Sunday, September 29, 2013


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Frank Yan of Sacramento on Proper Dieting to Avoiding a StrokeFrank Yan of Sacramento read an article in The Sacramento Magazine about the top 10 brain damaging habits. 1. No BreakfastThose that don’t consume breakfast will have a lower blood sugar levels. This can lead to a very insufficient supply of nutrients to the brain [...]


Frank Yan of Sacramento on A Healthy Diet Begins at the Supermarket

Food shoppers that read the nutrition labels are at a healthier weight levels than those who do not. Frank Yan of Sacramento, says that smart choices always begin at the supermarket. By reading food labels for contents nutritional values can help us achieve or maintain a healthy weight and make better decisions for our bodies. Researchers has shown that women shoppers who regularly read nutrition labels and its contents typically weigh far less than those who do not look or read at the labels. Only by reading these food labels can you know what is really in your food that you will be consuming. You may be a bit surprised by how two seemingly identical food items can vary in sugar, fiber, and calories. This can also help determine on how big of a portion size should be taken. Instead of relying on front of the package claims, its nest to always read the ingredients and nutrition information to get a better sense of what’s inside.

Frank Yan agrees that a healthy diet begins at the supermarket. At times Frank does read the food labeling of the foods contents. This Sacramento resident is always concerned of what he eats as he does maintain his ideal weight and his health.

You can find Frank at his local favorite Sacramento supermarkets, Nugget, Whole Foods, Fresh and Easy, and Bel-Air.

Saturday, September 28, 2013


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Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: Toronto’s Bond Place Hotel Few weeks ago Sacramento businessman, Frank Yan travelled to the jewel of Quebec’s Mont Tremblant Laurentian Mountians. The Laurentian Mountains is a spectacular place of bistros and ski resorts. This is a place for plentiful outdoor excitement. Frank Yan, an avid skier says [...]


Monday, September 23, 2013


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Frank Yan of Sacramento on The American River Bike Trial in SacramentoFor those living outside Sacramento, Frank Yan suggests that when you are ready to explore out, take your new found energy to branch out California’s Capitol, Sacramento. Try a taste of Old Sacramento ‘s cobblestone and dirt streets. Or perhaps another kind of Wild [...]


Frank Yan of Sacramento on The American River Bike Trial in Sacramento

The hot summer days are here is Sacramento, and that is all the excuse you will need to head outside and exercise the demons. While Frank Yan, a resident here Sacramento, he encourages the hand-eye coordination to take to write reviews. However, it is real nice to break a sweat every now and then. Enjoy the best of Sacramento and have a sporting good time.

One of Frank’s favorite in Sacramento is the American River Bike Trial. Frank and friends family have ridden it many times an he never really gets tired of it. Frank Yan usually starts in Old Sacramento, before the trail, then rides to Discovery Park, and usally goes from there. Frank Yan has taken the trail short, medium, and long distances. There are so multiple places where you can begin from along the way, or leave, and go off trail back to Sacramento. The whole entire trail is pretty smooth as well as level.

Caution yourself if riding alone as you may come across some homeless people in the area. They are not all bad but you get the occasional laying on the ground or going through rubbish. This is pretty much around the Discovery Park area, but they are usually pretty harmless.


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Frank Yan of Sacramento on How to Manage Your Time More Efficiently Frank Yan has seen many people spend way too much time caring for others in His Sacramento hometown and not enough time on themselves. You may just assume that because of obligations there is never time for you to spend on you. Here [...]


Sunday, September 22, 2013

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Creating Your Own Luck

Have you known people who seem to have been born lucky? Sacramento local, Frank Yan says, if you look close enough, you’ll see that most of them follow some simple guidelines that actually create the luck.

If you have a“secret recipe” for luck then you can create a full fountain of good luck in your own life. Remember, that practice makes perfect, so don’t ever give up. These methods do work at helping to create luck you want.

Letting Go of the Fear

We as humans do fear change, because we don’t know what will happen if we took that next step to change. Even if our lives isn’t’t where we’d like it to be, at least we know where it is. When we do open ourselves up to change it can get pretty challenging or even scary. Sure, we would know what we’d like to happen, we try to focus on being more positive, but still we hold on to the edge of that mountain for fear that we’ll fall rather than continue to climb. Practicing to taking small risks and making small changes so that you grow comfortable with it. Once you have stretched yourself far beyond your current comfort zone, you’ll never ever go back. You’ll soon look on your old side of life and wonder why you were so afraid to leave it behind.

Getting Out of Your Own Way

This is true. You yourself may be getting in your own way. This will happen when we try way too hard or focus on the negative in our lives and not the positive. Like a silent mantra we will repeat over and over and over again. And all of the things we don’t want and all the negativity in our lives, are completely oblivious to all of the good things. Most everyone has some positive things going on in their lives. Instead, we are unconsciously setting up negative barriers all around us that are so wide and tall that opportunity couldn’t’t possibly find its way to us. We need to focus on more of the positive so the God can send more of it. We all need to move forward with confidence rather than yearning for complete control. We should all need to believe and have faith that things will happen as they should for your own highest good. Count your blessings and they will multiply.

Keeping Your Goals More Flexible

When we all have preconceived notions of how we think should work out, we end up closing many doors to other possibilities. Example is that you want this one particular person. Your mind is set on only one goal and that’s that. Nothing or nobody else will do. You have your affirmations, your prayers, your vision board, your self-hypnosis sessions, or whatever else you put into practice for goal attainment. With your precise focus you can concentrate on that one prize. You may wait for a long time and wait, and yet it never comes to you. However in the mean time and unknown to you, whole other opportunities may have passed you by. Frank Yan believes that God listens and sends us what we need to be happy, yet there’s so many times we get closed off to this because we are too focused on what we think we want.

Practice Patience

Whether you’re trying to become financially stable, build a small business for yourself expecting huge changes immediately is the fastest route to major disappointment. We all get frustrated and want to give up too quickly when our bank account continues to stay in the negatives. Things didn’t get as they are over night. The way your life is right now is a sum total of every decision you’ve ever made. It’s the result of action and inaction. Anything worth achieving takes time. So practice patience.

Following these guidelines above and moving forward with confidence, courage, and perseverance, you can create luck in your life. Each moment is filled with choices; find to commit to making the best ones possible for yourself. Frank Yan has created his own luck in many ways in his sales career in Sacramento.


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Frank Yan of Sacramento on Offering Prayer Often we all complain about life and the negative things that happen to us, forgetting that nothing is random and that everything has a purpose. Every morning, offer your day to God. Thank Him for everything He has provided for you and your family. Every morning, when Frank [...]


Frank Yan of Sacramento - His Prayer for Everyone

Frank Yan of Sacramento had it on my heart today to pray for blessings and abundance for everyone in Sacramento and it’s surrounding area. The power of prayer is so amazing and Frank knows that through prayer we can get closer to our God and really receive His blessings.

“Dear Heavenly Father, I want to thank you for all that you are doing in my life and all the opportunities that you have created for me and eveyone in this world. Again, you continue to show us your love, compassion and blessings and for this I am so thankful. I also thank you for the all the trials and the hardship that we have experienced. For I know without this, we would not be able to appreciate your blessings you provide us. I pray for abundance, wisdom, guidance, and your continued blessings over all of our brothers and sisters and their families. I also pray abundance and blessing over this avenue and may it reach many people and create another means to give thanks and prayer. This is all for you God. Please be with all of us as we go through our days, let us know that you are there and that you are the rock that all ways will be there. Bless us, God, with health and healing. Thank you for your grace and your mercy.

In Jesus name we pray.


-Frank Yan also has been an active member and student at the following: Brent Cross in Neasden, London, and Calvary Christian Church in Oroville, Ca, Oroville Christian School, Oroville, Ca, Gateway Fellowship, Sacramento, Ca, and Capital Christian Church, Sacramento, Ca.

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Effective Time Management

Sacramento business man, Frank Yan says, 24 hours in a day isn’t just enough. And 8 hours for work just barely covers the follow up’s, emails, paperwork, client calls, voice mail messages, etc.

Any of this sound familiar? Other salesmen constantly tell Frank at his Alldata office that they are on the run the moment they get in the office. Opening up their email can take them on a hour journey away from what they should be doing to drive sales like the prospecting and closing.

The true answer to this is in effective time management. Frank just spoke to a friend on this subject, and has boiled down the fundamentals to help you leverage the time you time so you can get the important things on your calendar done sooner.

You should identify the most important things to do each and everyday, and then do them. Identifying these priorities is easy. Each and every night before you leave the office to go home, make a list of all the things you need to do the next following day.

As soon as you’ve identified the important tasks, you should make them your top priorities for the next following day and commit to getting them done. Unlike most people who struggle with many conflicting activities that rob them of their time, by adopting this habit, you’ll move into the top 5% of your peers.

You should begin each day with your top two priorities and work each one diligently through until it’s absolutely completed. Then mark it done and complete the next one. Try to resist any temptations to multitask other activities while you are working on your top priorities first, and never begin the next one until you are finished with the first one. Working each one at a time through completion is the key ingredient to success.

This will definitely build a lot of momentum, a huge sense of empowerment and accomplishment,and the most important you will actually be getting your important priorities done each day.

Then begin with your most difficult priority first. Accomplishing most difficult yet important task will always lead to more success and always frees up the most energy. Once those difficult ones are out of the way, you can easily and more enjoyably take on your other tasks of the day.

The majority of people tend to the opposite: they put off the hard tasks and get all caught up in the time. This is a sure recipe for feeling overwhelmed. Do the opposite and begin with the hard ones first, and watch your day get simpler

Group your other activities. Checking email, paperwork, checking voicemail, etc. these activities can be incredible time drains. The worst thing to do is to continuously check them every few minutes. Especially emails. Come up with a schedule. Maybe after you mark one priority done, allow 15-20 minutes to check these minor things and then immediately go right back to your next priority. Non-essential activities are especially are best at the end of the day.

Although many of these things seem important you should not get all tied up in them. You must stick to your top priorities. Grouping your activities allows you to get all of the other ‘stuff’ done but not at the expense of your priorities.

Last but not least. Prepare your next day the night before. Right before you leave the office at the end of the day, be sure you have your written a list of priorities and grouped activities timed and written down. This will help you stick to a set schedule when you get to the office the following day, and that’s effective time management.

This also allows you to get more rest because you’re not worrying about or planning your day when you arrive the next morning at the office.

These are the effective time management skills that Frank Yan adopts in his daily routine at his Alldata office. Any one of these habit will make you more productive, reduce your stress, and help you get more out of your day. If you use them all together, you’ll be amazed by how much more successful you’ll be as well.

Frank has practiced these important traits from his first sales career at Ameriquest to his sales at Alldata and mastered this as it has always positioned him on top of his sales.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Frank Yan of ALLDATA on Sharing Your Goals of Success

This early morning at the ALLDATA office located near Sacramento, Frank Yan had the great experience of sharing a sales success story. Frank loves the opportunity to share with his group because not only do they help him get be a better salesman, but Frank can hopefully help the other members get better at selling as well.

Frank’s topic today was sharing your goals for you success. This is some thing that Frank has often thought about, some times talked about with other sales people. Frank started out by quoting “I float like a butterfly and sting like a bee, Joe Frazier will go down in 3”, From the greatest heavyweight boxer of all time, Muhammed Ali. Frank asked why would the heavyweight, Ali would make this bold comment. One of Frank’s peers answered, to get inside Frazier’s head. Frank agreed that this was one reason, but also included that there was a more important reason. No one answered so Frank mentioned, “It forced Ali to perform at a level that was necessary to fulfill his goal by knocking Frazier out in 3 rounds”

Lets just say that what if Ali did not make his goal of knocking out Frazier in the 3rd round. And in the 2nd round the unexpected happens, Frazier throws a powerful right at Ali and stuns him. Now all of a sudden in Ali’s head his saying “Float like a butterfly and sting like a bee, Joe Frazier will go down in 3″ changes to, “Float like a butterfly sting like a bee, I really for sure hop Frazier goes down in 3” Now here is a huge difference between these 2 quotes. The 1st quote is a statement of a goal, the 2nd quote is a wish.

So Frank Yan asked his ALLDATA team if any of they had any goals, and majority of them said they did. Frank then asked if any if them had their goals recorded or written down, and again the majority of them said yes. Then Frank asked the team if they had there goals with them, NO ONE did. Frank then proceeded to ask if any of them have shared them, and again NO ONE did. This was a perfectly normal. Most business professionals will have there goals and the majority of them will have them written down. However, very little people will ever have their goals with them at all. This here is an extremely important step in helping to keep your goals.

Frank Yan says the having your goals with you will work as a reminder to you that first you have these goals and what these goals are. Another question is, how many people have shared their goals as the finishing touch to achieving there goals at ALLDATA.

A statement that Frank made during was, since ALLDATA is a software company that cloud computing is a very interesting technology, however cloud goal setting there could be a disadvantage. Goals that are sent in the clouds are not shared or written down. They are nothing but dreams. The problem with dreams is that we can always change them on a whim. The smallest obstacle, slightest setback, the most modest problem will always have us switching our goals and the goals, such as targets, that can be hard to hit when they keep changing.

Frank ended by telling his team what the ingredients of a attainable goals are:

1) Goals must be very specific.
2) Goals must and should be realistic as well as attainable.
3) Goals must and always should be written down.
4) Goals must have a time frame.
5) Goals must and should be shared with the people who will hold you accountable.

Of all the sales people in Sacramento that Frank knows, he has yet to find any successful salesmen without any goals that were set using the 5 steps above.

Frank is confident that you use the by 5 steps above and believe in your goals, this will help make you become more successful in your sales.

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Spending Less Than You Earn

Frank mentions that one of the most important factors of life and principle to becoming wealthy is to spend less money than you earn. This may sound easy, but in practice it can be very hard to do. Frank Yan has experienced this article and will explain what to look at and the challenges to spending less than you earn and offers some tips to overcome these.

First Frank wants to look at those who may spend more money than they earn. It stands to reason that if someone is spending more money than what they earn, they are either being given the money or are borrowing it, such as credit. In this day and age of worldwide economic growth and prosperity it has never been easier than before to borrow money. Temptation to borrow is everywhere, whether it is for a new TV, a new car or a new house. In Sacramento personal debt levels are at record highs. With foreclosures at an all-time high, delinquent State deficit, and the average Joe shopping for a high priced vehicle at the Sacramento Auto Malls. Frank Yan has read that the US Federal

Reserve has calculated that more than 45% of US families spend more than they earn. Not good…

The problem with our personal debts is that it can become a bad trap. Bad debt for example and how you can be trapped by this bad debt can be seen with probably its most and popular common form – Credit Cards. Ideally, people should ensure to pay off their balance in full by the end of the interest free period to avoid paying these high interest rates set on these credit cards. It’s quite common and sad that people use their entire credit limit and make only the minimum payment required as a lower payment is an attractive number so people can assume to live a more comfortable life without any financial stress. This minimum payment is the worst and is usually just enough to cover the interest charges only. Combined with a high interest rate this makes credit cards a very expensive form of borrowing.

There are also people who spend equals to what that they earn. If someone is spending everything they earn, it is obvious they are not saving anything or investing any of their earnings. This bad habit will make it very hard, if not impossible, for them to become wealthy in the future. It also means that they will more than likely need to borrow more money in the down the road to fund larger purchases. And so… The debt financial trap begins…

Develop Your Financial Discipline and Intelligence

Let’s return to Frank’s earlier example of credit card disaster. First question would be do you really need one? The emergency of Mastercard/ Visa debit cards and including Paypal has eliminated some of the benefits that credit cards traditional have Example: The ability to make purchases over the internet or telephone. If you do decide you still want a card, you will often be tempted with a higher credit limit, higher than you would have expected. Remove the temptation. By reducing the limit to one where you wouldn’t be scared if the card reaches its full limit. As mentioned earlier, ensure you pay off your balance in full each month to avoid paying these high interest percentages and building up a large amount of debt.

Reduce Your Spending Consumption

First step here is to identify and to eliminate conspicuous consumption. What Frank means is the buying of things you don’t need or want. Second thought is, distinguish your wants from needs. As you begin to identify things as wants, you will reassess whether or not you really want to spend your money on that purchase. Last thing is, set some short to long term financial goals. Use motivation to control your immediate consumption of spending. Example, which you want to go for a well-deserved away from Sacramento vacation across seas in your short term goal. You will find it far much easier to resist purchasing that new item you saw if you can associate this with the goal of an overseas get a way.

Bringing These Two Solutions Together

The best way to bring these two solutions together is financial discipline and controlled consumption. Start to budget and live by it. A budget is simply a plan that allocates your future income towards expenses, savings and debt repayment.

If you don’t like the idea of creating a budget, a simpler way to ensure you spend less money than you earn is to Pay Yourself First. Set up an automatic system to Pay Yourself First. Avoid paying for purchases via your credit you can relax knowing that you are spending less money than you earn.

If you are struggling with debt and/ or excessive consumption of spending, be clear that spending less money than you earn will involve some short term sacrifices and lifestyle changes. These changes will be way more positive as you begin to take control of your finances sensibly and putting yourself on the road to wealth.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Frank Yan of Sacramento on How To Be Charismatic

Frank Yan a local resident of Sacramento says, you may want to stand out in a crowd or just have an simplier time building rapport with new people around Sacramento. What you should want is charisma that radiates from within you that will draw people in. This is simply being about a better you and censoring yourself less when it comes to the strong points of your personality. To really shine you have to look inside yourself. You will also have to challenge yourself, because the big changes will not come when you continue to stay in your comfort zone.

•Put a smile on your face. Smiles are extremely contagious as well as welcoming. This easy simple act will really change the way the world will respond to you. Your inner positivitely and enthusiasm will make other people feel good and comfortable. Smile even when you do not feel like it that will make you at least feel a little happy.

•Be as most confident as possible. Believe in yourself and your own abilities. Stand straight and your head up high. Being wrong, or even failing, will not even kill you. It may even make your confidence even stronger.

•Be open and interested in other people. The way to make quality friends is to be a genuine friend. Refrain from trying to make people interested in you and really listen to and appreciate them. When you are open to people and never judge them. This behavior will enable them to be more willing to communicate with you. Be curious, willing to learn new things, and most important have a positve attitude.

•Be present and in the moment. Be centered and be focused and you will make people feel special. Keep good eye contact without staring and occasionally breaking it. This will display your attentiveness and interest towards that person speaking. Really listen and pay attention to the person rather of planning what you are going to say next. Pay attention to the way they feel if you need to get centered and bring yourself back into the moment of the conversation.

Frank Yan has been to multiple of mixers in Sacramento and across State. He has always has to realize his position when entering these gatherings and practice them as he has to prepare of the next element.


Posted in Blog

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts an article from the Latin Times September 16 is Mexico’s Independence Day–no, it’s not Cinco de Mayo –and it is celebrated with music, games, delicious food and a lot of drinking. Mexicans celebrate Independence Day on the eve of the day on September 15th. There are an estimated 53 million [...]


Frank Yan of Sacramento on Getting to Know What Fits

Have you ever pulled on a pair of pants only to be shocked by how tight they feel? Frank Yan of Sacramento to the liberty to research and discovered that it is known that Americans habitually underestimate how much weight they’ve gained. Though, Frank Yan isn’t overweight, he keeps a maintained balance of exercise at his local 24hr Fitness gym in Sacramento. He keeps any unwanted weight from sneaking up on him by exercising daily after a long day at his Alldata office and watches the foods that puts into his body.

You should routinely pay’s attention to how your clothes fit. If you find yourself letting out your belt a little or that all your clothes feel too tight, it may be a good indication that your portions are too big, or you’re eating way too much processed, unhealthy foods, or you are not getting enough exercise. You should save though delicious treats for now and then or by keeping them out of your pantry.

Try and keep healthy foods such as, fresh fruit around, where you can visually see it. Having healthy snacks on hand for when your hunger strikes will make you less likely to scout out unhealthy ones. Work physical activity as much as possible and implement it in your daily routine. Physical activity has a cumulative effect, so every little bit of exercise helps.

Frank Yan has been an active member of Cal Fit in the Sacramento area, Prime Time Boxing in Sacramento and Roseville, 24hr Fitness in the Sacramento area, and it’s various locations across nation, or may be in the gym at the hotels he will stay during his travels.

Frank Yan of Sacramento on A First Class Fiasco

A few months ago, Frank Yan was returning back from Atlanta to Sacramento. Since Frank was traveling on Delta 757 he had decided upgraded his business class seat to first class. This is the section of the plane where for a princely sum you get luxurious seats, premium food and wine, and impeccable service.

When Frank sat down, in his premium leather seats, first thing Frank saw that they broken and outdated. It didn’t bother Frank, and he still enjoyed everything else about this flight. As the flight was descended into the air to Sacramento, Frank and his neighbor were tucking into their entree of chicken alfredo, his neighboring lady passenger, grabbed Frank’s arm with a death grip and with a whisper said “look at my plate.” Frank did, and to his horror, saw a dead fly meandering its way across her plate. The lady next to Frank Yan didn’t scream nor did she flip out. But she was nauseated by the experience and refused to eat their food the rest of the 5 hour flight.

The flight attendants of the ‘first class’ cabin removed their salad plates, but to the lady’s amazement told no one during flight about what her meal would contain. However she did to tell the co-pilot when they fight landed into Sacramento. There was never was any sort of apology from the flight attendants or any airline personal at the gate. The lady kept rambling about her experience and demanding a full flight refund. The airline then made it clear they had no intention of providing any full refund for her expensive experience in insects in her meal and broken seating. Frank didn’t want any part of her complaining and walked away through the terminal and wished her luck.

Frank’s suggestion is that, if you encounter anything like the story above, is to notify the flight attendant about it rather than wait to the last minute. Frank has traveled on many flights and encountered delays, layovers, missed meals, and incorrect seating. Airlines typical don’t refund flights. They mostly provide discounts on your next flight. Flying is an expensive experience, especially flying first class. But a $250.00 off your next flight is a huge is discount already.

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Put a Stop to Limiting Yourself

There are many things that people do everyday in Sacramento that keep them from achieving their dreams. Frank Yan has seen all these small distractions in people that add up over the course of a day or even a lifetime. Much of the time the things in our lives that are limiting us are things that we are doing to ourselves and there are ways to stop this behavior.

First off, elimate all the negative self talk, and including the profanity that we may expel. And if you are constantly putting yourself down, you really need to eliminate this behavior. You should be your own best friend. Replace that negative talk with positive mantras. Tell yourself each and every morning how strong and capable you really are. Anytime you start to feel your resolve weaken, repeat your mantra to yourself over and over until you believe it. Frank has caught himself with this behavior when he is have a bad sales period. It’s human nature that you catch yourself doing this, however you can control this.

You should make the time for the things that are important to you. Only you can schedule the activities that will get you to your goals into your day. Make them just as high of a priority as any other appointment. We should put them in our weekly schedule and hold ourselves more accountable for working on our goals during those times.

If you do not have a weekly schedule, it may be time to start keeping one. Thats important to keep you organized. Scheduling your time a day at a time may be too short sided and scheduling a month in advance can be way too inflexible. This will make weekly scheduling ideal. If necessary use different color highlighters for different types of activities. Use on color for work, another for goal time, one color for family time, etc…

On a daily basis, Frank Yan will look at his schedule at his Sacramento Alldata office and almost memorize his entire last and following week. This enables Frank to focus what appointments are next and what sales he needs to produce from the last week.

Lastly, decide what is really important to you. There may be times when you have to say no. When people ask you to commit to things that you do not want to do, it is time to find a way to politely say no. This can free you to pursue your goals.

Frank Yan of Sacramento on What's Holding You Back From Taking Action

Sacramento local Frank Yan says that if you are ever stuck down and out in the rut and really have the desire to get out why are you still in a rut? It is extremely and very hard to clearly understand sometimes why we cannot take the first steps to get our lives back on track.

There always can be multiple barriers from the obligations that we know we have to fulfill to a bout with our depression. If you think or know that are depressed go take a trip to see a counselor, or doctor to determine your current position, but if it is just procrastination then you can break through it and get into the action.

You should get excited about whatever it is you are working on. You would need to think back to why you wanted to reach the goal of accomplishment in the first place. Emotion really does create motion and the more enthusiasm you can build for the task at hand, the more work that will get done.

You will need to begin and start making the improvements to your life overall. If your diet is poor and your not exercising as much as you should, you may not have the energy to carry out your goals. Exercise and a good diet will improve your mental status and focus dramatically if you start putting the right foods in your body and start working out four or five days per week.

Reduce your the fat intake. Not just on your body, but from your life. If you are watching more television than you should, cut your watching times if you think its too much. Television and video games are time fillers that can be eliminated for more productive and life affirming activities.

You should recruit help of a friend. If you make a promise to someone else, then you are more likely to follow through. You can make excuses to yourself, but it will be much harder to make them to someone else. A friend can keep you accountable.

Frank Yan stays actively involved in his Sacramento community and spends time with his friends to avoid the laziness, contentment, and depression. Taking action enables Frank to stay focused at the task at hand, that leads him to live a healthy life with happiness.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


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Frank Yan of Sacramento posts an article from:  Yahoo News NEW YORK (AP) — Life in lower Manhattan resembled any ordinary day on Wednesday as workers rushed to their jobs in the muggy heat, but time stood still at the World Trade Center site while families wept for loved ones who perished in the terror [...]


Frank Yan of Sacramento on Who Stole My Identity

Seriously, that’s the question Frank Yan is asking today. During Frank’s application for a mortgage home loan, Frank received a copy of his credit report and discovered that in 2005, someone used my name and identity to rack up just over $2K in debt that Frank was not responsible for. So Frank began to investigate who possibly used his identity and phoned the Sacramento police department, filed fraud reports, and tried to figure out how to get things resolved. Apparently it took Frank a very long time, which isn’t what he wanted to hear.

When Frank first discovered this fraud took place, Frank was highly so upset. Someone out there has a lot of personal information about him and can use that to gain credit in his name.

Frank had more phone calls to make during that time to clear his name for the debt that was incurred by someone else. He needed to go downtown to the Sacramento police station with everything that proves who Frank Yan was.

As this mess whirled around him, Frank really wanted to just felt going to find the person that stole his identity. Frank didn’t blow all this all out of proportion. It could have been a lot worse for him. And fortunately he found out it did happen, otherwise he might have not known for a very long time.

Make sure you keep your identity safe. Frank thought he was being careful, shredding all his important financial information, forwarding mail when he moved, etc. The Sacramento police figured that someone stole Frank’s social number off a credit application or something as there was no document that was actually stolen from him. Today, Frank has protected his credit as he had experienced identity theft once. It’s important that we all monitor our credit on a 6 months basis, as our credit scores are our life line to securing credit lines for real estate mortgage loans, car loans, education loans, and even applying for a mobile phone. By protecting your credit, this will prevent any fraud if someone trys to use it.

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts: Nation Pauses on 9/11 to Pay Tribute to Victims

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts an article from:  Yahoo News

NEW YORK (AP) — Life in lower Manhattan resembled any ordinary day on Wednesday as workers rushed to their jobs in the muggy heat, but time stood still at the World Trade Center site while families wept for loved ones who perished in the terror attacks 12 years ago.

For the families, the memories of that day are still vivid, the pain still acute. Some who read the names of a beloved big brother or a cherished daughter could hardly speak through their tears.

"Has it really been 12 years? Or 12 days? Sometimes it feels the same," said Michael Fox, speaking aloud to his brother, Jeffrey, who perished in the south tower. "Sometimes I reach for the phone so I can call you, and we can talk about our kids like we used to do every day."

On the memorial plaza overlooking two reflecting pools in the imprint of the twin towers, relatives recited the names of the nearly 3,000 people who died when hijacked jets crashed into the towers, the Pentagon and in a field near Shanksville, Pa. They also recognized the victims of the 1993 trade center bombing.

Bells tolled to mark the planes hitting the towers and the moments when the skyscrapers fell. "Tribute in Light" searchlights, turned on at sunset, illuminated the skies where the twin towers once stood.

In Washington, President Barack Obama, first lady Michelle Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and wife Jill Biden walked out to the White House's South Lawn for a moment of silence at 8:46 a.m. — the time the first plane struck the north tower in New York. Another jetliner struck the Pentagon at 9:37 a.m.

"Our hearts still ache for the futures snatched away, the lives that might have been," Obama said.

A moment of silence was also held at the U.S. Capitol.

In New York, loved ones milled around the memorial site, making rubbings of names, putting flowers by the names of victims and weeping, arm-in-arm. Former Gov. George Pataki, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and others were in attendance. As with last year, no politicians spoke. Mayor Michael Bloomberg watched the ceremony for his final time in office.

Carol Eckna recalled the contagious laugh of her son, Paul Robert Eckna, who was killed in the north tower.

Just yesterday, you were 28," she said. "Today, you are 40. You are forever young. Dad and I are proud to be your parents."

The anniversary arrived amid changes at the Flight 93 National Memorial in Shanksville, where construction started Tuesday on a new visitor center. On Wednesday, the families of the passengers and crew aboard United Flight 93 recalled their loved ones as heroes for their unselfish and quick actions. The plane was hijacked with the likely goal of crashing it into the White House or Capitol, but passengers tried to overwhelm the attackers and the plane crashed into the field. All aboard died.

"In a period of 22 minutes, our loved ones made history," said Gordon Felt, president of the Families of Flight 93, whose brother, Edward, was a passenger.

Outside Washington, hundreds of people gathered for a short, simple ceremony at an Arlington County plaza three miles from the Pentagon. First responders from the county were among the first on the scene that day.

Fire Chief James Schwartz said ceremonies like Wednesday's — which featured an honor guard and a moment of silence— serve as a reminder of why first responders spend so much time preparing for disaster.

"I've often said this has been the fastest 12 years of my life," Schwartz said. "But if you are a surviving family member, I'd imagine this has been the longest 12 years of your life, because you're waking up every day with a hole in your heart."

Bloomberg also spoke at a remembrance service for the 84 Port Authority employees killed on Sept. 11 at St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church, in the shadow of where the World Trade Center once stood.

"On that terrible day, we were united in prayer and compassion for all of you who lost loved ones," the mayor said. "As we woke up this morning, our first thoughts were with you as well."

Dozens of family members and colleagues filled the pews as the Port Authority Police Pipes and Drums played during the posting of colors.

Around the world, thousands of volunteers pledged to do good deeds, honoring an anniversary that was designated a National Day of Service and Remembrance in 2009.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Increasing Your Serotonin Through Exercise, Not Junk Food

Are you down in the dumps? Frank Yan says do not reach for those delicious box of cookies. Unhealthy eating can make your bad mood even worse. Take a walk outside instead. This is what Frank does, especially a walk around River Walk in Sacramento along the Sacramento River.

If you are concerned about your weight or daily diet, throw away that seeking solace in a pint of chocolate ice cream, it will and can make you feel even worse. While attending Sacramento State, Frank Yan researched that it showed for women who continually worried about their body figure, pigged out when we’re in a bad mood. This type of behavior can drag them down even further.

According to research, nutritious foods such as walnuts, salmon, and whole grains can really help increase our serotonin levels. Serotonin is the feel good hormone that benefits our sense of well-being and moods. Bingeing on junk food that are not good for us can lower our serotonin production and, with it, our moods.

Instead of seeking a better mood with eating junk food, get moving instead with a work out or walk. A 10-minute burst of exercise can give you a noticeable lift.

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Self - Forgiving

Couple years ago in Sacramento, Frank Yan thought that the only way to feel good about himself was forgiving other people. Frank tried really hard doing this but deep inside of him something was still wrong. It was like emptiness and he was not really feeling good about himself. Because Frank was working a lot on himself and he had committed to himself to honor his self-worth. Suddenly realizing that the first step in forgiveness was: forgiving Frank himself.

How can you possible forgive other people if you are not forgiving yourself?

Self-forgiveness is to allow of all the anger regarding your past failures go, the errors and mistakes we all make. Self-forgiveness is to let go of your need to feel sorrow, regret and anger about your past.Self-forgiveness is self-love, is to accept yourself, to have compassion and the understanding that you were doing the best you could at that moment.

Self-forgiveness will set you free, because you will not hold yourself in debt with it and you will be able to understand your past and you will move on.If you do not forgive yourself you will feel indifference toward your own needs, you will have destructive behaviors, self-pity and resistance to heal your wounds keeping you in low self-esteem.

What are the steps to forgiving YOU?

·Accept for your own failures, errors and mistakes
·Believing in yourself and accepting your goodness
·Letting go of the hurt and pain
·Write down what emotions do you feel about this
·Write down what do you need to forgive yourself for
·Learning from your mistakes, failures and errors
·Take the decision to forgive yourself

Forgiving yourself will bring you inner peace and the ability to forgive others. Frank Yan believes that self-forgiveness is inseparable from self-love, self-esteem and self-respect.

When Frank stops to analyze about what may be holding him back, Frank likes to find solitude time by himself by walking or riding his bike on along the Sacramento River Run in West Sacramento. This gives him time to gather his thoughts and re configure what he needs to self-forgive.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Frank Yan of Sacramento on A Loved One or Friends Can Help Lower Stress

Are you going through one of those tough times in this season? Sacramento resident, Frank Yan says you do not need hide out. A presence of a loved one or friend can help reduce the stress levels you may have of a difficult situation.

Hold your loved ones close even if you are having a terrible day. Studies has shown that having a loved one in the same room can help neutralize stress drastically. Knowing that you have a loved one or friend to help you weather the tough times you are having can really take the pain out of a difficult situation.

Loneliness, can really be as bad for your health such as stress or smoking. Since both happiness and sadness are contagious, try to seek out for your friends who will can cheer you up when you need them. Helping others can really help your mood too. Volunteering and helping for those people in need really gives us a sense of purpose and allows us to focus more on others problems instead of our own that we experience.

Frank Yan mentions even having a pet friend around you can reduce stress levels. A furry friend can act as a friend since a loving animal shows love for its owner. Frank had helped many of his friends in Sacramento when these tough times arise and his friends have reciprocated the same favor to him.

Frank Yan of Sacramento on The Love of Room Service

Frank Yan loves room service at his hotel suite and takes advantage of it when he is away from his Sacramento home. He always feels special when he can pick up the phone in his hotel suite dial the number and relax comfortably while enjoying a delicious meal delivered to him on a rolling table in the comfort of his suite.

When Frank finishes his meal he will always has the same thought. “Wow that was good” Out of respect, Frank will roll the table out into the hall closes his door and relax. No crowds, no getting dressed up, no bother just pure pleasure.

Room service is one of those things that make traveling bit more tolerable. But it comes with a price. A meal from room service will cost anywhere between 20% and 50% more than if you went to the hotel restaurant and as much as 75% more than I could get the same food in an outside restaurant. So why Frank Yan so willing to spend for it? For all the reasons that he feels good about what he’s getting he does’ t mind spending the extra money.

Now think about your potential buying prospects, do you think they would spend a little extra money if they felt as good about what they buy from you as Frank does getting room service? When a client is anticipating a good experience before the sale is closed their willingness to spend more usually becomes apparent. Prospects feel this way and will talk as if they already owned your product rather than considering buying it.

Soon your prospects will begin saying things like “Should I, Can I, How will I”, and Frank’s favorite “When I.” All these let you know they see themselves owning your product. When a prospect crosses this line there will very rarely be any more price negotiations, there will usually not be any push back, and most important there will almost never be any buyer’s remorse.

Prospects love good service, they love a good product, they love how it feels to own something new, and most of all they are willing to pay for all this good stuff. Just as Frank loves room service away from his home Sacramento.

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Toronto's The Bond Place Hotel

The Destination: Toronto, Canada. Toronto is another destination Frank Yan likes to travel away from his Sacramento home as he has family that resides there.

Toronto busted into the Int’l business scene in the early 70s, it did not take a long time for the easy going metropolis to pass up Montreal, Quebec as Canada’s biggest city. With a majority of recent improvements to downtown, Toronto it now offers trendy to upscale restaurants, glittering boutiques, and cutting edge theater productions to complement its Manhattan esque skyline. There is so much happening around the “Heart of Toronto” Yonge-Dundas Square. Whether it is a fashion event at it’s Eaton Centre or an opera (Elgin & Winter Garden), an opera house at the worlds largest Edwardian style theater.

Yonge-Dundas Square is the heart of downtown Toronto. A hotel that Frank Yan usually stays is at the renovated Bond Place Hotel. This hotel has all the studies of an contemporary design, unlike the many hotels they have in his home town of Sacramento.

Translucent facade of brushed steel glass that encloses its rooms adorned with defined off cream in color and cerulean accents to complement its skyline. Frank Yan enjoys all the amenities such as LCD wall mount plasmas, WiFi access, and a spa bathroom.

PomAnar Grill & Juicery the hotel’s fine restautant serves Mediterranean style cuisines that are mouthwatering. This restaurant is by far one of Frank’s favorite when visiting this town and cannot compare a restaurant like the PomAnar Grill & Juicery to any restaurant in his hometown in Sacramento.


OFFICIAL Frank Yan Sacramento – Tipping Etiquette (Property of CM) -


Thursday, September 5, 2013

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Setting Life and Daily Reminders

If Frank Yan of Sacramento could seriously kick himself in the behind right now, Mr. Yan would. One day on his way home from the gym, Frank was caught for speeding down Southbound on Sacramento’s Interstate 5 and was issued a hefty fine. Unlike his experience in “If You Want To Change, Tell the Truth”, Frank was never in any doubt that this was anything but my own fault. Frank strongly agrees with the principle that people should drive within the speed limits, and he put this down to a lapse in concentration. What really annoys him, though, is the fact that this is something Frank promised he would never do it again after the last time.

The last time Frank was issued a speeding ticket was a few years ago near the Sacramento Zoo on Land Park Drive. Frank still remembers that day very clearly. He distinctly remembers the following weeks where the care he took driving could have had him nominated for a “Driver of the Year” award. But as these weeks turned into months, Frank slowly returned to a more “normal” way of driving and still predominantly safe – just more relaxed and, therefore, prone to occasional lapses in concentration.

This experience had given him a simple, yet extremely powerful idea: life reminders. I’m sure there are numerous lessons he learned at some point in his life that, as time has marched on, have slowly been forgotten. One example Frank thinks everyone can identify with is the experience of going on holiday. When Frank is on a holiday he begins to appreciate the important things in life: family, friends, and happiness. He’ll also generate endless ideas for what he wants to do to fill his life with success and meaning.

However, as sure as day turns to night, once the holiday is over these ideas and insights slowly get pushed out of my mind as the trials and trivialities of everyday life demand Frank’s attention. To make sure “never do it again” really means “never do it again”, Frank has come up with the some personal reminders:

- Drive safe and within the speed limit.
- Don’t taken family, friends, or others for granted.
- Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.
- Remember to find pleasure and meaning in each and every day.
- Being fit and healthy feels so good.

Frank is sure there are many more, and plans to add many more to these as they pop into his head. The next thing to consider, of course, is what to do with these reminders we have. Here are also some methods he thinks will work well:

- Stick them on the fridge, at the front of your diary, or some other prominent place.
- Choose a particular date in your diary.
- Make personal note on your mobile device.
- Record your reminders onto a recorder.
- Perhaps tell someone to remind you.

As you can see, Mr. Yan’s methods are fairly “simple”. He is sure there is also some tech savvy way to set up these types of reminders. Maybe “the” reader could suggest some?

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Frank Yan of Sacramento on Motivation is a Luxury

Frank Yan’s heart sank and his REM of sleep was disturbed. Frank couldn’t believe his iPad alarm was chiming off repeatedly in his Sacramento home. It can’t be 3am already, it can’t. He didn’t feel like this nor did Frank really feel like waking up. He snuggled deeper and deeper into his duvet, imagining the cold he would feel when he got up. Frank really doesn’t feel like this. After a few minutes, Frank slumped carelessly out of bed with a huge sigh. A while later he was doing what he really didn’t feel like doing. Start his day, Day Trading, and then off to work he goes.

Not Doing What You Don’t Feel Like Doing

Later on during that day, Frank received a call “Mr. Yan, Mr. Yan, Mr. Frank Yan… Are you somewhere in Canada or home in Sacramento, Canada, or Sacramento? We need you” This call was from a potential prospect who wanted Frank to give a Web Ex presentation to a group of people in their organization. Sure, Frank said. He put the phone down and realized that he could start preparing straight away. “But, he don’t feel like it at this time”, Frank said to himself, and promptly starting going through his various emails. This time Frank let himself off the hook to easy even though it was the perfect opportunity to get going.

In the first story here, Frank chose to do something he didn’t feel like doing. We all do this, and so very often. Ever brushed your teeth late at night when you didn’t feel like it? Ever visited your in-laws even though you didn’t feel like it? Ever agreed to pick up a “drunkenness” friend at midnight, even though you’d much rather be asleep in bed? What about this one. When you had a huge outing one night with close friends, then got up to go to work the next day, even though you didn’t feel like it? Very often we do these things we don’t feel like doing. We are all so totally CAPABLE of doing these things we don’t like or don’t feel like. That’s life.

In the 2nd story there was something Frank didn’t feel like doing, and so he chose not to do it. He was buying into the belief that “I can’t do it because I don’t feel like doing it”. This is not such a good thing to be doing.

Procrastination causes stress eventually.

Most of us start buying into that belief when we are at school. I can’t study because I am so unmotivated. I can’t start on that project because I really don’t feel like it. If You Could Only Get Motivated, Then You Would do the Work Very often we believe that we have to be motivated first and then we can do the work.

NOT True!

We are totally capable of not doing things we don’t feel like doing. We DO NOT have to be motivated first. When we start going to the gym after work, we aren’t motivated. At all. Half way through our sessions, we start to feel energized and enjoy ourselves. By the end of our sessions, we are fatigue, sweaty, and say to ourselves “That was awesome, and I really needed that!” Very often, if we choose to do the task we don’t feel like doing, and we begin it. We find that motivation follows anyway.

The belief: “I have to be motivated before I can do the work” is false and limits us. It prevents us from being as successful as we potentially could be. It’s one of the ways that we sabotage ourselves. We believe this thought and we treat it like a fact. Then let ourselves off the hook and we don’t do the work. If we’ve deeply integrated this belief, we don’t even feel guilty for not doing the work.

Throw Out the Limiting Belief, Bring in the Empowering One

If you want to move ahead more successfully in the world, throw out that belief. Practice this one rather: “As soon as I start working, I’ll feel more motivated”.

Frank Yan of Sacramento on The Prayer

Frank Yan would like to post a small prayer that was important to him right after he started to believe there was a God. In Frank’s early stages of belief, he was torn between belief and disbelief. Frank hoped that this inspirational prayer that helped him will help someone else.

This was the 1st occasion that Frank felt the Holy Spirit lead him to action. Frank told others to write a simple prayer, pray it consistently and believe in it with all your heart. Okay…. So it isn’t all that clear…. But how do you know when the Holy Spirit touches you if you never felt that touch before? Then it happens… It popped into Frank’s head as the sun shined upon him.

Lord, be strong in my life
Help me find my faith
And I will follow you!

Frank had nothing to write with at the time, so he committed it to memory right away. He said in his head 7 times. “Lord be strong my life, Help me find faith, and I will follow you.”…. And this was a new start. The process that had begun in his life with a loving and humble family, great and positive friends, and a life that reached a new climax. This simple prayer would lead he to accept Jesus Christ as my personal savior, and lead him to eternal life.

Frank Yan still have many faults and trials to overcome, but he knows that he will continue to walk the path and follow Christ.

Frank Yan has been an active member and student at the following: Brent Cross in Neasden, London, Calvary Christian Church in Oroville, Ca, Oroville Christian School, Oroville, Ca, Gateway Fellowship, Sacramento, Ca, and Capital Christian Church, Sacramento, Ca.

Monday, September 2, 2013


Posted in Blog

Frank Yan of Sacramento post a related article: Self EsteemSacramento resident Frank Yan states that your situation will never define you. The fact is, your situation does’t at all limit you.You can and will transcend any situation we cross with focused and a purposeful action. You can choose to change things, to improve, to create, [...]


Frank Yan of ALLDATA on A Sales Exercise

Frank Yan’s Sales Exercise. Here’s a fun little exercise for every salesman to try, Frank saw this in sales meeting he attended in the Powerbalance Prvilion Arena in Sacramento, formally Arco Arena, home to the Sacramento Kings.

In 10 words or less, what do you do? You have 60 seconds, GO! These are the responses that Mr. Yan has heard;

- I help you hire better sales people. I help people protect all they’ve worked to get.
- I help businesses control costs with systems, software & solutions
- I drive your corporate communications, and get messages to your shareholders.
- I help people reduce their electric bill and generate income.
- I help professionals struggling with social media win more business.
- I improve resident communications and retention in the Multi-Family industry.
- I help merchants reduce expenses related to electronic payments
- I provide cost effective internet service solutions for corporate organizations.

From these statements Frank Yan was able to tell what these people do in sales? However, were these Sacramento based sales tactics from Sacramento our sales force? Hmmm…. In some cases it is very easy to identify, but in others Frank still had no clue. Frank Yan knew that every one of these people knew what they did, the problem comes in saying it in a short 10 word sentence. Why was this so difficult? Simple, it is hard to select the one thing we do that is the MOST important. Every one of us sells something, the product or service we sell usually has multiple features and benefits. Selecting the ONE feature or benefit about our product or service and then saying it is what we do is at best difficult.

That is why this exercise that Frank chooses is so important? If you can’t say what you do in a short and simple sentence, how is a customer or client supposed to have a clear understanding after a 30 minute sales presentation?

Here is a useful tip from Frank making your 10 word statement, write out what you do in as many words as you want to. Then keep reviewing what you wrote and take out unnecessary words as you see that does not fit. Keep going through it over and over, always rewording or removing words. If you find you can’t get it to 10 words, stop working on it for a day or two, when you come back to it you may find it easier to dwindle it down further and further until you have your 10 word job description.

Knowing what you do and being able to clarify it in a short statement will help with those prospects and customers, who just never seem to have the time to speak with you.

Frank Yan of Saramento on Your Situation

Frank Yan of Sacramento post a related article: Self Esteem

Sacramento resident Frank Yan states that your situation will never define you. The fact is, your situation does't at all limit you.

You can and will transcend any situation we cross with focused and a purposeful action. You can choose to change things, to improve, to create, to grow, to to prosper & to live with the fullest joy to the maximum.

Do not ever get caught up in with making past judgments about if it is hard or easy, uncomfortable or pleasant. Keep moving forward and do what you know is best for your life.

Remember you live in bundle of infinitely flexible of energy. Rather than allowing your circumstances bring you to a halt, allow your possibilities pick you up.

Get the best of your possibilities and inject your authentic passion into them. Make something wonderful, again and replicate it.

Rather than using your situation as an excuse, use it as the genesis point. Establish it with the immense value of who you are, and rise above any situation.


Posted in Blog

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: Enjoyng the Relaxation at Sacramento ‘s Happy Day SpaThis Labor Day weekend, Frank Yan added a little feng shui to his frenzied life and treated himself with light and mild escape to The Inn and Spa at Parkside in Sacramento. The Inn and Spa at Parkside is [...]


Frank Yan of Sacramento on Sacramento 's Happy Day Spa

Nestled in Sacramento, lays a relaxing getaway that Frank Yan can get to get away after a long day at his Alldata office or from a rigorous workout at his Sacramento gym. Happy Day Spa. At these quaint spas, located in Sacramento, Roseville, and Folsom, Frank has purchased a membership where his spa package he can drop $17 (regularly $36) and receive an hour foot reflexology massage Or, Frank pays $40 (regularly $69) and get an hour long Swedish massage.

The Happy Day Spa certified massage therapists here use their skilled techniques and personal style to make your sessions highly enjoyable. Frank Yan recommends this spa as you’ll be in good hands literally. Frank Yan will typical choose their deep tissue massage which employs long, flowing strokes and intermediate deep pressure to relieve any tension while reducing stress.

So when you feel all your kinks and knots in your back are starting to feel like the Sierra Nevadas, Happy Day Spa is the answer as they will flatten the terrain and have you relaxed and relieved.

Frank Yan of Sacramento on The Inn and Spa at Parkside in Sacramento

Frank Yan of Sacramento posts a related article: Enjoyng the Relaxation at Sacramento 's Happy Day Spa

This Labor Day weekend, Frank Yan added a little feng shui to his frenzied life and treated himself with light and mild escape to The Inn and Spa at Parkside in Sacramento. The Inn and Spa at Parkside is a Mediterranean-style retreat fuses European and Asian hospitality with varieties of in-house spa services.

There are among 5 Spa Rooms that are extravagant to suit any style. The Kiss Room delivers calming blues, claiming romantic reds and refresh's Zen touches that are sure to re calibrate you. The Happiness Room exudes greens and golds. The Lounge Room delivers cool blacks and creams. Which ever one chooses, they all come equipped with fireplaces and Jacuzzi tubs.

The Inn and Spa at Parkside in Sacramento delivers an enticing array of spa treatments. The Couples' Retreat package starts out with a full deep tissue hour long massage. Once they have worked out all the kinks, they pamper you with an relaxing exfoliating body scrub. A private Jacuzzi soak with sparkling cider and fresh fruit puts a romantic bow on the experience. Frank Yan recommends that to try the Signature Facial, complete with a skin consultation.