure in the sense of the word because we keep pushing for something better. And that we always keep getting up. Our minds revolved around explicit goals and our passion for success will be greater than the reminiscence of an unfulfilled dream.

This is why exactly why the word failure is just an illusion. If we choose to examine our setbacks as lessons, as outright positive criticism on how to excel and improve ourselves, we’ll never get to experience true failure. It is impossible. We will in turn grow because our eyes are set on what is in front of us such as goals, desires, and passions. As opposed to the setbacks we leave behind.

During these downtimes, we may feel like a complete failure or maybe we are experiencing what we perceive to be the failure itself. But lets remember, it is all an illusion. It is only masking a valuable lesson to be learned. Frank Yan say that we should embrace our experiences and grow from them.

In order to practice our perceived failures as life lessons learned, we should ask ourselves these 2 questions. What can I learn from this? How can I make it better? Frank Yan believes the answers are always going to be there. Nevertheless, we may have to ponder some questions longer than others.

2. Obstacles Are Going To Be Present For A Valid Reason

We have all wondered at one point and asked ourselves, why everyone isn’t rich and famous? Or ever think about why there are only a select few of professional athletes? Or ever wonder why some people get so more accomplished while others seem to mire in mediocrity?

The reason is: Obstacles.

Everyone that Frank knows in his Sacramento home town has experienced obstacles in some form or manner. It is simply a part of life. It is another reason why only a handful of people ever seem accomplish anything worthwhile. To those that are professional athletes requires a lot of, practice, dedication, and the right guidance of a good coach. Granted, we need some sort of talents, but talent an be very overrated. Practice makes perfect and the persistence goes much further than talent ever will.

The majority of times, there are certain obstacles can be thought of as the lowest of the lows. One of Frank’s closest friends graduated from Sacramento with his Masters and he has been submitted multiple resumes out to
companies while pounding the pavement searching for work. After interning for many hours and working small odd jobs for months, he has not landed anything solid.

To this very day, this is one of the biggest obstacles he has ever faced. However, Frank’s friend kept on kept pursuing, kept on pushing, and doing what he thought was best. Just when he imagined it was finally time to resign his internship, he talked with the manger and then landed the position. Right as he started to entertain the thought of possibly leaving, his diligence sure paid off.

Just remember, the obstacles you face in life are there for a reason. They are there to make you appreciate your accomplishments you have finished and they eliminate the competition. It would be very dull life if every thing worth having was easily to obtain. You have to look at obstacles as blessings in disguise.

3. You Are So Far More Than Enough

Thats right,you. You are so far more than enough. You do not need that much, if any thing at all. All that you need is you and believe in yourself. You should learn to use your down falls and set backs as the opportunities to reach new heights and to grow forward. Remember failures are only real when you allow it to defeat you. It only exists when you allow yourself to give up.

Broken barriers in your way are what make the journey so exciting. Challenging yourself through obstacles and watching yourself progress is what makes life worth living. You are capable of turning your lowest points of lows into memorable experiences of your life.

Frank Yan had experienced many downfalls in his life in his Sacramento town. He has learned from many of them and used each one of those failures into lessons for future success.

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Time to Act Now

The time to act is now. According to Frank Yan, a businessman in Sacramento. He says the sooner you deal with a difficult situation that come across your path, the less time you will spend living with it. The sooner you take the advantage of the possibilities to make them become positive, the more time you will spend reaping the rewards of it.

Again Frank Yan says with passion, the time to act is now, when you have that precise intention of your thought, and reasonings to act. Now is when you are clear about why, and now is when your passionately engaged, so Frank suggests that you put it to use purposely.

Frank has observed many people in his Sacramento area put care and consideration into what they do. Yet they do not care and don’t allow consideration be the only thing they do. Put care into it and allow your thoughts to do the right thing. So the time to act is now.

The faster that you take action, the better advantage you have. The faster you take action, the more detailed and effective you can be.

The situation won’t change by pretending it is something different or by wishing it goes away. The situation will only change when you act to make a difference, and the time to do that is now.

Always give yourself a time from anxiety, worries, and difficulties that will fall on top of other difficulties. You should take control now, quickly now, act positively, and make your world in Sacramento better by what you choose to do.

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Reason of How Failure Can Be a Good Thing

Frank Yan in Sacramento asks, those of his peers on how many of the goals and dreams and have they had put off because they were afraid of failing? How many times have they all looked back on their life’s, thought of the multiple mistakes they’ve made, and kicked themselves in the rear over them? There are so many people in Sacramento that allowed failure to hold them back, while in reality these failures can be a good thing according to Frank Yan.

Failure can create new learning experiences:

When ever we fail at something it will touch you deeply in an emotional way. Although it can feel negative at the time, it will teach us very important lessons. We can learn what does not work, which can really get us closer to the success we are seeking. Since it is very upsetting to fail, we have to try harder the next time.

Failure will push us to a whole new level:

Even if we try and we fail, we will not be the person we were before we started the journey. We would had pushed ourselves to a whole new level, transferred out side of our comfort zone, that will be much wiser for having attempted that task. If we continuously to avoid pursuing dreams and goal for fear of failure we will never know what we can ever do. Trying and failing is better than not having tried at all.

Failure will strengthen us:

Right after we have failure we might feel humiliated, weak, knocked down, hurt, or straight plain out frustrated. But something awesome will happen once the sting wears off, we actually will become stronger in mind and spirit. Even with every single effort put forth we grow stronger in character and will increase out odds of achieving the success we are seeking. Since the majority of people want to avoid the pain of failure, it can and will lead to greater focus and the desire to succeed moving forward.

Failure will make us braver:

Whenever we would put our efforts into trying some thing and we fail, we will build the courage and bravery to try it again. It is usually the fear of the unknown that actually holds people back, but once we have made it through the failures, taken a lost and risk, it will not feel as scary the next time we try it again. Frank Yan says that bravery never comes from winning, but from the pursuit of goals, whether if we succeed or not. By taking more and more chances we will build the courage to keep trying until we meet with the success we are looking for.

Failure brings us answers:

Never trying anything at all will leave us wondering. Could we have ever made it? Would we had actually met with success we seek? We typically beat ourselves up over many missed chances and what the future may have been like if only we had tried. By taking risks, even if we fail, at least we will have the answers and closure to our journey. We will know what works and what will never will and what we should do different the next time.

Failure will open new doors for us:

The saying goes “that everything happens for a reason, and failure is no exception”. Maybe we have interviewed for a job and did not get it at all, and yet another one comes through that will compensate more and offers more room for opportunities and growth within. Maybe someone we have been dating and all of a sudden breaks things off, and we meet someone 100x times more wonderful. Frank Yan says that failure should never be the end of the road, but only the beginning of something potentially better.

We should not view failure as bad luck, instead we should look at each and every attempt to reach our goals as a unique triumph. There is always something to learn, ways to grow, different view points to see, and new opportunities
waiting for us around the corner.

Frank Yan has learned from is failures in his sales career in in Sacramento and perfected his talents and negotiations throughout the US and in Canada.

Sunday, July 14, 2013


Posted in Blog

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts an article from: “Yes, God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not be lost but may have eternal life.John 3:16 This brief passage has become one of the most recognized biblical references in the culture. It [...]


Frank Yan of Sacramento posts an article on John 3:16

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts an article from:

“Yes, God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not be lost but may have eternal life.John 3:16

This brief passage has become one of the most recognized biblical references in the culture. It seems such a simple statement, but it reveals nothing less than the full, complete meaning of the Incarnation. It tells us everything we need to know about the Nature of God. These few, uncomplicated words, describe, perfectly, the mystery of God’s love for us with a simple and confident clarity. These few words reveal the central insight of Christianity: that though we had turned away from God, his love for us was not diminished, rather it was increased by and through his compassion for us. The very next verse tells us that the Son, Jesus, did not come to condemn the world, but that through him it might be saved.

The meaning of this passage comes profoundly alive for us in the light of faith. All of Jesusmiracles, all of his wise words, his parables, his confrontations with the authorities, indeed, his arrest, his suffering, his death and resurrection find their ultimate meaning in this single passage. The Incarnation is the greatest act of love the world has ever known. It is the revelation of an unconquerable love, a love that gives reason and meaning to all of creation and to each and every single human being. It is the ultimate love note to creation. In the Incarnation, God sends his love to all of us, not just in the fragility of human words, but in the flesh. Do you remember how you felt the first time someone told you that they loved you? Well, this passage, and the reality it speaks about, is God telling us of his profound, unconditional love for each and every one of us. How does that make you feel? Remember when that loved other told you that he or she loved you, how you knew at that moment that you would do anything, suffer anything for them? Well, a Christian who understands the full meaning of the love that God has expressed for us in this passage, is so filled with gratitude that he or she wills to do nothing less than that for God in return. Amen!

Frank Yan also has been an active member and student at the following: Brent Cross in Neasden, London, and Calvary Christian Church in Oroville, Ca, Oroville Christian School, Oroville, Ca, Gateway Fellowship, Sacramento, Ca, and Capital Christian Church, Sacramento, Ca

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Incresing Your Serotonin

Are you down in the dumps? Frank Yan says do not reach for those delicious box of cookies. Unhealthy eating can make your bad mood even worse. Take a walk outside instead. This is what Frank does, especially a walk around River Walk in Sacramento along the Sacramento River.

If you are concerned about your weight or daily diet, throw away that seeking solace in a pint of chocolate ice cream, it will and can make you feel even worse. While attending Sacramento State, Frank Yan researched that it showed for women who continually worried about their body figure, pigged out when we’re in a bad mood. This type of behavior can drag them down even further.

According to research, nutritious foods such as walnuts, salmon, and whole grains can really help increase our serotonin levels. Serotonin is the feel good hormone that benefits our sense of well-being and moods. Bingeing on junk food that are not good for us can lower our serotonin production and, with it, our moods.

Instead of seeking a better mood with eating junk food, get moving instead with a work out or walk. A 10-minute burst of exercise can give you a noticeable lift.


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Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: Energy DrinksOne day Frank Yan ran into his friend who practices nuclear medicine at the Sacramento Heart Association in Sacramento. They both spoke how the Asian culture drink warm water during their meals and how this practice can avoid heart attacks.The Chinese drink hot tea during their [...]


Frank Yan of Sacramento on Kale Salad

With summer heating Sacramento resident Frank Yan typically enjoys preparing non cooked meals such as salads. Let’s be honest, salad is something that can become a bit dull if you do not add some serious variety into it. But Frank Yan knows how good and healthy salad is for us, and that the evidence of kale being a superfood has the abilities to be continually mounting.

One day in Frank’s Sacramento home it made sense for him to recipe and explore a delicious way to show off this crunchy, leafy green.

Frank Yan prepared his version of Kale Salad that was topped to the brim with nutrient dense ingredients that will have anyone begin to glow from the inside out. Frank put the perfect amount of maple syrup and avocado oil that created the absolute perfect amount of savory and sweet flavors that were countered with protein rich crunch of delicious hemp seeds. This delicious dressing for the kale, many of Frank’s Sacramento guests immediately saw that they found the most nutritious vegetables around to perfectly complement a uniquely savory dressing that Frank Yan discovered.